We are being controlled, steered, managed, stifled, misdirected, propagandized, lied to, frightened, restrained, repressed, and generally bamboozled at every turn
This is Peter Breggin. I believe Marc Girardot, like many other defenders of the genetic vaccines, is creating a huge distraction from a human tragedy.
The single most important fact about the vaccines is that the number of reports of death to the VAERS reporting system, monitored by the FDA and CDC, is approaching 20,000. The available research and my forensic experience confirm that for every reported death there are more than 100 actual deaths (see our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators).
Therefore, we are approaching at least 2 million vaccine deaths in the U.S. Instead of quarrelling about the mechanism of harm when there are many documented mechanisms, we all need to make clear that the vaccines are a catastrophe and stay focused on stopping them. Instead, he makes clear in his last comment (at about 8 pm Eastern Time on March 15) that the vaccines are harmless and great if only they are administered correctly. He says they "did a good job" making the "vaccines" but in reality the DoD took over Operation WARP speed, threw out all scientific inquiry, and created a monstrous assault on humanity with something more akin to a bioweapon than a genuine vaccine.
Always look for distractions that suck the oxygen out of conversations and distract for the tragic events that we are trying to respond to.
I listened to my gut. Something just wasn't right. Red flags were going up everywhere. Never take an approved experimental jab. You are asking for trouble. Now i will never take ANY kind of jab.
Absolutely! In Fall 2021 when the mandates came out, my husband fell under the mandate. Like a good husband, he was trying to figure out the "safest" C19 shot to take, which at the time looked like the J&J b/c it was only 1 shot. Based on the drip, drip of info that had been coming out about the C19 shots and my general inclination as an anti-vaxxer, I had grave concerns about his taking any of them, but he was worried about losing his job. And, there was a great deal of pressure in his industry to comply.
Then, one night during my 3am wake up and worry-- er, pray-- time, a very clear and distinct message came to me (I have to believe that it was the Holy Spirit). It was not audible, but it was unmistakable. "Do not let [name redacted] take the vaccine. If he does, he will die." There was our answer. We were not just being paranoid about these vaccines; God had spoken to us. He told us not to take it! In the morning, I told him, you cannot take the vaxx-- God has spoken. We decided that we would face unemployment or whatever consequences may come, but we would refuse the vaxx.
A few weeks later, we learned of a website and YouTube channel called The Healthy American with Peggy Hall. Peggy helped us learn how to write a valid religious exemption (the format and words matter), which was later granted.
This was a very uncertain and terrifying time, but God was with us and took care of us! I firmly believe that He spoke to us and guided us by His Holy Spirit!
I am so glad you listened to God. When the shots first began I was just completing a 3 yr battle with breast cancer and many medical realities I learned from that experience. I live 2 hours away from my 80 yr old mother and at the time I was so weak and sick and making it thru treatment and really was in no physical shape to be very involved in anything. My youger sister took my mother to get the shots ..... she got 1 shot and 1 booster. As soon as I became aware of what was reallly happening I spoke with my sister and told her not to give mom an experimental drug but it was too late. My sister has heart problems and was afraid my mother would visit with her friends and get "covid" and give it to her. I told her that I would personally come down and beat her up if she took my mother and got her anything else. Long story short, my mom got breast cancer and had surgery and radiation. At the same time she got dementia. She was just a regular elderly lady somewhat forgetful but after the shots she began hallucinations and things got worse. Three months ago my sister placed her in a "memory care" center because it was dangerous for her to stay by herself and my sister ....long story...... just yelled and screamed at her and would not accept that mom needed help. My older sister and I are 2-3 hours away and we do not have authority to make any decisions. My younger sister took mom to a lawyer before she got too bad and got power of attorney. Mother was supposed to go to an attorney with my older sister and both my older and younger sister would be on power of attorney. There is quite a bit of money involved and I never thought my sister would be so heartless as she is now. All the time that passed and mom could have been someplace to take care of her. She delayed help for mother because she wanted to save money. It got so bad that my mother called my younger sister and demanded she come get her and mom said she was staying with her and would not stay at her house alone anymore. (I did not know it but she was having hallucinations and hearing voices.) Of course, once that happened my sister was not going to take care of mom and she was forced to look for a care center. Now, we are paying about $7000 a month to have her where she is right now. This is money my mom and dad worked hard for many years to save. They have a house, a separate lot in a nice place and 40 acres of land 20 miles from their house. I think she also has about $200k in savings. My sister has complete control and will not meet with us to discuss anything. I am sick about this. If I had not been sick with cancer and known what was happening I would have never agreed to get mom vacinated. My husband and I are both Christians and have a house and acreage and no debt. We do not need the money and want everything used to take care of mom. We have decided that what my sister does with the money is not something we can do anything about. As long as mom is in a nice place and is loved and cared about we are happy. I never thought about an inheritance anyway. God has provided a wonderful husband for me and I trust God to provide as we need it. I am trying not to be unforgiving but it is very hard when my sister will not even return calls and is really mean-spirited. These people who created this death vax have hurt so many people and they do not care. I know of many other stories of suffering and pain people have experienced and I keep telling myself that I should not be surprised because I believe if you do not have the love and salvation of Jesus then your heart is subject to being filled with much evil.....even to hurt your own mother. I am so glad your husband did not take the shot. God Bless you both! Oh I forgot to say that my mother is a Christian and I know she is going to heaven and I will see her with a new body one day!
Me too. My mother told me at the age of 14 what will take place. She knew because she knew the Bible from cover to cover. The Holy Spirit saved my life through the words of my mother…but unfortunately she paid the price and saved mine!
I agree....I read both, too. Bechampe also observed "pleomorphism" (changes in the physical appearance some bacteria and different microbiotic species) which our more enlightened doctors are also seeing. Mainstream science totally ignores that.
And your article herein is IMPORTANT & VALUED in light of the defenders of Truth who’ve been curiously off’d in the last few years after exposing some aspect of the nefarious agenda that is afoot. Are they not the Saints & Prophets of our time?
Revelation 18:24 — “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.”
Those who’ve been murdered, yes murdered!, knew the risks they were taking in speaking out & yet continued to defy the threats & all fear of death. May we all show ourselves willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of Truth, Light, and Love for all GOD’s Creation.
I still hear well known people saying that you cannot see graphene in the blood. This is not true. At the most basic level I have added lab grade reduced graphene oxide to blood and can clearly see it under the microscope. This exercise will be repeated soon in a more scientific fashion to show this fact clearly. I have already posted a very basic example. This time I will sonicate it for maximum dispersion to show that it is still visible.
The RGO I bought for 350 euros is only 1 gram of lab grade material and yet still 1 to 7 layers thick. To buy graphene that is only one layer thick is nearly impossible. They have not gone to that expense to Poison us.
Aside from that we are finding answers fast now.
Silvia from Sams substack - https://sam368.substack.com/p/different-hydrogels-different-key - put a post up last night that finally shows the ability to degrade the gel technology and also to deactivate the dots, something we have been struggling to do.
We do have hope still.
Many thanks for you being willing to call out the truth. Long may you both continue.
First let me say (to GB) that this is an excellent article on a topic that - yes - has been and is being swept under the rug. (I learned of Andreas Noack in 2021 shortly after his death, then of LaQuintaColumna, but the topic then died down under the radar ) If this obfuscation is being done by those such as Drs Cole and Kory, we have to wonder why/ what are their motives?
I thought that Dr Ana Mihalcea's work on nanotech in the vials was related, but I have not seen a connection to GO/GHO in her articles. Maybe I missed it.
