In regard to President Trump's warp speed deciision I heard that if he didn't sign it...America would be locked down for 10 years...and eventually everyone would be forced to take the vax. I know that he said that HCQ was something he would recommend.. I bought it and it worked. What choice did he have in regard to Warp Speed, when so many in the world were PRO- vaccines in 2019? Half the people in the United States were DEMANDING VACCINES.
So you're basically saying that the president has no power to prevent a lockdown but by making toxic vaccines. How is that not a puppet president like all of them were.
Mind you that he let Birx and Fauci run the show.
He didn't let Dr Atlas have any power to do the right thing as Dr Atlas was not a big pharma stooge.
When US Citizens become more sophisticated about the Allopathic Medical System and begin questioning, manipulation wont be as easy as it was. Fauci made fun of Trump and put him down. I never liked or respected Fauci and, having considerable research of studies under my belt, did not get jabbed or wear a mask or isolate. We now know the jab WAS NOT A VACCINE. It was a BIOWEAPON At 87, I'm ready for the next US attack on US citizens. Never thought my country would try to annihilate us, but unless we eliminate Gain of Function Research, we'd all better prepare. Open Borders appears to be the next attack with terrorists and closing schools down to house invaders, the next attack.on us.
Easy to play Monday Night Foitball, but Allopathic Medicine RULES if you haven't noticed. In 2020, everyone was Folliwing Fauci, the medical whiz kid whose wife and he were the icons of knowledge. Physicians who challenged the fallacy of the Allopathic Model of jabs, masks & isolation were defrocked. They lost their medical licenses their practices and esearch businesses were destroyed. Who, in 2020, would you have recommended that Trump have used as medical exoerts?
Well , that certainly changes things. I'll have to check out Atlas. Thanks for the info! The worst was not sharing info with RFK. Ithere. RFK's book on Fauci who, in my book is definitely a little mercenary twerp.
Here's another hero that was a subject of whatever military operation they ran at hospitals... He still thinks covid was what the media and the corrupt agencies promoted.
Here's the data about how covid was nothing new or different,
es.i will soon be 88. Was not alarmed and did not get jabbed. I do not use pharmceuticles. I us allopathic to diagnose and apy my own cures, but rarely am "sick".
Yes, I was hopeing that this sham of a pandemic would shed light on and encourage an examination of the Allopathic Medical System which is a house of cards.
Neither of them are PUPPETS. One can be duped no matter how smart or prepared a person thinks they are: That is a fact. I like both RFK and Trump; RFK actually know a lot more than anyone actually realizes since he LIVED the history of the Kennedy legacy.
They both are puppets but better ones than the slop they have been giving us.
I thought rfk was clean until he became a huge fan of an ally that is commiting a genocide.
Trump has his puppet acts too, like when COVID happened he said he disliked Fauci and wanted him out but then he gave Dr Atlas no power and Fauci and Birx, the two most deep state health people run the show.
Trump had a simple choice: dewarm the US population with ivermectin, no one could object to dewarming, and oops, suddenly no more COVID!
I tried to reach him in September 2020 with the scientific papers but his circle blocked the lifesaving information. Otherwise, he'd taken ivermectin when he got COVID.
COVID was a weaponized program designed to kill abd ysed to take out Trump. We now see Fauci as the Emperor with no Clothes, but, back then, he was glorified and even on a magazine front cover as sexiest guy. US is downright stupid.
The program of Covid included the vaccine, shutdown, loss of jobs to avoid the shot and general social disruption. I do not believe the shot was benign....most deaths were not from covid itself.but the question of whether Ralph Baric's "piggybacking" (his words) of the SARS virus and the Corona Virus actually occurred needs finalizing with the question of whether a virus exists. But one thing is certain.Gain of Function Research needs to be eliminated and Sudden death is occurring.
Most of the gain of function involves hitting "virus" cultures with toxic anti virals.
When they claim to isolate the "stronger virus" it's really just a soup of dead cells that were damaged by the anti virals, antibiotics, and antifungals.
It looks like GMOs are made in a similar way, as one such is "roundup resistant" seed.
By the way, despite claiming GMO " Terminator" plants do not germinate, somehow they still spread to other fields... So they're really not sterile, but used as a way to claim patents on other fields that never used the shitty GMO seeds.
In other words, like PCR genetic detection of viruses, GMO is also used to claim things.
Different numbers have been cited for the duration of lockdowns in this hypothetical scenario. Trump himself has insinuated this in some interview, but that was a long time ago. Releasing the shots as EUA, made the mandates illegal. Strangely that illegality was never challenged by our courts. Developing them at warp speed and then quickly pulling them off the market due to safety would have been one way to shut down the vaccine agenda.
