It helps me to remember that this is a part of the intent. It’s psychological warfare. I am determined not to let them win. I think it is normal to be angry, I certainly am about all these things. A good friend is taking care of her brother, who has many mysterious things going on, including blood clotting, this puts a new light on it. T…
It helps me to remember that this is a part of the intent. It’s psychological warfare. I am determined not to let them win. I think it is normal to be angry, I certainly am about all these things. A good friend is taking care of her brother, who has many mysterious things going on, including blood clotting, this puts a new light on it. There are so many other things wrong with his system. It’s a miracle he’s still alive. She’s running back-and-forth to the hospital and wearing herself out even though she also is Vaccine injured, but doesn’t know it. I’ve tried to open these topics with friends and family. I just get shut down. Then the choice is whether to disconnect from them or just stay their friend and give them whatever support I can. Usually I choose the latter but it is heartbreaking.
They have chosen death because they love a lie. They are hopeless.
They'd rather die than admit they were wrong, be called mean names by TV celebrities, or admit the systems they support (education/medical system/big tech/big pharma) are so evil and corrupt. There is no way we can change such willful stupidity. They are hopeless.
I learned the fruitlessness of arguing psychiatry lovers long ago. These people see with their own eyes how much worse family members grow under the care of the shrinks. But the shrink gives some BS about how it's really just the original complaint, pay no attention to the loved one's groans, it's a progressive illness that just happens to progress faster as I prescribe more lifesaving meds...blah, blah, blah.
In order to be kind, considerate, and scientific, family members hand over loved ones to these Priests of Science, ignoring their pleas for help and evident suffering under this "safe and effective" treatment. If the drugs were so benign and good for us, if they really helped ward off madness why would so many refuse to feel better?
I know I should be charitable and forgiving, but I am angry. How could so many see it happening in front of them and not know? Maybe they simply don't care.
The annoying loved one shuts up. They sit passively like corpses in chairs all day, but they're quiet and easy for us to control. That's all that matters. Let's assume they feel better. And attribute all complaints about their rotten lives to their illness.
Who cares if they're rendered helpless and dependent for life? Who cares if they die young? These loving mothers and other family members sure don't.
Facts and evidence make no difference to most people when the liars have a slick marketing campaign and a stable of celebrity experts on their side.
Nattokinase helps the blood clots. Better than Medical blood thinners. Take on empty stomach or it will act as a digestive enzyme. Aspirin slso good too. (Im just nervous of supporting or trusting Bayer)And high dose Ivermectin (nOT Merck brand) and Fenben are supposed to help with a lot of the inflammation issues. And cancer! There is a lot out there to help heal.
Very true Kathleen. The predators feed upon our grief, anger, and other negative emotions. I try to bring love into the world as much as I can and appreciate that in others while still facing the realities of this world as we have discovered and are discovering
It helps me to remember that this is a part of the intent. It’s psychological warfare. I am determined not to let them win. I think it is normal to be angry, I certainly am about all these things. A good friend is taking care of her brother, who has many mysterious things going on, including blood clotting, this puts a new light on it. There are so many other things wrong with his system. It’s a miracle he’s still alive. She’s running back-and-forth to the hospital and wearing herself out even though she also is Vaccine injured, but doesn’t know it. I’ve tried to open these topics with friends and family. I just get shut down. Then the choice is whether to disconnect from them or just stay their friend and give them whatever support I can. Usually I choose the latter but it is heartbreaking.
They have chosen death because they love a lie. They are hopeless.
They'd rather die than admit they were wrong, be called mean names by TV celebrities, or admit the systems they support (education/medical system/big tech/big pharma) are so evil and corrupt. There is no way we can change such willful stupidity. They are hopeless.
I learned the fruitlessness of arguing psychiatry lovers long ago. These people see with their own eyes how much worse family members grow under the care of the shrinks. But the shrink gives some BS about how it's really just the original complaint, pay no attention to the loved one's groans, it's a progressive illness that just happens to progress faster as I prescribe more lifesaving meds...blah, blah, blah.
In order to be kind, considerate, and scientific, family members hand over loved ones to these Priests of Science, ignoring their pleas for help and evident suffering under this "safe and effective" treatment. If the drugs were so benign and good for us, if they really helped ward off madness why would so many refuse to feel better?
I know I should be charitable and forgiving, but I am angry. How could so many see it happening in front of them and not know? Maybe they simply don't care.
The annoying loved one shuts up. They sit passively like corpses in chairs all day, but they're quiet and easy for us to control. That's all that matters. Let's assume they feel better. And attribute all complaints about their rotten lives to their illness.
Who cares if they're rendered helpless and dependent for life? Who cares if they die young? These loving mothers and other family members sure don't.
Facts and evidence make no difference to most people when the liars have a slick marketing campaign and a stable of celebrity experts on their side.
They likely need orthomolecular help. Vitamins and herbs and aminos. B 12, B complex. Even large doses of Vit D3 with K2 cheer people up amazingly.
Nattokinase helps the blood clots. Better than Medical blood thinners. Take on empty stomach or it will act as a digestive enzyme. Aspirin slso good too. (Im just nervous of supporting or trusting Bayer)And high dose Ivermectin (nOT Merck brand) and Fenben are supposed to help with a lot of the inflammation issues. And cancer! There is a lot out there to help heal.
Strauss heart drops.
Very true Kathleen. The predators feed upon our grief, anger, and other negative emotions. I try to bring love into the world as much as I can and appreciate that in others while still facing the realities of this world as we have discovered and are discovering
What an uplifting statement, Kathleen—thank you!!