Back to Marc Giradot, I agree 100% that his angle is a (deliberate/ unintentional) HUGE and dangerous distraction fror a fundamentally important topic. But from day 1 of reading his substack articles, my first thought was - what biology/chemistry/medical qualifications does this guy have?, Why is he expounding on this?
According to his LinkedIn profile , he has 2 MBAs in Finance and in Business Admin. He is NOT A SCIENTIST! Why are people ( real scientists) taking his theories seriously ? I found it quite perplexing! He even roped in Dr John Campbell, which surprised me.
I have 2 (NON-Bio) Earth-Science degrees and a Masters in IT. I would not consider myself qualified to expound on a "Bolus theory" of vaccine administration - or anyhing that is bio/medical.
With Zero sciendific qualifications. why does he? Arrogance? He reminds me of Bill Gates!
Dr. Breggin, I admire you immensely. However, your reply discounts what Ginger just pointed out. It does matter to talk about mechanisms. It does matter that these new elite group of righteous doctors, suddenly making a fortune in this new alternative medicine, are scrutinized. What happened with Dr. Astrid was downright scary. No, you are wrong on this.
This is so unbelievably sad to continue hearing, “Died Unexpectedly” or “Died Suddenly”! So much so that every MSM outlet continues to spew lie after lie after lie and call these “BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS”, “Safe and Effective”! There has been so much deliberate intentional and blatant deception about everything COVID one has to wonder, “HOW MANY MORE PEOPLE WILL DIE UNEXPECTEDLY”, before this ends? If this fraud ever ends? I have heard more than 2 lifetimes of complete and utter dishonesty from almost everyone related to COVID who call themselves experts right on down to the sad CNA who’s been brainwashed!May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Is it normal to be angry at a loved one I see getting sicker and sicker after each booster but know they'll just laugh or say I should go back on meds for my bipolar since I'm acting crazy? Worried they'll be dead soon and yet I'm furious at them.
frustrated, furious, terrified, heartbroken, -- I have so many feelings about loved ones I know who have submitted to the vax and boosters. Take care of yourself Nichols and give their wellbeing to God. We mere humans can't control others choices outside of providing information. ~ Ginger
I notice a lot of the people who refuse to listen love their TV sets and pop culture.
I have nowhere to go after being damaged by years of psychiatry except my retired parents. Both multiply boosted. Even before the clot shots my mom had dedicated retirement to become a couch potato. Nothing but TV blaring for 16 hours a day. Then she complains about feeling depressed so she gets more drugs from her doctor to fix the problem which the doctor assures her is bad brain chemistry. She used to love to read but thanks to 14 pills a day, constant television, and a diet of almost exclusively ready made, processed foods she is a shadow of herself. Always tired, grouchy and shallow.
So lonely. And they never allowed me to learn to drive.
Trying to think of how to earn a living online but I'm too depressed myself. Life is hopeless.
RE Nichols. No no life is not hopeless. You could get driving lessons. Learn sales. Write a book. And Never too old to learn. And read your Bible. It is full of Hope from the God of Hope. Ask for His wisdom to understand. Read the Psalms and gospels.He loves and cares for you.
This is not the "REAL LIFE", but just a sick existence unfortunately. Thanks to stupid Adam and Eve.
(1 Timothy 6:19) safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.
But the price has been paid and we have a solid hope for a wonderful future when all this criminals will be gone
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
we just need to endure a little while longer. The end is very near. When you see what is now in our blood, va**ed and non-va**ed, we all have these technology in our blood. If God does not intervene very soon creation will be completely extinct. God promised to stop this
(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.
Hang in there, we are so close, now is NOT the time to quit. Our deliverance is NEAR.
See you on a beach in the restored paradise...soon
It helps me to remember that this is a part of the intent. It’s psychological warfare. I am determined not to let them win. I think it is normal to be angry, I certainly am about all these things. A good friend is taking care of her brother, who has many mysterious things going on, including blood clotting, this puts a new light on it. There are so many other things wrong with his system. It’s a miracle he’s still alive. She’s running back-and-forth to the hospital and wearing herself out even though she also is Vaccine injured, but doesn’t know it. I’ve tried to open these topics with friends and family. I just get shut down. Then the choice is whether to disconnect from them or just stay their friend and give them whatever support I can. Usually I choose the latter but it is heartbreaking.
They have chosen death because they love a lie. They are hopeless.
They'd rather die than admit they were wrong, be called mean names by TV celebrities, or admit the systems they support (education/medical system/big tech/big pharma) are so evil and corrupt. There is no way we can change such willful stupidity. They are hopeless.
I learned the fruitlessness of arguing psychiatry lovers long ago. These people see with their own eyes how much worse family members grow under the care of the shrinks. But the shrink gives some BS about how it's really just the original complaint, pay no attention to the loved one's groans, it's a progressive illness that just happens to progress faster as I prescribe more lifesaving meds...blah, blah, blah.
In order to be kind, considerate, and scientific, family members hand over loved ones to these Priests of Science, ignoring their pleas for help and evident suffering under this "safe and effective" treatment. If the drugs were so benign and good for us, if they really helped ward off madness why would so many refuse to feel better?
I know I should be charitable and forgiving, but I am angry. How could so many see it happening in front of them and not know? Maybe they simply don't care.
The annoying loved one shuts up. They sit passively like corpses in chairs all day, but they're quiet and easy for us to control. That's all that matters. Let's assume they feel better. And attribute all complaints about their rotten lives to their illness.
Who cares if they're rendered helpless and dependent for life? Who cares if they die young? These loving mothers and other family members sure don't.
Facts and evidence make no difference to most people when the liars have a slick marketing campaign and a stable of celebrity experts on their side.
Nattokinase helps the blood clots. Better than Medical blood thinners. Take on empty stomach or it will act as a digestive enzyme. Aspirin slso good too. (Im just nervous of supporting or trusting Bayer)And high dose Ivermectin (nOT Merck brand) and Fenben are supposed to help with a lot of the inflammation issues. And cancer! There is a lot out there to help heal.
Very true Kathleen. The predators feed upon our grief, anger, and other negative emotions. I try to bring love into the world as much as I can and appreciate that in others while still facing the realities of this world as we have discovered and are discovering
Thanks Vinnie! Exactly! We cannot let the devil get us down...that is exactly what he and his slaves want! Look up! Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to! 😀
We can cast all our cares upon Him. He told us to! Jesus is coming for us so soon. In the meantime, there is joy and therapy in doing whatever we can for others.
Me too. I love him and want to help so try and show him what i see on alternative media vs mainstream but he just wont have it. We try to save them or as i told him "I'm trying to wake you up". Then i get angry because he's not listening enough for it to save his life. So bizarre to me.
At least you tried. Maybe he's afraid of getting ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist.
Acknowledgement of how horrible the world situation is would require my brother to give up his lucrative position with a major pharmaceutical corporation. Naturally he'd rather embrace denial.
Adults have the right and responsibility to look out for themselves. So personally, no I wouldn't be angry, unless I actually lived with the person and was directly affected by their idiocy. Fortunately my wife and I are in lockstep on ALL of the evil COVID response from the beginning, so no problems here thank God. I have siblings, all jabbed, one dead of cancer a week after diagnosis. That was their decision to make, not mine. Who am I to tell them what to do?
Yes. I sometimes feel despair. Depressed. Grieved and then just a numb hopelessness. But As Ginger says give their well being over to God. It is the only thing we can do. Unless they display some.openess or willingness to listen and learn.