Amen to what you say. I wonder if President Trump knew he would be wasting his time and energy fighting Big Pharma and the world cabal. Odds are good his best decision was to let the the poker hand of covid play itself out... hell on earth though it is. Trump is not the creator of heaven and earth and all things!
The evidence is that he has done nothing, said nothing, attempted nothing and accomplished nothing for anyone but himself since 2016. I support the patriotic sentiment that motivates DJT fans but I know he is a false leader and will consummate the implosion of America if he gives his audience the encore they clamor for.
There's no preferable candidate - both parties are one and the same and run by the same predatory globalists who we never elected. They get to choose who they want for next President before we go vote at the polls. My husband and I no longer vote in these Presidential elections knowing what we know as our votes no longer count and we don't want to give them any credibility. Actually, since the stolen 2020 election was never resolved, why should we even continue to vote? And why would it be any different this 2024 election? Stop voting for these criminals, they don't work for us.
Oh my bad. I should have realized that from all the speeches, protests and legal proceedings launched by DJT on behalf of the J6 prisoners. He really is a saint.
Maybe people were supposed to be smart enough to know that something named Operation Warp Speed was to be avoided. Certainly, it was planned far in advance, and NOT by President Trump. Also, he never mandated that anyone take the jabs...that wasn't until after the election was "stolen" and Joe Biden (or whoever that is) apparently took office. Do you know what "big Pharma" does to people who cross it? Ever heard of Honey and Barry Sherman? Or how about the 5(?) African presidents who were (apparently) assassinated for refusing to go along with the vaxx? Not saying you're wrong, just that we don't know exactly what happened yet. Maybe we never will...who knows.
NO. wrong. Donald Trump and I like him was totally "duped" but FAUCI and I don't have the time discuss this but I KNEW that OPERATION WARPSPEED was B.S. because I am a retired VIROLOGIST and also worked in clinical trials; ANYONE who worked in science KNEW that OPERATION WARPSPEED WOULD NOT WORK. PERIOD. I didn't take the Vaccine .. and I have taken them all.. but NOT THAT ONE. I knew day one it was a GOFFED CRPRED virus.. the technology was out there since OBAMA.. who actually (I totally am against OBAMA BTW but I am truth teller.. he was against GOF and banned it in 2014.. well his administration did. Trump just didn't have a clue as to how wide and deep the NIH SWAMP was.. I did.. I worked for them as a contractor in the late 70s.. and 80s during AIDS and War on Cancer. It was hell hole then and it is a hell hole now.
Trump had Dr Atlas on his team and didn't give him any power to do the right thing. Instead he let fauci and birx run the show. They're deep state as you mentioned how much the NIH is screwed up.
Dear Ones, with all the stuff we must get through during these troubling times do include mention of one the most threatening of all, Geo Engineering in our skies that is messing with our weather patterns to the detriment all living species including our species on our beautiful planet earth.
Thank you Peter and Ginger Breggin. It is *difficult* to understand why geoengineering is not widely considered THE main threat to mankind's survival. Mind boggling...
Thanks Paul, I think there are so many threats and hazards being thrown at us at the same time. Use to be we got to deal with one disaster at a time. Now they are swarming at us. I think the geoengineering is a lot like nanotech. Hard to see-- Reality used to be based on what we could touch, taste, feel, see, hear..... now there are invisible aspects of threats that put us all at risk. ~ Ginger
Hello Ginger. I just happened to be on your page when you commented.
This might only be true on my web browser, but the dark background with black print is next to impossible to read. I'm forced to use my mouse to scan each entry. I think white print over dark background would be a better choice.
Just a suggestion. Thank you both for all your efforts.
Thank you Sharon Ledbetter: Geoengineering is the single most damaging activity on planet Earth. It amazes me that civil populations continually fail to notice it's existence. >>>
Here’s a truncated list of older patents which prove decades of Weather Modification and Chemical Geoengineering >>> August 15, 2023 >>>
These chemical materials are widely dispersed over every corner of the planet via both commercial and military aircraft. We are allowing the murder of an entire planet, so we can make a buck in our investment portfolios...
One detail I found encouraging, a while back I read the government of Mexico has passed some type of law making it against the law to spray geo engineering clouds over Mexico.
Yes. I believe this was discussed on the GeoengineeringWatch web site some time ago. You might wish to peruse their web pages. Very informative... The problem with geoengineering deployment, is that the fallout drifts everywhere. Therefore; an uncontrolled experiment utilizing the *entire planet* as the laboratory. What could possibly go wrong???
Yes, I have been a supporter of for years and receive their material to hand out to others. Due to watching the Sonoma, Napa, and Clear Lake counties of CA where I use to live for almost 70 years be covered over a few decades with the clouds almost daily, then watching these same counties burn like never before, the obvious was clear, there was a connection to what was continuously sprayed on these areas that caused the fires to move so quickly. After seeing this and learning how global this activity is, I cannot ignore the reality or reject the thought that it must be in the top list of issues to address and end this activity completely in the current war against humanity we are witnessing. I envision that the planes land and the spigots never fill another plane with the poisons, and the tanks of these poisons stand empty.
