It all makes perfect sense if the goal is for people to die.

/see the Deagle Report for population numbers in 2025

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When the head is dumb, the whole body suffers.

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How are these figures obtained. I've never heard of this report. Who generates it?

77% drop in UK population since 2017!! No way! I know UK was first to take the death shots and uptake was high due to such faith in the NHS (!!!) But 77% And what about all the migrants flooding in?

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Hi JayD~ good questions and we too have questions about the Deagel report. the Deagel forcast is just that-- not a report based on what has already happened, See this article that explains further, below. Also note in the link I provide that there are other factors that are included -- "Excess Deaths, Infertility & huge surge in Child Deaths".


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I think it is hard to predict how many babies will be born and will survive.

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Thanks , will check it out. Certainly there are already and are expected to be many child deaths from the c19 shots , and it is still being pushed for Pregnant women in the UK (!!!) So if children even get born from their vaxxed mothers, they may be seriously injured/ not survive long. And we know that children ( 0-18) are particularly at risk from myocarditis from the death shots too It is just mind-numbing.

According to Worldometer, UK population is 67,887,337 as of Saturday, March 2, 2024,

If there turns out to be a huge drop over the next 12-18 months, the government will find absolutely anything to blame it on other than the c19 vaxes - obviously!!

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The original, post-publication reasoning provided by Deagel due to popular demand was - hold tight - the high chance of nuclear war taking place by 2025. Viewed in that light, there are still quite a few incongruities when contemplating possible targets, and effects. As an example, why Ireland ranked as #2 for depop?

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They misspelled "nucleus" war.

While both atomic weapons and the bioweapons destroy our DNA, the current warfare is biological and attacks the nuclei of cells.

Ireland is overrun with wokism, leftism, immigrants, corrupt government, the English and their apostate church, abandoning the Church, jabs and boosters.

Erin go braugh

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After reviewing the Deagel website it looks like they are in the business of reporting weapon sales. That would make me think that they know fear sells and probably has more to do with military arms vs jabs. If there isn't anyone to bomb their business model doesn't work.

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The self-assigned “elite” powers that shouldn’t be decided decades ago the world was overpopulated and the numbers needed to be cut- thus vaccines, mRNA injections, fluoride, chemtrails, Plannned Parenthood, American Euthanasia Society, wars

It’s an op in plain view that most choose to ignore.

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It is an official agency of the US government

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Thanks! Interesting!

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South American countries' population seems to rise. Could be all the $$$ illegals are sending back while Americans can't make it, along with the jab.

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Chile, jabbed to the hilt; take a look at the growth rate. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/chile-population/

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The projection for Ukraine is funny (with hindsight); the figures have already been surpassed. Current pop. estimates tend to be in the range of 20 mln., while some dare go as low as 12 mln. All this within the framework of a low-intensity warfare.

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I was once a residential painter on a professional level. Hundreds of millions of homes were deemed 'unsafe' as a result of lead paints, and billions of dollars of industrial infrastructure were condemned and torn down due to *alleged* risk of exposure to lead. The odds of a child *actually* being damaged by eating lead paint chips were hundreds of millions to one. My opinion (which has not changed) was the entire construct was a scam. But it did funnel billions of dollars into lead abatement monopolies and pumped up the coffers of select paint suppliers. The amount of lead in "lead paints" was minuscule, and posed ZERO actual risk.

40 years later it's common practice to inundate the entire environment with graphene oxides that are NANO SCALE in size, and can easily cross biological cell membranes. We've come a long way, baby...

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they didn't want you using lead paint - it protects you from the frequencies...

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Bingo! Exactly. I didn't connect those dots until may years later. Modern EMF "Shielding" paints are hundreds of times the cost. Good work if you can get it...

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I agree!!!

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A different take on the "lead paint" controversy. What what I understand, the problem wasn't kids eating lead paint, it was the fact that they were getting sick from leaded gasoline.

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It is also the accumulation of heavy metals in the body of a long period that can cause numerous health problems. Sadly we are injesting and breathing in way too many as it is, our livers cannot cope. Anthony Williams the medical medium has books, vids, podcasts talking about heavy metals causing some much harm.

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Gee Wiz. I wonder why you account does not exist anymore. Ill try to spread the work. If you got throught to one person it was worth it.

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They are right on schedule...

