Dear Jerome-- Tanzanian President Magufuli was very bravely opposing the COVID propoganda and control coming from the WHO and according to the linked article below was also opposing the Chinese CCP (Communist Chinese Party) who are heavily invested in trying to control Africa. One of several very brave world officials resisting the COVID…
Dear Jerome-- Tanzanian President Magufuli was very bravely opposing the COVID propoganda and control coming from the WHO and according to the linked article below was also opposing the Chinese CCP (Communist Chinese Party) who are heavily invested in trying to control Africa. One of several very brave world officials resisting the COVID lockdown/pandemic narrative who died. Thank you for commenting here!
Dear Jerome-- Tanzanian President Magufuli was very bravely opposing the COVID propoganda and control coming from the WHO and according to the linked article below was also opposing the Chinese CCP (Communist Chinese Party) who are heavily invested in trying to control Africa. One of several very brave world officials resisting the COVID lockdown/pandemic narrative who died. Thank you for commenting here!