Thank your Sharon for your awareness and efforts. The devastation in California and adjacent States is heart wrenching. Gavin Newsom should be hung from a gallows.
Vaccines are Anti-Nature in the first place. Humans were given five layers of skin to prevent the bloodstream from becoming contaminated. When a needle can instantly pierce these layers and inject any kind of matter into the would not enhance the ability of the Immune System to defend; it would contribute to its deterioration. Many are aware that vaccine Mfgrs were going out of business , because of the multitude of million dollar lawsuits for their deadly products. Then, our Congress kept them in business with The National Childhood Vaccine Act of 1986 giving them zero liabiltity for products that were injuring and killing recipients.
You are so right Barbara. We never needed vaccines. This is why we have an immune system. All vaccines were never tested vs. placebo. In clinical trials, animals and people ended up injured with it's damaging side effects including death. They falsified the results. They are not safe and effective. It's loaded with toxic poisons, aborted fetal cells, cancer cells (including SV-40) and many more. It's nothing but a money maker for the pharma companies, allopathic doctors, many of whom have stocks in vaccine companies.
I read the book Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in The History of Biology. Pasteur was a Plagiarist. Pasteur's deathbed confession was - The Pathogen is Nothing, The Terrain is Everything.
Hello Barbara Charis: You stated: "Vaccines are Anti-Nature in the first place." Yes. Indeed they are. ALL genetic engineering deployment and research should be BANNED worldwide, with immediate execution of ALL operative violations. Genetic engineering is genetic rape, period. It is a crime against 'god' and Nature...
IMO, President Trump was the epitome of between a rock and a hard place. Haven't listened to the interview yet, but that is my view. And COVID (whatever "it" is) killed my loved one, so this is extremely personal for me. As personal as it could possibly be. And the "vaxxine" destroyed my family and contributed to the death of my loved one, although she did not take it. The fact that 2 of her children and all of her grandchildren did (against her wishes) and also tried to bully her into it ultimately somehow destroyed her. Maybe someday we will know the truth.
Wrong. I told my sisters not to take the jab or give it to their children. They hate PDJT, so I have no idea why they wanted to take "his" jabs. They were caught up in the Mass Formation Psychosis of the mainstream media, and nothing I could say would change their minds. In fact, they wanted to be first in line. And to them, I'm nothing but a Conspiracy Theorist and an Anti-Vaxxer. And frankly you can go F yourself, since you didn't even say you're sorry for the loss of my amazing Mother. That's all I can say for someone with no empathy like yourself.
Most of my family wouldn't listen before the shots even came about. Anyone living in 1986 through the so-called AIDS nonsense, SARS, ebola, etc. should have known how bad Fauci is and the fact that Gates and the rest of the Globalists are for Eugenics. Soros turned on Jewish people by turning them into the Nazis in WWII. With all of these things having gone on, people only needed to consider the source.
I was already warning them not to take it in the spring of 2020, when it was obvious that was the goal of the insanity. I think the problem was that they were all accustomed to taking so many "vaccines" that it was like nothing for them to get injected for every disease, real or imagined. Requiring injections for school, work, travel or other activities is a crime against humanity, IMO. All it does is enrich the pharma industry and poison the population.
My only family member who passed away during this catastrophe DID NOT take the jab. However, there is the possibility that "shedding" is to blame. Are the vaxxed creating and spreading variants? Is C19 even a so-called virus, or is it something else? I feel that people were being targeted in the summer/fall of 2021 who opposed the Agenda. [They] had to prop up the "Safe & Effective" mantra by killing people who did not go along, with the hospital protocol, etc. See the horrifying website for stories of people who spoke out on Social Media and conveniently ended up dying of C19. The website mocks them and suggests that if only they'd gotten their shots it wouldn't have happened...
Well, imagine having everything you'd worked for your entire life destroyed by the C19 insanity. Having your whole world turned upside-down by nothing but lies and deception. Clearly you're among the contingent here that's trying to blame all of this on Trump. Is he to blame? I honestly don't know for sure, but if he is. we're almost certainly screwed.
Dear Ginger and Peter Thank you for sharing this information. I greatly appreciate every single bit of information you share. I listen and learn. I am so grateful
There are commentators on the Internet who have researched this information.. Many envy Trump, because he has money, but his heart is in the right place. I changed my political affiliation in 2016, just to vote for him. I had not voted for a Republican or Democrat in almost 40 years...and I was not disappointed. He did the best he could with political hacks from both major parties coming after him; and Hysterical Hilary setting up the costly fiasco, the Faux Russian Collusion. There' a lot of information available...start reading!
