We're only important because we're dangerous and inflict damage on countries based on our delusions and scams. I'm not proud of this. I hope sanity returns.
I'm amused that the human specie possesses such a ridiculously skewed sense of proportion. Let's see: On the one hand, we have the human specie. On the other hand, we have *the entire rest of the Universe*. Erm... Duh!!!
I am always amused at the tunnel vision Americans have . As if America is the most important country in the world. It’s not.
We're only important because we're dangerous and inflict damage on countries based on our delusions and scams. I'm not proud of this. I hope sanity returns.
I'm amused that the human specie possesses such a ridiculously skewed sense of proportion. Let's see: On the one hand, we have the human specie. On the other hand, we have *the entire rest of the Universe*. Erm... Duh!!!