GOD IS STILL Good. And He will bring justice and healing. I dont know how I just know that He will. And we can rest in that. And look up, forJesus is coming soon. 🙂
Absolutely Dr! I have said a number of times that all the “ISM’s” except Patriotism are being used to destroy Western civilization / Society’s! There’s an uncanny resemblance to Hitler (Nazism) using typhoid to inoculate and murder millions, (similar to Covid), Stalin, (ISM), Mao, (ISM), Saul Alinsky, (Rules for Radicals$ Cloward and Pivens! Each are similar with different execution strategies. Their ultimate goal is obviously “Overwhelm Society”, disrupt food, fuel, medical care/supplies, Banking (CDBC) forcing our eventual collapse! It’s not a coincidence how all Western Countries are protesting the same policies! Why would Denmark, protest a similar policy America is forcing through? Example after example of similar protests reflect how “GLOBAL CONTROL” In control! Not to mention WEF, WHO all working in concert! Blackrock changed E.S.G name and is now calling it “Transition Investing”, sounds nice right? NOT! What’s worse is Blackrock is now digging deeper ( ROBBING) into the pockets and forging expansive “Public - Private” partnerships to take over , water treatment plants, Airports, etc! Remember, by 2030 You will Own Nothing and Be Happy slogan? Or “Build Back Better” absolute nonsense Biden’s “illegitimate administration” slogan? I see nothing be built only DESTROYED as millions worldwide are witnessing! I thank you Dr for you time and most importantly, your commitment “ILLUMINATING” how evil mankind is! May God Bless America and The Entire World! Be safe Dr, God Bless you and your family!
Hi AJR, Thank you so much for your observations and heartfelt words. I need to clarify that it is I, Ginger, writing and responding here -- and I am not a doctor (smile) -- Peter is the MD. Have a good evening and God bless you, too!
Thanks for saying this Dr Breggin. Even though some of us have not seen a lot of death...blue state...I heard the ambulances all spring and summer of 2021 and knew what was going on....it has to affect 9ne. How do we cope with such awful knowledge?
Peter McCullough isn't telling the whole truth either. It's like he tells one side of the story, and doesn't want the other side told at all. None of those Front Line Doctors are telling it all; they just went into a big business of their own.
“COVID-19 and mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. It is time for the medical community to tell the truth and admit they were lied to like everybody else. These injections harm those injected and those not injected, via the shedding of this technology.
“All mRNA nanoparticle injections need to be prohibited immediately and there needs to be a thorough investigation into the criminals behind this attack on humanity.”
Quotes are from Psychotherapist Joseph Sansone, Ph.D., author of the “Ban the Jab” resolution. You can find his writings right here on Substack. Also check out Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD's Substack also. She and David Nixon, BOTH, show the pictures of what they have seen in the blood from day one. Besides that, they have put this mRNA in all injections now...from Insulin and anesthetics to the shots for our pets.
Most of the Covidians don't read books. They get all their information off the TV where they sit, passively drinking it in with their eyes and mouths wide open for hour after hour every day.
Not saying all doctors and nurses are evil. Most gave the jabs out of well intentioned ignorance. But the top of our entire health system is rotten. The system itself needs to be replaced.
The reason this doctor was killed was because he was the type of medical professional who could put Big Pharma out of business just by his truthful findings which could land anyone from Big Pharma in jail for knowingly injecting a military made bioweapon into a human body which had already killed the test subject animals it was experimented on by Dr. Fauci.
You’re absolutely right Andrew! The same situation has happened with Boeing corporation and their recent whistleblower employee who committed suicide! As true as the saying goes,”Hindsight is 2020”, he made a video stating such. I forget his exact words. Certainly this man knew the truth as did the German Doctor and we all know what happens to “Truth-Tellers” and “Whistleblowers”right? I’m at the point where there’s trillions of dollars available from billionaires who believe the truth should be mankind’s guiding principles, among others and not the other way around, the way we’re being destroyed by evilness! Yet the “psychopath’s” continue to hold onto power over all influential politicians and people worldwide! Sadly, truthful billionaires hide from the evil being perpetuated by these “psychopathic billionaires”! I have one question for these supposed honest billionaires which is, “do you really believe these “psychopathic billionaires” will give you a pass after they’re finished destroying all the “bottom feeders”? Short answer is, NO! Evil doesn’t discriminate! Evil first will attack easy targets and eventually more difficult ones. When that time comes and it’s coming, it will be too late for all the “truthful -billionaires” to defend against such a massive attacks perpetrated on them! Look no further than the German Doctor and Boeing’s whistleblower if you don’t believe me. They weren’t soft targets, compared to say an innocent pedestrian walking down the streets of NYC or Chicago, yet the “Billionaire psychopaths” were able to “take them out” and call it suicide. They’ll do the same when the time is right to whoever survives the longest, which typically will be the remaining wealthy. Which leads me to say to all those millionaires and billionaires truth-seekers which is, you may be protected today behind your gated communities and state of the art surveillance, but those are simple and penetrable,when the time is right. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why, “for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction” group of wealthy individuals stopping this madness’ It takes money to fight money and the evil forces are filthy and richly empowered today, which is the primary reason why they’re successful causing so much suffering around the world!
Yes. The idea that it was an experimental vaccine implies incompetence. But Pfizer experimented on ferrets and over some weeks, all the ferrets died. They then deployed the vaxx. So, Pfizer knew it was lethal. Therefore, incompetence was not behind it but intent to murder in the first degree, premeditated.
talking about God, I think this is HIM alone who can deliver us, because this battle is HIS. Destroying God's creation down to the genome, the genetic code put in our cells by the creator, is a direct attack on God by non other than his arch enemy, Satan the Devil...so it is God's battle, we cannot destroy the Devil ...way to powerful for us..
(Revelation 16:14) They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.
(Deuteronomy 32:35) Vengeance is mine, and retribution, At the appointed time when their foot slips, For the day of their disaster is near, And what awaits them will come quickly.’
(Job 34:21, 22) For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”
I agree Cecile and stand aside your steadfast devotion to our Lord Jesus!
There are no tears which fell my eyes. For Satans-evilest have shown their most destructive forces, matched not against our most loving, most powerful, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Not now, Not ever!
For the darkness of evil hath been illuminated for all to see, how unwavering in truth and in power, our Lord’s love and might, wields against, such darkened-evilness’s, whaling against His children!
This battle is “HIS” as you’ve said Cecile, which is why,
We mustn’t waver, nor ever forget such darkened days past hath been brightened,
for all eternity, in thy name of
our beloved Lord Jesus! For all who believe in Him, His love and His glory, lives now and will live forever, Amen.
Thank you for revisiting the circumstances of Dr. Noack’s horrific murder. I, too, feel something off. I feel that this year is the resumption a Blitzkrieg of offenses to sovereign individuals. Bless you both. 🙏
There is a video out there in our there land where Dr.Kory was speaking to a father in Australia whose daughter is being refused an transplant unless she takes 3 shots of this poison & only then would she be considered a candidate. His weasley, imo, "suggestion" to the Father was & I am paraphrasing; " If your daughter is going to die if she doesn't have the operation, well what have you got to lose by taking the "vaccines"? The inference being? The Father, rightfully, was less than impressed with that gutless commentary.
Yes. I remember viewing this video shortly after Mr Noack's arrest. I was not surprised, as numerous scientists and whistle-blowers have *gone missing* these last 15 years. The arrest was truly brutal...
From Mr Noack's remarks: "It [graphene oxides as graphene hydroxide] is not biologically decomposable." Well... Therein lies the rub...
Graphene technology is grandly dangerous, and there were warnings regarding many forms of nano technology published decades ago. These products are entering water supplies, waste water treatment plants, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Regulatory constructs such as the Environmental Protection Agency have been negligent in the first degree...
Thank you Peter and Ginger for a very well thought out article. Best regards.