A bit difficult to do the right thing 100%of the time when you’ve got almost 100% of the media against you and swaying public opinion. He would have been damned even further if he pushed hydroxychloroquine as a treatment and now we’re finding out both hydroxy and ivermectin used for early treatment works.
President Trump recommended HCQ . My daughter and I came down with CV at the same time. She made me take the only subscription for HCQ she had; as I was in my late 80s. I went to bed at six pm and slept 18 hours, then got up and had breakfast. My daughter was sick for two weeks. Aren't you aware of how many people in 2020 were demanding vaccines? It has taken 4 more years, before a tipping point is occurring...and many are finally learning the truth that the CV-19 Vaccine is a killer. The statistics were not available in 2020.
All 'warp speed' did was circumvent the criminally corrupt FDA, just the same as Trump's popular, LIFE SAVING, RIGHT TO TRY ACT. Circumventing the captured, corrupt, rotten to core FDA was a blessing as the vax would've gotten their approval anyway. it just would've taken many more years of lockdowns & destroyed economy & millions more lost in lives & bribes to the FDA to get the same damn approval as 'warp speed' did by circumventing their extortion BS. THE CRIME WAS LEFTIST MANDATING experimental vax under Biden & not offering informed consent, something Trump vowed to prevent, & Trump has vowed to DEFUND any school or govt org that mandates either vax or masks & reinstate any military or other gov personnel that lost their job due to refusing it.
When one is president, one has advisors. He was informed he had to sign Operation Warp would not be his decision only. Would you have liked Big Pharma to be in control...working on another vaccine ...and then making it mandatory to take it? Mandates are falling and information has surfaced, which shows how dangerous vaccines are. This information was hidden before the 2020 election. The tipping point has now been reached four years later.
Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer for deliberately injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):
We're only important because we're dangerous and inflict damage on countries based on our delusions and scams. I'm not proud of this. I hope sanity returns.
I'm amused that the human specie possesses such a ridiculously skewed sense of proportion. Let's see: On the one hand, we have the human specie. On the other hand, we have *the entire rest of the Universe*. Erm... Duh!!!
Peter and Ginger. I’m involved in a lawsuit with Michael Chambers and Aldevron. They developed the LNP . I’d like nothing more than to shine a little sunlight on their murderous tech.
Thanks for your efforts we’re all in favor of more sunlight. We’ve been calling for the banning of mRNA platforms and delivery systems for more than a year. Do you have a link or other information that can fill me in on your suit? -Ginger
I’m not going to blow up the comment section. I’ll write my second stack post on this issue and you’ll know. I encourage you to check out my first post. “A Death In Uncle Sam’s Family”
In regard to President Trump's warp speed deciision I heard that if he didn't sign it...America would be locked down for 10 years...and eventually everyone would be forced to take the vax. I know that he said that HCQ was something he would recommend.. I bought it and it worked. What choice did he have in regard to Warp Speed, when so many in the world were PRO- vaccines in 2019? Half the people in the United States were DEMANDING VACCINES.
So you're basically saying that the president has no power to prevent a lockdown but by making toxic vaccines. How is that not a puppet president like all of them were.
Mind you that he let Birx and Fauci run the show.
He didn't let Dr Atlas have any power to do the right thing as Dr Atlas was not a big pharma stooge.
When US Citizens become more sophisticated about the Allopathic Medical System and begin questioning, manipulation wont be as easy as it was. Fauci made fun of Trump and put him down. I never liked or respected Fauci and, having considerable research of studies under my belt, did not get jabbed or wear a mask or isolate. We now know the jab WAS NOT A VACCINE. It was a BIOWEAPON At 87, I'm ready for the next US attack on US citizens. Never thought my country would try to annihilate us, but unless we eliminate Gain of Function Research, we'd all better prepare. Open Borders appears to be the next attack with terrorists and closing schools down to house invaders, the next attack.on us.
NO. that is not what she is saying .. done for now. gotta go.
Easy to play Monday Night Foitball, but Allopathic Medicine RULES if you haven't noticed. In 2020, everyone was Folliwing Fauci, the medical whiz kid whose wife and he were the icons of knowledge. Physicians who challenged the fallacy of the Allopathic Model of jabs, masks & isolation were defrocked. They lost their medical licenses their practices and esearch businesses were destroyed. Who, in 2020, would you have recommended that Trump have used as medical exoerts?
Trump already had him!
Scott Atlas. But as Scott said in a highwire interview, Trump didn't let him do much and let fauci and birx run the show.
Even though Atlas is allopathic, he like many normal doctors knew that you don't do lockdowns and vaccines never work during the spread.
Instead, Trump screwed Atlas among others.
