I've avoided the shot primarily because of Jeff Rense's great coverage of the vaccines from the moment they were introduced Jeff was on top of it. My concern is "shedding." Is shedding real? Can I get exposed to the harmful material in the vaccines if someone breathes on me? Thank you.
I've avoided the shot primarily because of Jeff Rense's great coverage of the vaccines from the moment they were introduced Jeff was on top of it. My concern is "shedding." Is shedding real? Can I get exposed to the harmful material in the vaccines if someone breathes on me? Thank you.
Areana, you are correct and I replied to toni jean also. Further, I got your reply in re to Dr Noack. You are well informed. toni jean is using a logical fallacy to make a point. Body odor has nothing to do w shedding. You are correct. Dr Kory among others has covered shedding extensively. In brief, some people are sensitive to shedding but most are not. Also, I am quite familiar with the terrain theories of Cowan and S.Bailey and I think both are off the wall. I've heard both of them and others give presentations a number of times. Bailey in particular is very difficult to listen to due to a very thick NZ accent.
toni jean, I will beg to differ. You're using a logical fallacy to make a point. Body odor has nothing to do w shedding. Areana is correct. Dr Kory among others has covered shedding extensively. In brief, some people are sensitive to shedding but most are not. Also, I am quite familiar with the terrain theories of Cowan and S.Bailey and I think both are off the wall. I've heard both of them and others give presentations a number of times. Bailey in particular is very difficult to listen to due to a very thick NZ accent.
And Perre Kory's interview on EpochTimes about shedding. I 've also heard that EDTA is also good for detoxing, and Vit C - see Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substack. She does IV EDTA in her clinic
It's possible. No touching vaxxed people either. I went to the doctor in August for my 3 month checkup. The nurse touched me when she took my blood pressure. It was summer and I was sleeveless. As I was walking out both my arms started BURNING like I had fire ants all over them. When I got to the car it subsided after a few minutes. In Sept my heart started flipping. It still does a fair amount of time. I see a heart doctor now. I believe shedding is real.
Dear Drs. Breggin,
I've avoided the shot primarily because of Jeff Rense's great coverage of the vaccines from the moment they were introduced Jeff was on top of it. My concern is "shedding." Is shedding real? Can I get exposed to the harmful material in the vaccines if someone breathes on me? Thank you.
Shedding is real, you need to read this:
But you can protect yourself by taking 2000FUs of nattokinase and bromelain - see Dr Peter McCullough's product for this or take your own
Areana, you are correct and I replied to toni jean also. Further, I got your reply in re to Dr Noack. You are well informed. toni jean is using a logical fallacy to make a point. Body odor has nothing to do w shedding. You are correct. Dr Kory among others has covered shedding extensively. In brief, some people are sensitive to shedding but most are not. Also, I am quite familiar with the terrain theories of Cowan and S.Bailey and I think both are off the wall. I've heard both of them and others give presentations a number of times. Bailey in particular is very difficult to listen to due to a very thick NZ accent.
toni jean, I will beg to differ. You're using a logical fallacy to make a point. Body odor has nothing to do w shedding. Areana is correct. Dr Kory among others has covered shedding extensively. In brief, some people are sensitive to shedding but most are not. Also, I am quite familiar with the terrain theories of Cowan and S.Bailey and I think both are off the wall. I've heard both of them and others give presentations a number of times. Bailey in particular is very difficult to listen to due to a very thick NZ accent.
And Perre Kory's interview on EpochTimes about shedding. I 've also heard that EDTA is also good for detoxing, and Vit C - see Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substack. She does IV EDTA in her clinic
It's possible. No touching vaxxed people either. I went to the doctor in August for my 3 month checkup. The nurse touched me when she took my blood pressure. It was summer and I was sleeveless. As I was walking out both my arms started BURNING like I had fire ants all over them. When I got to the car it subsided after a few minutes. In Sept my heart started flipping. It still does a fair amount of time. I see a heart doctor now. I believe shedding is real.