Thanks for your comments Paul. We all need to remember that it isn't only our bodies that are being poisoned by this dangerous substance.
I found the remark by Dr. Noack that you emphasized: "It [graphene oxides as graphene hydroxide] is not biologically decomposable." to be crucially important! A chemical substance like this is found through a whole different kind of investigation and testing as he discusses was done by his colleague. So it is understandable why physicians and others looking for biology would not see this (in addition to the small size of the substance).
Well let me add to my comment that while physicians might not see the graphene hydroxide due to not having the proper equipment. They should certainly exercise a very great degree of curiosity and interest in the multiple data coming in regarding the presence of this Nanotechnology. They certainly shouldn’t be trying to censor other people.
One of the speakers at the recent Senator Ron Johnson hearing actually went into some detail on the high possibility of nano technology particles being dangerous and asked why nobody official has sought to analyze it. Nobody mentioned his point in any subsequent summary I read, but it seemed to be one of the most important items, from which all the lab versus market, and some of the other “controversies “ are effective distractions. After all, weren’t all of these shots either manufactured in China or reliant on Chinese ingredients?
Yes. Many investigators don't have access to proper microscopic analysis, spectral analysis, nor knowledge of forensic analysis of chemical signatures found in body fluids. >>>
Most persons have no idea of what "nano" actually specifies. One of my favorite quotes:
"We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.
Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people don’t know anything about it?" - Carl Sagan - Quoted May 27, 1996
This is the best article written about C19 era of death anywhere. I watched Dr Noack's videos and his wife's video after his death. So tragic. I pray his young child and his widow are well, somewhere safe. Please Jesus have your way with the corruption on earth!!!
Thank you for retelling and reviving the work of this brave man. The technology he describes (2D graphene that has been rendered highly water soluble) has zero utility with ANY medical product. Bleeding and blood clots can be by-products of these nano-carbon sheets and could (in theory) look like a hemorrhagic infection or disease.
I wonder if this was a test run to see if the injections could produce Ebola-like symptoms to further scare the citizenry into allowing more extreme measures to be taken by the governments. Given that the Ebola "vaccine" is out there, the use of sewage testing will undoubtedly produce positive tests in the PCR or other detection technology they have at hand.
The Ebola "vaccine" is a live virus (not Ebola) that has parts of the Ebola protein on it. Merck’s ERVEBO Ebola vaccine has a shed rate of 31%, so the virus spreads. Per Merck insert:
"ERVEBO (Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live) is a sterile suspension for intramuscular injection. ERVEBO is a live recombinant viral vaccine consisting of a vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) backbone deleted for the VSV envelope glycoprotein and substituted with the envelope glycoprotein of the Zaire ebolavirus (Kikwit 1995 strain)."
5.4 Transmission Vaccine virus RNA has been detected by RT-PCR in blood, saliva, urine, and fluid from skin vesicles of vaccinated individuals. Transmission of vaccine virus is a theoretical possibility [see Pharmacokinetics (12.3)].
The Global Predators like to piggy-back a lot of different tests in everything that they do.
I Remember reading about this during 5he lockdowns. Never forgot about it. But now I understand why it couldn’t be detected in the many athletes I saw succombing after taking the jabs! Thank you , you two remarkable people, for the information!
I had an elderly friend who was well before my husband and I went on a medical trip in 2021. When we arrived back to our home town, I noticed that she wasn’t at church and asked where she was. I was told that she just felt really ill one day and went into emergency surgery. When they opened her up, she was bleeding from so many places internally that they just stopped doing the surgery.
I assumed it was probably blood clots but now I wonder if it could have been damage from graphene… it was so sad. I hope there is justice someday for all these people.
Dear Brandy, I’m so sorry for your loss. This whole world has reached a level of sad that I never expected to see in my lifetime. I too hope for Justice. Meanwhile we’re continuing to write about what we have witnessed, so that we remember. Ginger
Thanks for putting together all that went on with Noack. I was in Dar es Salaam the day they poisoned the stage that Magufuli was on, which later took his life. Many others got sick that day, and walking by the hospital a huge crowd was gathered that needed to be dispersed. "Covid is here" and other such nonsense was heard. They absolutely killed him.
Dear Jerome-- Tanzanian President Magufuli was very bravely opposing the COVID propoganda and control coming from the WHO and according to the linked article below was also opposing the Chinese CCP (Communist Chinese Party) who are heavily invested in trying to control Africa. One of several very brave world officials resisting the COVID lockdown/pandemic narrative who died. Thank you for commenting here!
Fear doth make cowards of us all...Cole and the others must have felt jeopardized in some way by the information that Dr Stuckelberger provided. Scientists should not be so quick to condemn without doing further research. Its primarily about money...and possibly having their own work questioned by new information...block it! As far as all vaccines go...They are invented by mankind.
They go against nature. They would not be approved by the One behind creation.
Thank you for this. You are great heroes, both of you. I remember getting your book on the predators when it was new, when even the language of the title was "out there" to me ... yet I sensed its truth. May we survive as a species long enough (and if we do, you will be significant contributors to this) for the world to know your names.
If no other Post existed to impart the basic information the Criminals Against Humanity are hiding with endless distractions, bullying, as well as violence and Social Disorder/Upheaval and camouflaging with 'Language Wars'; THIS IS THE ONE TO KNOW ABOUT, VENTURE INTO, AND TO STUDY.
Thank-you, Ginger and Dr. Breggin.
Knew somebody had made the claim of the Ai/Nanoweapon Injections to be Quantum Razer Blades; but never knew the person reporting that or his phenomenal credibility and bona fides. Can't praise you for this post enough as it's a 'Home Run' for the Breggin's yet again. Sending it everywhere.
This is Peter Breggin. I believe Marc Girardot, like many other defenders of the genetic vaccines, is creating a huge distraction from a human tragedy.
The single most important fact about the vaccines is that the number of reports of death to the VAERS reporting system, monitored by the FDA and CDC, is approaching 20,000. The available research and my forensic experience confirm that for every reported death there are more than 100 actual deaths (see our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators).
Therefore, we are approaching at least 2 million vaccine deaths in the U.S. Instead of quarrelling about the mechanism of harm when there are many documented mechanisms, we all need to make clear that the vaccines are a catastrophe and stay focused on stopping them. Instead, he makes clear in his last comment (at about 8 pm Eastern Time on March 15) that the vaccines are harmless and great if only they are administered correctly. He says they "did a good job" making the "vaccines" but in reality the DoD took over Operation WARP speed, threw out all scientific inquiry, and created a monstrous assault on humanity with something more akin to a bioweapon than a genuine vaccine.
Always look for distractions that suck the oxygen out of conversations and distract for the tragic events that we are trying to respond to.
Thank you.
I listened to my gut. Something just wasn't right. Red flags were going up everywhere. Never take an approved experimental jab. You are asking for trouble. Now i will never take ANY kind of jab.
Oh, and i must add that the Holy Spirit got involved in me not getting jabbed also.
Yes, same!
Sassy, what happened with you and the Holy Spirit? If you don't mind sharing🕯️
Absolutely! In Fall 2021 when the mandates came out, my husband fell under the mandate. Like a good husband, he was trying to figure out the "safest" C19 shot to take, which at the time looked like the J&J b/c it was only 1 shot. Based on the drip, drip of info that had been coming out about the C19 shots and my general inclination as an anti-vaxxer, I had grave concerns about his taking any of them, but he was worried about losing his job. And, there was a great deal of pressure in his industry to comply.