Did you know Trump didn't give rfk Jr and Aaron Siri access to the vaccine data link database?
He said it was because Bill Gates told him it's not worth it. Why would Trump follow a non doctor's advice to stop access?
All bs excuses.
Well , that certainly changes things. I'll have to check out Atlas. Thanks for the info! The worst was not sharing info with RFK. Ithere. RFK's book on Fauci who, in my book is definitely a little mercenary twerp.
Oh and taking Gates' word was worse than stupid.
Gates is a psychopath
Patricia…This IS the most important 2024 issue for Americans to get involved in…make the time for your country!
Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!
For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…
Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!
Patricia…This IS the most important 2024 issue for Americans to get involved in…make the time for your country!
Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!
For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…
Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!
Here's another hero that was a subject of whatever military operation they ran at hospitals... He still thinks covid was what the media and the corrupt agencies promoted.
Here's the data about how covid was nothing new or different,
es.i will soon be 88. Was not alarmed and did not get jabbed. I do not use pharmceuticles. I us allopathic to diagnose and apy my own cures, but rarely am "sick".
Yes, I was hopeing that this sham of a pandemic would shed light on and encourage an examination of the Allopathic Medical System which is a house of cards.
Do you know the censorship and shaming RFK has endured for decades now because he tries to help moms of the vaccine injured by fighting Pharma? He is NOT a puppet! Trump is.
Neither of them are PUPPETS. One can be duped no matter how smart or prepared a person thinks they are: That is a fact. I like both RFK and Trump; RFK actually know a lot more than anyone actually realizes since he LIVED the history of the Kennedy legacy.
They both are puppets but better ones than the slop they have been giving us.
I thought rfk was clean until he became a huge fan of an ally that is commiting a genocide.
Trump has his puppet acts too, like when COVID happened he said he disliked Fauci and wanted him out but then he gave Dr Atlas no power and Fauci and Birx, the two most deep state health people run the show.
Check out Dr Atlas on the highwire interview
Trump had a simple choice: dewarm the US population with ivermectin, no one could object to dewarming, and oops, suddenly no more COVID!
I tried to reach him in September 2020 with the scientific papers but his circle blocked the lifesaving information. Otherwise, he'd taken ivermectin when he got COVID.
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
Natto: a multipurpose nutraceutical for the heart, cholesterol, atherosclerosis, blood pressure, spike protein!
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
COVID was a weaponized program designed to kill abd ysed to take out Trump. We now see Fauci as the Emperor with no Clothes, but, back then, he was glorified and even on a magazine front cover as sexiest guy. US is downright stupid.
The data shows otherwise.
The program of Covid included the vaccine, shutdown, loss of jobs to avoid the shot and general social disruption. I do not believe the shot was benign....most deaths were not from covid itself.but the question of whether Ralph Baric's "piggybacking" (his words) of the SARS virus and the Corona Virus actually occurred needs finalizing with the question of whether a virus exists. But one thing is certain.Gain of Function Research needs to be eliminated and Sudden death is occurring.
Most of the gain of function involves hitting "virus" cultures with toxic anti virals.
When they claim to isolate the "stronger virus" it's really just a soup of dead cells that were damaged by the anti virals, antibiotics, and antifungals.
It looks like GMOs are made in a similar way, as one such is "roundup resistant" seed.
By the way, despite claiming GMO " Terminator" plants do not germinate, somehow they still spread to other fields... So they're really not sterile, but used as a way to claim patents on other fields that never used the shitty GMO seeds.
In other words, like PCR genetic detection of viruses, GMO is also used to claim things.
DNA and genetics are pseudoscience!:f/There-Is-No-Virus-Wake-Up:d.
Different numbers have been cited for the duration of lockdowns in this hypothetical scenario. Trump himself has insinuated this in some interview, but that was a long time ago. Releasing the shots as EUA, made the mandates illegal. Strangely that illegality was never challenged by our courts. Developing them at warp speed and then quickly pulling them off the market due to safety would have been one way to shut down the vaccine agenda.
Amen to what you say. I wonder if President Trump knew he would be wasting his time and energy fighting Big Pharma and the world cabal. Odds are good his best decision was to let the the poker hand of covid play itself out... hell on earth though it is. Trump is not the creator of heaven and earth and all things!
Yeah let the people suffer cause after all, he let fauci and birx run the show.
Trump had Dr Atlas on his team and didn't give him any power to do the right thing.
Fauci should be the one getting most b k ane
He was coerced, sadly.
Where's your evidence for your claims?
The evidence is that he has done nothing, said nothing, attempted nothing and accomplished nothing for anyone but himself since 2016. I support the patriotic sentiment that motivates DJT fans but I know he is a false leader and will consummate the implosion of America if he gives his audience the encore they clamor for.
Who would be preferable, pray tell?