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Who wrote that report and where do they get their numbers from? Australia is currently trying to increase their population for economic growth by pushing up immigration figures.

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......all at the same time "killing you softly....." ? makes no sense.

Just shuffling the deck for "other" nefarious means to get the net cull rate desired. Same as in US. Sleeper cells. Look at the ever rising crime sprees going on unchecked, unleashed, detainees gleefully freed to join the frey. Got nothin much to do with growth of any kind. IMHO

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Yep they use the term economic growth to cover their agenda.

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you got it

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No idea where they get their numbers or what methodology they use.

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Thanks, I read the article that was posted to explain, on another comment below.

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Indeed, few will remain.

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There is no GO in the jabs. (you're deleted - 2020)

There's no GO in the jabbies (account blocked - 2021)

OK, there's GO in the jabs... but it's good for you! (2024)

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It is time to CRUSH the NWO agenda and all connected to it.

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I asked Christie Grace about this (we followed each other + I loved her threads. V educational) was a tad taken aback to be instantly blocked.

Doc Kevin McCairn says no graphene...explained what he was seeing - done the lab work too - shame I cant recall what it was.

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seems to me that some shots have it, some don't. working hypothesis: the covid plandemic was a beta test to go through the toxins kicking around the mad scientists' fridge and find out how deadly they were. whatever they unleash next time - 2025 is the scheduled year, but it could be sooner - will be more refined and deadly

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mixing up lots has gone on decades; Wyeth Pharma (now Pfizzer [sic]) learned their lessons - confuse your audience, lie, cover up and spread different formulations geographically. They are filth.


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that's a great stack, thanks

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Karen Kingston revealed that there were 5 Recipes used by Pfizer in 2021. She explained then how Pfizer would be held liable as soon as the 5 recipes were revealed if the FDA ever fully approved their Bioweapons.

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so pfizer gets thrown under the bus and moderna skates?

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Of course not. No one is "skating" Moderna. There is nothing wrong with specifically targeting a company because of information exclusive to them. And as we said in our article:

"As we document in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, the government backed the Moderna and Pfizer deadly injections because they were picked as far back as 2010 by Bill Gates as his favorite “vaccine” investments. Potentially hundreds of other vaccines were put out of business by the government picking Gates’ preferences.

No one should take these genetic vaccines. And in general, all of us need to be alert and concerned that we are being inundated with nanoparticles and nanotechnology with potentially grave consequences, now and in the foreseeable future."

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p&gb - glad that you called out moderna many times throughout your global predators book, especially in your 2020 timeline. p. 525 "Moderna, remember, was already being promoted by Bill Gates in January through March 2017 as a drug company preparing novel vaccines on rush platforms for the coming great pandemic. The many years of investment, scientific research, and organizational planning by Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Michael Bloomberg, Moderna, Fauci, and other globalists are coming to fruition."

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Dear Drs. Breggin,

I've avoided the shot primarily because of Jeff Rense's great coverage of the vaccines from the moment they were introduced Jeff was on top of it. My concern is "shedding." Is shedding real? Can I get exposed to the harmful material in the vaccines if someone breathes on me? Thank you.

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What's interesting to me is that J & J has seemed to fly under the radar. You never hear about adverse reactions, or anything for that matter. It's like they didn't even have their own version of the CV shot. Weird.

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I doubt Moderna will skate. Review the International Criminal Court filing by Michael Yeadon and 17,000 Fontline Doctors filed in December 2021.

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Absolutely. Multiplicity. Everyone says Either spike, Or graphene. Aristotle cursed Western thinking with Either/Or. Eastern philosophy's Both/And generates far more light and far less heat. The Agencies know us better than we know ourselves.

If in 2019 I'd have cooked up something truly nasty in my shed Pfizer would have cleared a bench for me in a heartbeat.

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Is THAT why the report estimates such huge drop in population in UK & US ?It includes the NEXT death shot/Plandemic?

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VA still offering covid shots to US veterans.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

(I am gonna keep posting this comment until the Dept. of Veterans Affairs stops giving veterans the covid shot. The VA had their safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.

VA remained silent...still forced their employees to take the shot under federal government worker mandate.

VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.)

Does anyone in Congress even give a damn?


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Those in Con-gress no doubt voted on it. The US Airforce Court win on lifting C19 jab mandates and back pay should have applied immediately amongst all Branches of our Military.

