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Yes, same!

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Sassy, what happened with you and the Holy Spirit? If you don't mind sharing🕯️

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Absolutely! In Fall 2021 when the mandates came out, my husband fell under the mandate. Like a good husband, he was trying to figure out the "safest" C19 shot to take, which at the time looked like the J&J b/c it was only 1 shot. Based on the drip, drip of info that had been coming out about the C19 shots and my general inclination as an anti-vaxxer, I had grave concerns about his taking any of them, but he was worried about losing his job. And, there was a great deal of pressure in his industry to comply.

Then, one night during my 3am wake up and worry-- er, pray-- time, a very clear and distinct message came to me (I have to believe that it was the Holy Spirit). It was not audible, but it was unmistakable. "Do not let [name redacted] take the vaccine. If he does, he will die." There was our answer. We were not just being paranoid about these vaccines; God had spoken to us. He told us not to take it! In the morning, I told him, you cannot take the vaxx-- God has spoken. We decided that we would face unemployment or whatever consequences may come, but we would refuse the vaxx.

A few weeks later, we learned of a website and YouTube channel called The Healthy American with Peggy Hall. Peggy helped us learn how to write a valid religious exemption (the format and words matter), which was later granted.

This was a very uncertain and terrifying time, but God was with us and took care of us! I firmly believe that He spoke to us and guided us by His Holy Spirit!

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Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful experience♥️

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Wonderful! Wonderful! Thank you for sharing🕯️So good to hear your husband believed you too.⚔️

Peggy Hall we've also been following (The Healthy American) since the 💉 started.

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One additional note. Over the last 2 years, we have known too many family members and friends (young and otherwise healthy) who now have chronic illnesses or who died suddenly— cancers (especially brain), heart attacks, ALS, etc. It’s really depressing frankly. I truly believe that my husband would have been one of those heartbreaking statistics if he had ended up taking the vaxx. 🙏

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So glad he didn't get one.

So glad the Holy Spirit spoke to you.🕯️We don't know of anyone who has died from it - yet.

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I am so glad you listened to God. When the shots first began I was just completing a 3 yr battle with breast cancer and many medical realities I learned from that experience. I live 2 hours away from my 80 yr old mother and at the time I was so weak and sick and making it thru treatment and really was in no physical shape to be very involved in anything. My youger sister took my mother to get the shots ..... she got 1 shot and 1 booster. As soon as I became aware of what was reallly happening I spoke with my sister and told her not to give mom an experimental drug but it was too late. My sister has heart problems and was afraid my mother would visit with her friends and get "covid" and give it to her. I told her that I would personally come down and beat her up if she took my mother and got her anything else. Long story short, my mom got breast cancer and had surgery and radiation. At the same time she got dementia. She was just a regular elderly lady somewhat forgetful but after the shots she began hallucinations and things got worse. Three months ago my sister placed her in a "memory care" center because it was dangerous for her to stay by herself and my sister ....long story...... just yelled and screamed at her and would not accept that mom needed help. My older sister and I are 2-3 hours away and we do not have authority to make any decisions. My younger sister took mom to a lawyer before she got too bad and got power of attorney. Mother was supposed to go to an attorney with my older sister and both my older and younger sister would be on power of attorney. There is quite a bit of money involved and I never thought my sister would be so heartless as she is now. All the time that passed and mom could have been someplace to take care of her. She delayed help for mother because she wanted to save money. It got so bad that my mother called my younger sister and demanded she come get her and mom said she was staying with her and would not stay at her house alone anymore. (I did not know it but she was having hallucinations and hearing voices.) Of course, once that happened my sister was not going to take care of mom and she was forced to look for a care center. Now, we are paying about $7000 a month to have her where she is right now. This is money my mom and dad worked hard for many years to save. They have a house, a separate lot in a nice place and 40 acres of land 20 miles from their house. I think she also has about $200k in savings. My sister has complete control and will not meet with us to discuss anything. I am sick about this. If I had not been sick with cancer and known what was happening I would have never agreed to get mom vacinated. My husband and I are both Christians and have a house and acreage and no debt. We do not need the money and want everything used to take care of mom. We have decided that what my sister does with the money is not something we can do anything about. As long as mom is in a nice place and is loved and cared about we are happy. I never thought about an inheritance anyway. God has provided a wonderful husband for me and I trust God to provide as we need it. I am trying not to be unforgiving but it is very hard when my sister will not even return calls and is really mean-spirited. These people who created this death vax have hurt so many people and they do not care. I know of many other stories of suffering and pain people have experienced and I keep telling myself that I should not be surprised because I believe if you do not have the love and salvation of Jesus then your heart is subject to being filled with much evil.....even to hurt your own mother. I am so glad your husband did not take the shot. God Bless you both! Oh I forgot to say that my mother is a Christian and I know she is going to heaven and I will see her with a new body one day!

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Hi Deb-- the covid "vaccines" have complicated so many family issues, as well as the lives of so many elderly relatives. I am very sorry your family has been divided over the vax use, and most of all because of it's effect upon your mom's health and well being. that time period of caring for one's elder parents can be the most trying! God bless you and your mother

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I’m so sorry! Yes, this evil has permeated every facet of life, and especially the elderly who ironically if they are healthy, probably have better immunity to this than younger generations who have received all or a subset of the immune-destroying 92+ childhood vaccines in the past 30-40 years. I hope that you are able to take over the proper care of your mother sometime soon! 🙏

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