Then, one night during my 3am wake up and worry-- er, pray-- time, a very clear and distinct message came to me (I have to believe that it was the Holy Spirit). It was not audible, but it was unmistakable. "Do not let [name redacted] take the vaccine. If he does, he will die." There was our answer. We were not just being paranoid about these vaccines; God had spoken to us. He told us not to take it! In the morning, I told him, you cannot take the vaxx-- God has spoken. We decided that we would face unemployment or whatever consequences may come, but we would refuse the vaxx.
A few weeks later, we learned of a website and YouTube channel called The Healthy American with Peggy Hall. Peggy helped us learn how to write a valid religious exemption (the format and words matter), which was later granted.
This was a very uncertain and terrifying time, but God was with us and took care of us! I firmly believe that He spoke to us and guided us by His Holy Spirit!
Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful experience♥️
Wonderful! Wonderful! Thank you for sharing🕯️So good to hear your husband believed you too.⚔️
Peggy Hall we've also been following (The Healthy American) since the 💉 started.
I am so glad you listened to God. When the shots first began I was just completing a 3 yr battle with breast cancer and many medical realities I learned from that experience. I live 2 hours away from my 80 yr old mother and at the time I was so weak and sick and making it thru treatment and really was in no physical shape to be very involved in anything. My youger sister took my mother to get the shots ..... she got 1 shot and 1 booster. As soon as I became aware of what was reallly happening I spoke with my sister and told her not to give mom an experimental drug but it was too late. My sister has heart problems and was afraid my mother would visit with her friends and get "covid" and give it to her. I told her that I would personally come down and beat her up if she took my mother and got her anything else. Long story short, my mom got breast cancer and had surgery and radiation. At the same time she got dementia. She was just a regular elderly lady somewhat forgetful but after the shots she began hallucinations and things got worse. Three months ago my sister placed her in a "memory care" center because it was dangerous for her to stay by herself and my sister ....long story...... just yelled and screamed at her and would not accept that mom needed help. My older sister and I are 2-3 hours away and we do not have authority to make any decisions. My younger sister took mom to a lawyer before she got too bad and got power of attorney. Mother was supposed to go to an attorney with my older sister and both my older and younger sister would be on power of attorney. There is quite a bit of money involved and I never thought my sister would be so heartless as she is now. All the time that passed and mom could have been someplace to take care of her. She delayed help for mother because she wanted to save money. It got so bad that my mother called my younger sister and demanded she come get her and mom said she was staying with her and would not stay at her house alone anymore. (I did not know it but she was having hallucinations and hearing voices.) Of course, once that happened my sister was not going to take care of mom and she was forced to look for a care center. Now, we are paying about $7000 a month to have her where she is right now. This is money my mom and dad worked hard for many years to save. They have a house, a separate lot in a nice place and 40 acres of land 20 miles from their house. I think she also has about $200k in savings. My sister has complete control and will not meet with us to discuss anything. I am sick about this. If I had not been sick with cancer and known what was happening I would have never agreed to get mom vacinated. My husband and I are both Christians and have a house and acreage and no debt. We do not need the money and want everything used to take care of mom. We have decided that what my sister does with the money is not something we can do anything about. As long as mom is in a nice place and is loved and cared about we are happy. I never thought about an inheritance anyway. God has provided a wonderful husband for me and I trust God to provide as we need it. I am trying not to be unforgiving but it is very hard when my sister will not even return calls and is really mean-spirited. These people who created this death vax have hurt so many people and they do not care. I know of many other stories of suffering and pain people have experienced and I keep telling myself that I should not be surprised because I believe if you do not have the love and salvation of Jesus then your heart is subject to being filled with much evil.....even to hurt your own mother. I am so glad your husband did not take the shot. God Bless you both! Oh I forgot to say that my mother is a Christian and I know she is going to heaven and I will see her with a new body one day!
Me too. My mother told me at the age of 14 what will take place. She knew because she knew the Bible from cover to cover. The Holy Spirit saved my life through the words of my mother…but unfortunately she paid the price and saved mine!
God blessed me with a wonderful mother❤️🙏❤️
I think that’s the most important part.
Im going to have to purchase that book . 1923 ?!?!
Im also going to have to look up "anathema". 😁
I agree....I read both, too. Bechampe also observed "pleomorphism" (changes in the physical appearance some bacteria and different microbiotic species) which our more enlightened doctors are also seeing. Mainstream science totally ignores that.
So well said!
And your article herein is IMPORTANT & VALUED in light of the defenders of Truth who’ve been curiously off’d in the last few years after exposing some aspect of the nefarious agenda that is afoot. Are they not the Saints & Prophets of our time?
Revelation 18:24 — “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.”
Those who’ve been murdered, yes murdered!, knew the risks they were taking in speaking out & yet continued to defy the threats & all fear of death. May we all show ourselves willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of Truth, Light, and Love for all GOD’s Creation.
Another great summary,
I still hear well known people saying that you cannot see graphene in the blood. This is not true. At the most basic level I have added lab grade reduced graphene oxide to blood and can clearly see it under the microscope. This exercise will be repeated soon in a more scientific fashion to show this fact clearly. I have already posted a very basic example. This time I will sonicate it for maximum dispersion to show that it is still visible.
The RGO I bought for 350 euros is only 1 gram of lab grade material and yet still 1 to 7 layers thick. To buy graphene that is only one layer thick is nearly impossible. They have not gone to that expense to Poison us.
Aside from that we are finding answers fast now.
Silvia from Sams substack - https://sam368.substack.com/p/different-hydrogels-different-key - put a post up last night that finally shows the ability to degrade the gel technology and also to deactivate the dots, something we have been struggling to do.
We do have hope still.
Many thanks for you being willing to call out the truth. Long may you both continue.
Thankyou for that Dr Breggin.
First let me say (to GB) that this is an excellent article on a topic that - yes - has been and is being swept under the rug. (I learned of Andreas Noack in 2021 shortly after his death, then of LaQuintaColumna, but the topic then died down under the radar ) If this obfuscation is being done by those such as Drs Cole and Kory, we have to wonder why/ what are their motives?
I thought that Dr Ana Mihalcea's work on nanotech in the vials was related, but I have not seen a connection to GO/GHO in her articles. Maybe I missed it.
Back to Marc Giradot, I agree 100% that his angle is a (deliberate/ unintentional) HUGE and dangerous distraction fror a fundamentally important topic. But from day 1 of reading his substack articles, my first thought was - what biology/chemistry/medical qualifications does this guy have?, Why is he expounding on this?
According to his LinkedIn profile , he has 2 MBAs in Finance and in Business Admin. He is NOT A SCIENTIST! Why are people ( real scientists) taking his theories seriously ? I found it quite perplexing! He even roped in Dr John Campbell, which surprised me.
I have 2 (NON-Bio) Earth-Science degrees and a Masters in IT. I would not consider myself qualified to expound on a "Bolus theory" of vaccine administration - or anyhing that is bio/medical.
With Zero sciendific qualifications. why does he? Arrogance? He reminds me of Bill Gates!
Dr. Breggin, I admire you immensely. However, your reply discounts what Ginger just pointed out. It does matter to talk about mechanisms. It does matter that these new elite group of righteous doctors, suddenly making a fortune in this new alternative medicine, are scrutinized. What happened with Dr. Astrid was downright scary. No, you are wrong on this.
This is so unbelievably sad to continue hearing, “Died Unexpectedly” or “Died Suddenly”! So much so that every MSM outlet continues to spew lie after lie after lie and call these “BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS”, “Safe and Effective”! There has been so much deliberate intentional and blatant deception about everything COVID one has to wonder, “HOW MANY MORE PEOPLE WILL DIE UNEXPECTEDLY”, before this ends? If this fraud ever ends? I have heard more than 2 lifetimes of complete and utter dishonesty from almost everyone related to COVID who call themselves experts right on down to the sad CNA who’s been brainwashed!May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Hi AJR-- We are in the midst of a rolling tragedy with no down time to heal!