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...and Congress was exempt from taking the covid death shots.

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All world leaders in bed with Communist China are in on the Death Vax.

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Congress is exempt

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anyone who breathes or eats is not exempt...just behind the curve of the death march.

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I meant exempt from being forced vaxed or face termination.

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Not a single member of Con-gress died from C19 either. No coincidence.

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You can add Trudeau to list of people that brought us Covid. CSIS documents out that Trudeau has been hiding for years.

It’s on Twitter under …Sam Cooper.

Facebook was still banning this.

It’s on substack on The Bureau.


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Mar 4, 2024
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If SecDef told me it was raining outside, I would go out and check.

He has blood on his hands for killing and injuring active duty troops by forcing them to take the covid death shot.

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Wow! Look at those restacks-- thank you all for sharing this vital information~ Ginger

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Well they ALSO told us mercury (in vaccines) would make our kids smarter;-) They ACTUALLY said this on ABC. And they added that "In order to get the full benefit, you must vaccinate your children earlier."

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First step in the transhuman agenda.

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J & J discontinued its RNA injections because of 9 deaths. Last time I looked, they had over 100,000 law suits active against them for pushing the medicine envelope. They see what is coming and the lawsuits will be deep. How can the FDA approve nano graphene oxide as an ingredient in an RNA injection. It is an impurity that interferes with normal biological functions. It is no more safe than the spike proteins that causes inflammatory responses in multiple organs. My son had myocarditis and extremely high PSA (72) from the injections. He accepted the false fact that he would be protected from the Sars 2 and would not transmit it to myself or his mother-in-law. He didn't want to be blamed for us succumbing to the covid. In reality I was never injected and survived two bouts handily because my immune system is strong, and my son still is having Covid episodes since his immune system has been compromised. He acted out of love and had no knowledge of the great harm that was being bestowed on humanity by the EUO! This situation was repeated millions of times because of the medical propaganda bestowed on us. I hope the class action lawyers take Pfizer and Moderna down to the studs! Same should be done with NIH and its branches since they have been severely compromised by big Pharma. We have a right to know what is in the injections and fraud is created when they hide the toxins under the concept that it is "proprietary information"! Time to put an end to all of this!

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May God bless and heal your Son.

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Thank you! Has not had any jabs since 2022, but just got Covid again.

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You're welcome.

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I've read that for each covid shot you get you lose 30% immunity.

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‘Safe & effective’ again? 😵‍💫

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Everyone loves an encore.

Except for genocides, then only sociopaths like genocides.

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I'm sharing the following - it is part of someone else's comment on a substack post about bitcoin. Check out the WEF link supplied. They need to have everyone "wired" to get the global financial control they seek.


"they are telling us it will be a quantum banking system… the bank will require the whole of your biological signature… bitcoin is old school bait… the internet is outdated , this will be a totally new technology, totally different system… the new technology is sentient… so the internet goes down and never comes back and they introduce the new system, they’re already in the process of installing the tech in you, it explains everything.



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And humanity has been warned in detail for decades

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Thanks for this information, Kelli. I’d like to know more. Would you be willing to post the Substack article you read, that this comment was attached to, or a link to it, if time permits?

Your description hs me intrigued.

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Download the free Bluetooth Discover app. It picks up the signal from vaxxed people. It will say "unknown" if it's a human. If it's a TV or speaker it will say that. It works I've done it. You hit start. You can clear it too.

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Referring to single atom thickness nano razor blades going through your system is "Safe and Effective" NOT

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Thank you Peter and Ginger for your amazing work in the public interest. You are heroes!

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The new asbestos.

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The world's first Global IQ test. Many failed.

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Not an IQ test. A conformity test.

Unfortunately, many passed.

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Unbelievable that these weapons of mass destruction are still being pushed.

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The profound ignorance of SciTechDaily is appalling. It has absolutely no credibility making a statement saying that graphene nanoparticles are 'verified safe." What kind of scientific group is it? Who backs this group financially? The only thing that belongs in the human body and bloodstream are nutrients from Creator-Designed Food; all other matter is toxic.

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Mar 5, 2024
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Your right! When people and organization ignore the truth, because it would not benefit them financially..it is evil!

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Downright nauseating and terrifying with complete disregard for human health and wellbeing

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