A different take on the "lead paint" controversy. What what I understand, the problem wasn't kids eating lead paint, it was the fact that they were getting sick from leaded gasoline.
A different take on the "lead paint" controversy. What what I understand, the problem wasn't kids eating lead paint, it was the fact that they were getting sick from leaded gasoline.
It is also the accumulation of heavy metals in the body of a long period that can cause numerous health problems. Sadly we are injesting and breathing in way too many as it is, our livers cannot cope. Anthony Williams the medical medium has books, vids, podcasts talking about heavy metals causing some much harm.
A different take on the "lead paint" controversy. What what I understand, the problem wasn't kids eating lead paint, it was the fact that they were getting sick from leaded gasoline.
It is also the accumulation of heavy metals in the body of a long period that can cause numerous health problems. Sadly we are injesting and breathing in way too many as it is, our livers cannot cope. Anthony Williams the medical medium has books, vids, podcasts talking about heavy metals causing some much harm.