Is it normal to be angry at a loved one I see getting sicker and sicker after each booster but know they'll just laugh or say I should go back on meds for my bipolar since I'm acting crazy? Worried they'll be dead soon and yet I'm furious at them.
frustrated, furious, terrified, heartbroken, -- I have so many feelings about loved ones I know who have submitted to the vax and boosters. Take care of yourself Nichols and give their wellbeing to God. We mere humans can't control others choices outside of providing information. ~ Ginger
I am near 70..admire you. Words of advice and I sincerely thank you. There is prayer. And love.
I have two sisters left both jabbed. Always in the back of my mind
I notice a lot of the people who refuse to listen love their TV sets and pop culture.
I have nowhere to go after being damaged by years of psychiatry except my retired parents. Both multiply boosted. Even before the clot shots my mom had dedicated retirement to become a couch potato. Nothing but TV blaring for 16 hours a day. Then she complains about feeling depressed so she gets more drugs from her doctor to fix the problem which the doctor assures her is bad brain chemistry. She used to love to read but thanks to 14 pills a day, constant television, and a diet of almost exclusively ready made, processed foods she is a shadow of herself. Always tired, grouchy and shallow.
So lonely. And they never allowed me to learn to drive.
Trying to think of how to earn a living online but I'm too depressed myself. Life is hopeless.
RE Nichols. No no life is not hopeless. You could get driving lessons. Learn sales. Write a book. And Never too old to learn. And read your Bible. It is full of Hope from the God of Hope. Ask for His wisdom to understand. Read the Psalms and gospels.He loves and cares for you.
This is not the "REAL LIFE", but just a sick existence unfortunately. Thanks to stupid Adam and Eve.
(1 Timothy 6:19) safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.
But the price has been paid and we have a solid hope for a wonderful future when all this criminals will be gone
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
we just need to endure a little while longer. The end is very near. When you see what is now in our blood, va**ed and non-va**ed, we all have these technology in our blood. If God does not intervene very soon creation will be completely extinct. God promised to stop this
(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.
Hang in there, we are so close, now is NOT the time to quit. Our deliverance is NEAR.
See you on a beach in the restored paradise...soon
It helps me to remember that this is a part of the intent. It’s psychological warfare. I am determined not to let them win. I think it is normal to be angry, I certainly am about all these things. A good friend is taking care of her brother, who has many mysterious things going on, including blood clotting, this puts a new light on it. There are so many other things wrong with his system. It’s a miracle he’s still alive. She’s running back-and-forth to the hospital and wearing herself out even though she also is Vaccine injured, but doesn’t know it. I’ve tried to open these topics with friends and family. I just get shut down. Then the choice is whether to disconnect from them or just stay their friend and give them whatever support I can. Usually I choose the latter but it is heartbreaking.
They have chosen death because they love a lie. They are hopeless.
They'd rather die than admit they were wrong, be called mean names by TV celebrities, or admit the systems they support (education/medical system/big tech/big pharma) are so evil and corrupt. There is no way we can change such willful stupidity. They are hopeless.
I learned the fruitlessness of arguing psychiatry lovers long ago. These people see with their own eyes how much worse family members grow under the care of the shrinks. But the shrink gives some BS about how it's really just the original complaint, pay no attention to the loved one's groans, it's a progressive illness that just happens to progress faster as I prescribe more lifesaving meds...blah, blah, blah.
In order to be kind, considerate, and scientific, family members hand over loved ones to these Priests of Science, ignoring their pleas for help and evident suffering under this "safe and effective" treatment. If the drugs were so benign and good for us, if they really helped ward off madness why would so many refuse to feel better?
I know I should be charitable and forgiving, but I am angry. How could so many see it happening in front of them and not know? Maybe they simply don't care.
The annoying loved one shuts up. They sit passively like corpses in chairs all day, but they're quiet and easy for us to control. That's all that matters. Let's assume they feel better. And attribute all complaints about their rotten lives to their illness.
Who cares if they're rendered helpless and dependent for life? Who cares if they die young? These loving mothers and other family members sure don't.
Facts and evidence make no difference to most people when the liars have a slick marketing campaign and a stable of celebrity experts on their side.
They likely need orthomolecular help. Vitamins and herbs and aminos. B 12, B complex. Even large doses of Vit D3 with K2 cheer people up amazingly.
Nattokinase helps the blood clots. Better than Medical blood thinners. Take on empty stomach or it will act as a digestive enzyme. Aspirin slso good too. (Im just nervous of supporting or trusting Bayer)And high dose Ivermectin (nOT Merck brand) and Fenben are supposed to help with a lot of the inflammation issues. And cancer! There is a lot out there to help heal.
Strauss heart drops.
Very true Kathleen. The predators feed upon our grief, anger, and other negative emotions. I try to bring love into the world as much as I can and appreciate that in others while still facing the realities of this world as we have discovered and are discovering
What an uplifting statement, Kathleen—thank you!!
Please, one has to make a choice...
- In ALLOWING the powers of this earth to consume you in anger,
- In repressing that anger, one allows 'THEM ' to control the self/mind...
one ALLOWS this anger to eat at the very soul!!!!
I refuse holding on to anger, it will destroy strength of character....
One must let go of the anger and remain calm, use WISDOM....
-In remaining calm, we acknowledge everyone hasFREE WILL to choose...
Remember: many folks CHOSE to agree to the injection...
It's NOT up to us to preach to them now....
The damage has been done...
These days,
they contact me with questions...
What vitamins/ supplement to take...
What food to eat...etc.
CHOOSE to gently guide them in to understanding how to help themselves....
I never told them I did not participate in the world experiment....
What good will it do?
We hurt only ourselves clinging to anger....
I offer my shoulder, compassion and empathy for their suffering...
We all are suffering through...
-Don't let ANGER eat at your soul...
Its another GOAL accomplished for "THEM" if you allow it...
to control you...
Thanks Vinnie! Exactly! We cannot let the devil get us down...that is exactly what he and his slaves want! Look up! Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to! 😀
We can cast all our cares upon Him. He told us to! Jesus is coming for us so soon. In the meantime, there is joy and therapy in doing whatever we can for others.
Yes .. I’m having similar issue 🙏
Me too. I love him and want to help so try and show him what i see on alternative media vs mainstream but he just wont have it. We try to save them or as i told him "I'm trying to wake you up". Then i get angry because he's not listening enough for it to save his life. So bizarre to me.
At least you tried. Maybe he's afraid of getting ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist.
Acknowledgement of how horrible the world situation is would require my brother to give up his lucrative position with a major pharmaceutical corporation. Naturally he'd rather embrace denial.
Adults have the right and responsibility to look out for themselves. So personally, no I wouldn't be angry, unless I actually lived with the person and was directly affected by their idiocy. Fortunately my wife and I are in lockstep on ALL of the evil COVID response from the beginning, so no problems here thank God. I have siblings, all jabbed, one dead of cancer a week after diagnosis. That was their decision to make, not mine. Who am I to tell them what to do?
Yes. I sometimes feel despair. Depressed. Grieved and then just a numb hopelessness. But As Ginger says give their well being over to God. It is the only thing we can do. Unless they display some.openess or willingness to listen and learn.