There's no preferable candidate - both parties are one and the same and run by the same predatory globalists who we never elected. They get to choose who they want for next President before we go vote at the polls. My husband and I no longer vote in these Presidential elections knowing what we know as our votes no longer count and we don't want to give them any credibility. Actually, since the stolen 2020 election was never resolved, why should we even continue to vote? And why would it be any different this 2024 election? Stop voting for these criminals, they don't work for us.
Oh my bad. I should have realized that from all the speeches, protests and legal proceedings launched by DJT on behalf of the J6 prisoners. He really is a saint.
Don't forget that Trump left those poor j6 people who got arrested... Did he do anything? No, because like all politicians are cowards.
Maybe people were supposed to be smart enough to know that something named Operation Warp Speed was to be avoided. Certainly, it was planned far in advance, and NOT by President Trump. Also, he never mandated that anyone take the jabs...that wasn't until after the election was "stolen" and Joe Biden (or whoever that is) apparently took office. Do you know what "big Pharma" does to people who cross it? Ever heard of Honey and Barry Sherman? Or how about the 5(?) African presidents who were (apparently) assassinated for refusing to go along with the vaxx? Not saying you're wrong, just that we don't know exactly what happened yet. Maybe we never will...who knows.
Wish I'd said that.
NO. wrong. Donald Trump and I like him was totally "duped" but FAUCI and I don't have the time discuss this but I KNEW that OPERATION WARPSPEED was B.S. because I am a retired VIROLOGIST and also worked in clinical trials; ANYONE who worked in science KNEW that OPERATION WARPSPEED WOULD NOT WORK. PERIOD. I didn't take the Vaccine .. and I have taken them all.. but NOT THAT ONE. I knew day one it was a GOFFED CRPRED virus.. the technology was out there since OBAMA.. who actually (I totally am against OBAMA BTW but I am truth teller.. he was against GOF and banned it in 2014.. well his administration did. Trump just didn't have a clue as to how wide and deep the NIH SWAMP was.. I did.. I worked for them as a contractor in the late 70s.. and 80s during AIDS and War on Cancer. It was hell hole then and it is a hell hole now.
Ok so why did he do this?
Trump had Dr Atlas on his team and didn't give him any power to do the right thing. Instead he let fauci and birx run the show. They're deep state as you mentioned how much the NIH is screwed up.
Dear Ones, with all the stuff we must get through during these troubling times do include mention of one the most threatening of all, Geo Engineering in our skies that is messing with our weather patterns to the detriment all living species including our species on our beautiful planet earth.
Ginger here, Sharon-- Peter and I did an interview about geoengineering a year ago, and you are correct that it remains one of the largest threats to survival of humans and all other life on Earth. Here is the interview that we did, with Dr. Jason Dean:
Thank you Peter and Ginger Breggin. It is *difficult* to understand why geoengineering is not widely considered THE main threat to mankind's survival. Mind boggling...
Thanks Paul, I think there are so many threats and hazards being thrown at us at the same time. Use to be we got to deal with one disaster at a time. Now they are swarming at us. I think the geoengineering is a lot like nanotech. Hard to see-- Reality used to be based on what we could touch, taste, feel, see, hear..... now there are invisible aspects of threats that put us all at risk. ~ Ginger
Hello Ginger. I just happened to be on your page when you commented.
This might only be true on my web browser, but the dark background with black print is next to impossible to read. I'm forced to use my mouse to scan each entry. I think white print over dark background would be a better choice.
Just a suggestion. Thank you both for all your efforts.
Wow you are right! So sorry, I'm fixing it now~
Thank you Sharon Ledbetter: Geoengineering is the single most damaging activity on planet Earth. It amazes me that civil populations continually fail to notice it's existence. >>>
Here’s a truncated list of older patents which prove decades of Weather Modification and Chemical Geoengineering >>> August 15, 2023 >>>
These chemical materials are widely dispersed over every corner of the planet via both commercial and military aircraft. We are allowing the murder of an entire planet, so we can make a buck in our investment portfolios...
One detail I found encouraging, a while back I read the government of Mexico has passed some type of law making it against the law to spray geo engineering clouds over Mexico.
Yes. I believe this was discussed on the GeoengineeringWatch web site some time ago. You might wish to peruse their web pages. Very informative... The problem with geoengineering deployment, is that the fallout drifts everywhere. Therefore; an uncontrolled experiment utilizing the *entire planet* as the laboratory. What could possibly go wrong???
Yes, I have been a supporter of for years and receive their material to hand out to others. Due to watching the Sonoma, Napa, and Clear Lake counties of CA where I use to live for almost 70 years be covered over a few decades with the clouds almost daily, then watching these same counties burn like never before, the obvious was clear, there was a connection to what was continuously sprayed on these areas that caused the fires to move so quickly. After seeing this and learning how global this activity is, I cannot ignore the reality or reject the thought that it must be in the top list of issues to address and end this activity completely in the current war against humanity we are witnessing. I envision that the planes land and the spigots never fill another plane with the poisons, and the tanks of these poisons stand empty.