GOD IS STILL Good. And He will bring justice and healing. I dont know how I just know that He will. And we can rest in that. And look up, forJesus is coming soon. 🙂
Absolutely Dr! I have said a number of times that all the “ISM’s” except Patriotism are being used to destroy Western civilization / Society’s! There’s an uncanny resemblance to Hitler (Nazism) using typhoid to inoculate and murder millions, (similar to Covid), Stalin, (ISM), Mao, (ISM), Saul Alinsky, (Rules for Radicals$ Cloward and Pivens! Each are similar with different execution strategies. Their ultimate goal is obviously “Overwhelm Society”, disrupt food, fuel, medical care/supplies, Banking (CDBC) forcing our eventual collapse! It’s not a coincidence how all Western Countries are protesting the same policies! Why would Denmark, protest a similar policy America is forcing through? Example after example of similar protests reflect how “GLOBAL CONTROL” In control! Not to mention WEF, WHO all working in concert! Blackrock changed E.S.G name and is now calling it “Transition Investing”, sounds nice right? NOT! What’s worse is Blackrock is now digging deeper ( ROBBING) into the pockets and forging expansive “Public - Private” partnerships to take over , water treatment plants, Airports, etc! Remember, by 2030 You will Own Nothing and Be Happy slogan? Or “Build Back Better” absolute nonsense Biden’s “illegitimate administration” slogan? I see nothing be built only DESTROYED as millions worldwide are witnessing! I thank you Dr for you time and most importantly, your commitment “ILLUMINATING” how evil mankind is! May God Bless America and The Entire World! Be safe Dr, God Bless you and your family!
Hi AJR, Thank you so much for your observations and heartfelt words. I need to clarify that it is I, Ginger, writing and responding here -- and I am not a doctor (smile) -- Peter is the MD. Have a good evening and God bless you, too!
Please accept my apology Ginger, truly I’m sorry.
Thank you for clarifying.
God Bless You and Dr Peter and family.
Dr. And Ginger Breggin. Do keep very safe. .please be careful.
Thanks for saying this Dr Breggin. Even though some of us have not seen a lot of death...blue state...I heard the ambulances all spring and summer of 2021 and knew what was going on....it has to affect 9ne. How do we cope with such awful knowledge?
Too many of those who don't get the tragedy of all of this as well as the loss of freedom.
Comedians might laugh at that, but not "getting it" is beyond Me!
Peter McCullough isn't telling the whole truth either. It's like he tells one side of the story, and doesn't want the other side told at all. None of those Front Line Doctors are telling it all; they just went into a big business of their own.
Really? I haven't followed him closely enough. What is he not exposing?
“COVID-19 and mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. It is time for the medical community to tell the truth and admit they were lied to like everybody else. These injections harm those injected and those not injected, via the shedding of this technology.
“All mRNA nanoparticle injections need to be prohibited immediately and there needs to be a thorough investigation into the criminals behind this attack on humanity.”
Quotes are from Psychotherapist Joseph Sansone, Ph.D., author of the “Ban the Jab” resolution. You can find his writings right here on Substack. Also check out Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD's Substack also. She and David Nixon, BOTH, show the pictures of what they have seen in the blood from day one. Besides that, they have put this mRNA in all injections now...from Insulin and anesthetics to the shots for our pets.
Thank you. Very helpful.
Most of the Covidians don't read books. They get all their information off the TV where they sit, passively drinking it in with their eyes and mouths wide open for hour after hour every day.
Not saying all doctors and nurses are evil. Most gave the jabs out of well intentioned ignorance. But the top of our entire health system is rotten. The system itself needs to be replaced.
The problem I have with the "good" doctors and nurses is that not nearly enough are bearing witness. By staying silent they are accomplices.
And many doctors died! From the jabs!! So clearly they didnt know. 😢
The reason this doctor was killed was because he was the type of medical professional who could put Big Pharma out of business just by his truthful findings which could land anyone from Big Pharma in jail for knowingly injecting a military made bioweapon into a human body which had already killed the test subject animals it was experimented on by Dr. Fauci.
You’re absolutely right Andrew! The same situation has happened with Boeing corporation and their recent whistleblower employee who committed suicide! As true as the saying goes,”Hindsight is 2020”, he made a video stating such. I forget his exact words. Certainly this man knew the truth as did the German Doctor and we all know what happens to “Truth-Tellers” and “Whistleblowers”right? I’m at the point where there’s trillions of dollars available from billionaires who believe the truth should be mankind’s guiding principles, among others and not the other way around, the way we’re being destroyed by evilness! Yet the “psychopath’s” continue to hold onto power over all influential politicians and people worldwide! Sadly, truthful billionaires hide from the evil being perpetuated by these “psychopathic billionaires”! I have one question for these supposed honest billionaires which is, “do you really believe these “psychopathic billionaires” will give you a pass after they’re finished destroying all the “bottom feeders”? Short answer is, NO! Evil doesn’t discriminate! Evil first will attack easy targets and eventually more difficult ones. When that time comes and it’s coming, it will be too late for all the “truthful -billionaires” to defend against such a massive attacks perpetrated on them! Look no further than the German Doctor and Boeing’s whistleblower if you don’t believe me. They weren’t soft targets, compared to say an innocent pedestrian walking down the streets of NYC or Chicago, yet the “Billionaire psychopaths” were able to “take them out” and call it suicide. They’ll do the same when the time is right to whoever survives the longest, which typically will be the remaining wealthy. Which leads me to say to all those millionaires and billionaires truth-seekers which is, you may be protected today behind your gated communities and state of the art surveillance, but those are simple and penetrable,when the time is right. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why, “for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction” group of wealthy individuals stopping this madness’ It takes money to fight money and the evil forces are filthy and richly empowered today, which is the primary reason why they’re successful causing so much suffering around the world!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Dr Kary Mullis who went on record as saying the PCR test was not a diagnostic tool is another suspicious death.
I read that Kary Mullis had a ‘heart attack’ and I think Andrew Wakefield is still alive.
Yes. The idea that it was an experimental vaccine implies incompetence. But Pfizer experimented on ferrets and over some weeks, all the ferrets died. They then deployed the vaxx. So, Pfizer knew it was lethal. Therefore, incompetence was not behind it but intent to murder in the first degree, premeditated.
talking about God, I think this is HIM alone who can deliver us, because this battle is HIS. Destroying God's creation down to the genome, the genetic code put in our cells by the creator, is a direct attack on God by non other than his arch enemy, Satan the Devil...so it is God's battle, we cannot destroy the Devil ...way to powerful for us..
(Revelation 16:14) They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.
(Deuteronomy 32:35) Vengeance is mine, and retribution, At the appointed time when their foot slips, For the day of their disaster is near, And what awaits them will come quickly.’
(Job 34:21, 22) For God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. 22 There is no darkness or deep shadow Where wrongdoers can conceal themselves.
(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.
(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”
I agree Cecile and stand aside your steadfast devotion to our Lord Jesus!
There are no tears which fell my eyes. For Satans-evilest have shown their most destructive forces, matched not against our most loving, most powerful, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Not now, Not ever!
For the darkness of evil hath been illuminated for all to see, how unwavering in truth and in power, our Lord’s love and might, wields against, such darkened-evilness’s, whaling against His children!
This battle is “HIS” as you’ve said Cecile, which is why,
We mustn’t waver, nor ever forget such darkened days past hath been brightened,
for all eternity, in thy name of
our beloved Lord Jesus! For all who believe in Him, His love and His glory, lives now and will live forever, Amen.
Thank you Cecile for your spoken truthfulness’s.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
"Something went wrong" message appears when I try to like this comment.
I’m not sure Gregory why you’ve gotten that message. A lot of crazy stuff is going on, maybe reboot your computer or restart your phone.
Thanks. (BTW, it let me like your comment without rebooting.)
Great gregory, I wasn’t sure why you had an issue, I haven’t experienced any issues you’ve mentioned. Thank you for your “like” response gregory.
Thank you for revisiting the circumstances of Dr. Noack’s horrific murder. I, too, feel something off. I feel that this year is the resumption a Blitzkrieg of offenses to sovereign individuals. Bless you both. 🙏
Poison, weaken, maim, kill.
Courtesy of our sociopathic globalist and their puppet governments.
There is a video out there in our there land where Dr.Kory was speaking to a father in Australia whose daughter is being refused an transplant unless she takes 3 shots of this poison & only then would she be considered a candidate. His weasley, imo, "suggestion" to the Father was & I am paraphrasing; " If your daughter is going to die if she doesn't have the operation, well what have you got to lose by taking the "vaccines"? The inference being? The Father, rightfully, was less than impressed with that gutless commentary.
Yes. I remember viewing this video shortly after Mr Noack's arrest. I was not surprised, as numerous scientists and whistle-blowers have *gone missing* these last 15 years. The arrest was truly brutal...
From Mr Noack's remarks: "It [graphene oxides as graphene hydroxide] is not biologically decomposable." Well... Therein lies the rub...
Graphene technology is grandly dangerous, and there were warnings regarding many forms of nano technology published decades ago. These products are entering water supplies, waste water treatment plants, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Regulatory constructs such as the Environmental Protection Agency have been negligent in the first degree...
Thank you Peter and Ginger for a very well thought out article. Best regards.
Thanks for your comments Paul. We all need to remember that it isn't only our bodies that are being poisoned by this dangerous substance.
I found the remark by Dr. Noack that you emphasized: "It [graphene oxides as graphene hydroxide] is not biologically decomposable." to be crucially important! A chemical substance like this is found through a whole different kind of investigation and testing as he discusses was done by his colleague. So it is understandable why physicians and others looking for biology would not see this (in addition to the small size of the substance).
Well let me add to my comment that while physicians might not see the graphene hydroxide due to not having the proper equipment. They should certainly exercise a very great degree of curiosity and interest in the multiple data coming in regarding the presence of this Nanotechnology. They certainly shouldn’t be trying to censor other people.
One of the speakers at the recent Senator Ron Johnson hearing actually went into some detail on the high possibility of nano technology particles being dangerous and asked why nobody official has sought to analyze it. Nobody mentioned his point in any subsequent summary I read, but it seemed to be one of the most important items, from which all the lab versus market, and some of the other “controversies “ are effective distractions. After all, weren’t all of these shots either manufactured in China or reliant on Chinese ingredients?
Yes. Many investigators don't have access to proper microscopic analysis, spectral analysis, nor knowledge of forensic analysis of chemical signatures found in body fluids. >>>
Most persons have no idea of what "nano" actually specifies. One of my favorite quotes:
"We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.
Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people don’t know anything about it?" - Carl Sagan - Quoted May 27, 1996
(November 9, 1934 - December 20, 1996)
Hmm. Mr. Sagan didn’t live many more months after he made that statement.
True. But his statement still stands...
I think Walk2write is questioning the nature of his death and the timing
Negligent? That’s a very quaint and comforting notion.
This is the best article written about C19 era of death anywhere. I watched Dr Noack's videos and his wife's video after his death. So tragic. I pray his young child and his widow are well, somewhere safe. Please Jesus have your way with the corruption on earth!!!
Thank you for retelling and reviving the work of this brave man. The technology he describes (2D graphene that has been rendered highly water soluble) has zero utility with ANY medical product. Bleeding and blood clots can be by-products of these nano-carbon sheets and could (in theory) look like a hemorrhagic infection or disease.
I wonder if this was a test run to see if the injections could produce Ebola-like symptoms to further scare the citizenry into allowing more extreme measures to be taken by the governments. Given that the Ebola "vaccine" is out there, the use of sewage testing will undoubtedly produce positive tests in the PCR or other detection technology they have at hand.
The Ebola "vaccine" is a live virus (not Ebola) that has parts of the Ebola protein on it. Merck’s ERVEBO Ebola vaccine has a shed rate of 31%, so the virus spreads. Per Merck insert:
"ERVEBO (Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live) is a sterile suspension for intramuscular injection. ERVEBO is a live recombinant viral vaccine consisting of a vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) backbone deleted for the VSV envelope glycoprotein and substituted with the envelope glycoprotein of the Zaire ebolavirus (Kikwit 1995 strain)."
5.4 Transmission Vaccine virus RNA has been detected by RT-PCR in blood, saliva, urine, and fluid from skin vesicles of vaccinated individuals. Transmission of vaccine virus is a theoretical possibility [see Pharmacokinetics (12.3)].
The Global Predators like to piggy-back a lot of different tests in everything that they do.
I Remember reading about this during 5he lockdowns. Never forgot about it. But now I understand why it couldn’t be detected in the many athletes I saw succombing after taking the jabs! Thank you , you two remarkable people, for the information!
I remember his video.
Five vials in a small box.
Vials and in-box placement meticulously marked.
Some placebos; some not.
He was a hero.
I had an elderly friend who was well before my husband and I went on a medical trip in 2021. When we arrived back to our home town, I noticed that she wasn’t at church and asked where she was. I was told that she just felt really ill one day and went into emergency surgery. When they opened her up, she was bleeding from so many places internally that they just stopped doing the surgery.
I assumed it was probably blood clots but now I wonder if it could have been damage from graphene… it was so sad. I hope there is justice someday for all these people.
Dear Brandy, I’m so sorry for your loss. This whole world has reached a level of sad that I never expected to see in my lifetime. I too hope for Justice. Meanwhile we’re continuing to write about what we have witnessed, so that we remember. Ginger
Arne Buchhardt drowned in mysterious circumstances, due to what he was going to announce next.
Thank you.
Thanks for putting together all that went on with Noack. I was in Dar es Salaam the day they poisoned the stage that Magufuli was on, which later took his life. Many others got sick that day, and walking by the hospital a huge crowd was gathered that needed to be dispersed. "Covid is here" and other such nonsense was heard. They absolutely killed him.
Dear Jerome-- Tanzanian President Magufuli was very bravely opposing the COVID propoganda and control coming from the WHO and according to the linked article below was also opposing the Chinese CCP (Communist Chinese Party) who are heavily invested in trying to control Africa. One of several very brave world officials resisting the COVID lockdown/pandemic narrative who died. Thank you for commenting here!
Fear doth make cowards of us all...Cole and the others must have felt jeopardized in some way by the information that Dr Stuckelberger provided. Scientists should not be so quick to condemn without doing further research. Its primarily about money...and possibly having their own work questioned by new information...block it! As far as all vaccines go...They are invented by mankind.
They go against nature. They would not be approved by the One behind creation.
Thank you for this. You are great heroes, both of you. I remember getting your book on the predators when it was new, when even the language of the title was "out there" to me ... yet I sensed its truth. May we survive as a species long enough (and if we do, you will be significant contributors to this) for the world to know your names.
If no other Post existed to impart the basic information the Criminals Against Humanity are hiding with endless distractions, bullying, as well as violence and Social Disorder/Upheaval and camouflaging with 'Language Wars'; THIS IS THE ONE TO KNOW ABOUT, VENTURE INTO, AND TO STUDY.
Thank-you, Ginger and Dr. Breggin.
Knew somebody had made the claim of the Ai/Nanoweapon Injections to be Quantum Razer Blades; but never knew the person reporting that or his phenomenal credibility and bona fides. Can't praise you for this post enough as it's a 'Home Run' for the Breggin's yet again. Sending it everywhere.