Thank your Sharon for your awareness and efforts. The devastation in California and adjacent States is heart wrenching. Gavin Newsom should be hung from a gallows.
Vaccines are Anti-Nature in the first place. Humans were given five layers of skin to prevent the bloodstream from becoming contaminated. When a needle can instantly pierce these layers and inject any kind of matter into the would not enhance the ability of the Immune System to defend; it would contribute to its deterioration. Many are aware that vaccine Mfgrs were going out of business , because of the multitude of million dollar lawsuits for their deadly products. Then, our Congress kept them in business with The National Childhood Vaccine Act of 1986 giving them zero liabiltity for products that were injuring and killing recipients.
You are so right Barbara. We never needed vaccines. This is why we have an immune system. All vaccines were never tested vs. placebo. In clinical trials, animals and people ended up injured with it's damaging side effects including death. They falsified the results. They are not safe and effective. It's loaded with toxic poisons, aborted fetal cells, cancer cells (including SV-40) and many more. It's nothing but a money maker for the pharma companies, allopathic doctors, many of whom have stocks in vaccine companies.
I read the book Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in The History of Biology. Pasteur was a Plagiarist. Pasteur's deathbed confession was - The Pathogen is Nothing, The Terrain is Everything.
Hello Barbara Charis: You stated: "Vaccines are Anti-Nature in the first place." Yes. Indeed they are. ALL genetic engineering deployment and research should be BANNED worldwide, with immediate execution of ALL operative violations. Genetic engineering is genetic rape, period. It is a crime against 'god' and Nature...
The Lord bless you in your efforts. 🙏
IMO, President Trump was the epitome of between a rock and a hard place. Haven't listened to the interview yet, but that is my view. And COVID (whatever "it" is) killed my loved one, so this is extremely personal for me. As personal as it could possibly be. And the "vaxxine" destroyed my family and contributed to the death of my loved one, although she did not take it. The fact that 2 of her children and all of her grandchildren did (against her wishes) and also tried to bully her into it ultimately somehow destroyed her. Maybe someday we will know the truth.
Your family was destroyed because you defended the ability of a president to rush a vaccine.
Why aren't you angry at the president for doing that?
Ooh yeah right, he had no choice. Sure, but why did he make it eua, because you can't even sue for damages.
Trump sold you out like they all do.
Or he actually couldn't do anything as president. Makes more sense cause even though he didn't like fauci he couldn't fire him... Hmmm.
My theory, the president is just a puppet.
Wrong. I told my sisters not to take the jab or give it to their children. They hate PDJT, so I have no idea why they wanted to take "his" jabs. They were caught up in the Mass Formation Psychosis of the mainstream media, and nothing I could say would change their minds. In fact, they wanted to be first in line. And to them, I'm nothing but a Conspiracy Theorist and an Anti-Vaxxer. And frankly you can go F yourself, since you didn't even say you're sorry for the loss of my amazing Mother. That's all I can say for someone with no empathy like yourself.
Most of my family wouldn't listen before the shots even came about. Anyone living in 1986 through the so-called AIDS nonsense, SARS, ebola, etc. should have known how bad Fauci is and the fact that Gates and the rest of the Globalists are for Eugenics. Soros turned on Jewish people by turning them into the Nazis in WWII. With all of these things having gone on, people only needed to consider the source.
I was already warning them not to take it in the spring of 2020, when it was obvious that was the goal of the insanity. I think the problem was that they were all accustomed to taking so many "vaccines" that it was like nothing for them to get injected for every disease, real or imagined. Requiring injections for school, work, travel or other activities is a crime against humanity, IMO. All it does is enrich the pharma industry and poison the population.
I agree and I and many others have heard that not getting shots is not illegal for school attendance.
My only family member who passed away during this catastrophe DID NOT take the jab. However, there is the possibility that "shedding" is to blame. Are the vaxxed creating and spreading variants? Is C19 even a so-called virus, or is it something else? I feel that people were being targeted in the summer/fall of 2021 who opposed the Agenda. [They] had to prop up the "Safe & Effective" mantra by killing people who did not go along, with the hospital protocol, etc. See the horrifying website for stories of people who spoke out on Social Media and conveniently ended up dying of C19. The website mocks them and suggests that if only they'd gotten their shots it wouldn't have happened...
Well, imagine having everything you'd worked for your entire life destroyed by the C19 insanity. Having your whole world turned upside-down by nothing but lies and deception. Clearly you're among the contingent here that's trying to blame all of this on Trump. Is he to blame? I honestly don't know for sure, but if he is. we're almost certainly screwed.
Your video with Major General Vallely is too amazing to be missed.
Dear Ginger and Peter Thank you for sharing this information. I greatly appreciate every single bit of information you share. I listen and learn. I am so grateful
There are commentators on the Internet who have researched this information.. Many envy Trump, because he has money, but his heart is in the right place. I changed my political affiliation in 2016, just to vote for him. I had not voted for a Republican or Democrat in almost 40 years...and I was not disappointed. He did the best he could with political hacks from both major parties coming after him; and Hysterical Hilary setting up the costly fiasco, the Faux Russian Collusion. There' a lot of information available...start reading!
And yet he pushed the vaccines and somehow he couldn't fire fauci.
Oh and when he wanted to get troops out of Afghanistan, he couldn't and then they let Biden do a rush job.
Who does the president work for? Not us!
A bit difficult to do the right thing 100%of the time when you’ve got almost 100% of the media against you and swaying public opinion. He would have been damned even further if he pushed hydroxychloroquine as a treatment and now we’re finding out both hydroxy and ivermectin used for early treatment works.
President Trump recommended HCQ . My daughter and I came down with CV at the same time. She made me take the only subscription for HCQ she had; as I was in my late 80s. I went to bed at six pm and slept 18 hours, then got up and had breakfast. My daughter was sick for two weeks. Aren't you aware of how many people in 2020 were demanding vaccines? It has taken 4 more years, before a tipping point is occurring...and many are finally learning the truth that the CV-19 Vaccine is a killer. The statistics were not available in 2020.
All of you arguing about President Trump.
Democrats are satanic and they have no regard for life, not your life or any life.
They are the devil. They separate families friends, friendships, and create anger and division.
So please step away from that as fast as you can. Remember your own heart and do not stoop down to their filthy level of hate, anger and division
All 'warp speed' did was circumvent the criminally corrupt FDA, just the same as Trump's popular, LIFE SAVING, RIGHT TO TRY ACT. Circumventing the captured, corrupt, rotten to core FDA was a blessing as the vax would've gotten their approval anyway. it just would've taken many more years of lockdowns & destroyed economy & millions more lost in lives & bribes to the FDA to get the same damn approval as 'warp speed' did by circumventing their extortion BS. THE CRIME WAS LEFTIST MANDATING experimental vax under Biden & not offering informed consent, something Trump vowed to prevent, & Trump has vowed to DEFUND any school or govt org that mandates either vax or masks & reinstate any military or other gov personnel that lost their job due to refusing it.
When one is president, one has advisors. He was informed he had to sign Operation Warp would not be his decision only. Would you have liked Big Pharma to be in control...working on another vaccine ...and then making it mandatory to take it? Mandates are falling and information has surfaced, which shows how dangerous vaccines are. This information was hidden before the 2020 election. The tipping point has now been reached four years later.
Any analysis that doesn't take into account the masons and how they counterfeit and launder currency is doomed to fail on the solutions:
What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?
Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"
Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:
Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer for deliberately injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
Watch amazing short and more evidence here:
Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
Check or videos at bottom after this page:
100 wake-up videos:
- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
- It's genocide for depopulation:
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):
Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):
Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works
22 Aug 2017 Original in Dutch with English subs:
The way out of this mess:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
Anything else you might think of?
Now, are you really ready for this?:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):
Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons
Masonry's Satanic Connection's-Satanic-Connection:4
Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books
Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See't-Want-You-To-See-%EF%BD%9C-Hidden-Agendas---Walter-Veith:0
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]
Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed
Freemasonry: 100% incompatible with Christ
or rumble:
Obama pushing Freemasonry:
I am always amused at the tunnel vision Americans have . As if America is the most important country in the world. It’s not.
We're only important because we're dangerous and inflict damage on countries based on our delusions and scams. I'm not proud of this. I hope sanity returns.
I'm amused that the human specie possesses such a ridiculously skewed sense of proportion. Let's see: On the one hand, we have the human specie. On the other hand, we have *the entire rest of the Universe*. Erm... Duh!!!
Do some digging. And then we can talk.
Peter and Ginger. I’m involved in a lawsuit with Michael Chambers and Aldevron. They developed the LNP . I’d like nothing more than to shine a little sunlight on their murderous tech.
Thanks for your efforts we’re all in favor of more sunlight. We’ve been calling for the banning of mRNA platforms and delivery systems for more than a year. Do you have a link or other information that can fill me in on your suit? -Ginger
I’m not going to blow up the comment section. I’ll write my second stack post on this issue and you’ll know. I encourage you to check out my first post. “A Death In Uncle Sam’s Family”
Do you know Michael and Aldevron? Sasha provided a list of the 300+ contractors. They are on it.
I think this will blow your mind. But I also think it will give us leverage.