May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Bravo, Dr. Fukushima! Very well-said.... CRYSTAL CLEAR, in fact. Thank you for your bravery. And, you called it correctly ... "evil".

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I wish him all the safety and protection from those that would want to punish or harm him.

There are still too many people world wide that do not want to know anything about vaccines.

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Yes and sadly many of us have at least one person in our family or friends 'circle' whom we haven't been able to convince, but more are coming to understand the damages of these mRNA vaccines every day! It is uplifting to hear from a physician half a world away who has been speaking out vigorously for the sake of people everywhere! I believe we need to cherish every doctor and scientist willing to risk all to save lives. ~ Ginger

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Ginger, you are correct. I can not discuss vaccines with any of my family members, and really, I can not bring it up with many friends either. My nurse practitioner has never pressured me into taking any vaccine.

It is insulting and ghastly that the US government, and governments world wide, took over health care and made rules and forced people to comply. It is just wicked, completely evil and criminal

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Yes it is evil. We keep coming back to that as we discuss the COVID and mRNA vaccine situation with our guests.... and criminal, too. But we will need to get impartial, 'rule of law' courts and law enforcement re-established to begin to get criminal prosecutions going at all levels. ~ Ginger

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I see more and more court cases being reported about mandates, mRNA harms, and more and more articles about how government propaganda was and is going on. I find this heartening, but it is a long haul and there will be more unrest until we get there and truth is fully out.

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Dear Mouzer yes, indeed this is a marathon, not a sprint

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

It’s the compromised physicians who keep my family and friends from discovering the truth. Perhaps living in Johns Hopkins Land has something to do with it.

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I am sure "Johns Hopkins Land" doesn't help, but the propaganda has been spread everywhere via media/government/celebrities/ and so forth. It will be those who are less rebellious, more willing to not think independently who will be killed sooner. Those who are tougher, more questioning, critical thinking are more likely to survive

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Jun 1Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I think the same!

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May 30Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin


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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Just saw another friend lost a niece to turbo cancer yesterday. Expect the body count to rise for years.

It was a Japanese physician who alerted his country to the brain damage caused by Gardisil, which may have gotten banned in Japan as a result. Need to double check my recall on that.

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Thank you Dr. Obvious for dropping in! I am so very sorry to hear about the death of your friend's niece. We are hearing about deaths every day. I agree we will be adding up the toll of this mass murder for years and decades. ~ Ginger

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you Ginger and Peter! I’ve shared copies of ‘ COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey’ with many people. God Bless you both!

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May it help open all their eyes to this crisis-- Thank you! ~ Ginger

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May 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you for bringing up the Gardisil fiasco! I cannot believe how CDC wants everyone to get their kids jabbed to avoid genital warts when the kids aren’t even sexually active! Oh, but it will prevent cancer they say! 🤯 It makes me so angry! Japan was right to block it when they saw young girls passing out after they received the injection. That is a neurological sign of trauma! Unfortunately Japan has allowed Gardisil back in. Grrrrr! https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(22)00002-X/abstract

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The flu vax has been a scam from day one.


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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

A new untested type of vaccine for a new unknown virus.

Where is the jab line ?


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May 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Years before covid, before "spike protein", the lipids were found to be toxic.... Why did they go with multiple dose shots? Why are people falling for the spike protein while ignoring the real issue?

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at






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Dear TheyLied-- Thank you for listing our book among your book resources! I look forward to exploring your website further ~ Ginger

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Dr Malone is speaking out on the University of Pennsylvania creating a RNA injection tested in animals to combat the new fear protocol about bird flu jumping from chickens etc to humans being developed to herd humanity. Do you agree with his assessment?

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Dear Thomas, I would appreciate seeing a link so I can see what Dr. Malone is saying first hand ~ Ginger

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It is on RFK Jr. website. I admire what RFK Jr. is doing. Don't agree with all his views, but if we just stop autism, I am in!! https://childrenshealthdefense.org/authors/suzanne-burdick-ph-d/

We need unity among all who are trying to stop this insane idea that RNA injections are the answer to disease states.

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See below wher another Commentor provided the precise link and made a very rational comment.

. I now see the article. I agree with the other comment below —we just don’t know what might’ve been cooked up in these witches brew labs but it is madness and criminal for any mRNA platforms or vaccines to be offered. They are toxic, proven deadly Technology that shouldn’t be used on man, bird or beast. No exceptions

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No below?

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Agree! Big Pharma veterinarian divisions drive the way chicken farmers manage their confined chicken raising practices. Chickens are raised under stress which lowers their immune system since they do not get sufficient sunlight, and are doctored with antibiotics. Result when the bird flu virus hits it decimates the chickens.! Bird flu wiould disappear if they would change the chicken raising practices and it would be a non-entity! Kaiser today published a fear article about the bird flu! The March to round two is coming!

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Hi Thomas-- that is a general bio page for author Suzanne Burdick and not a link to the Malone comment. but thank you for trying to locate it.

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She is quoting what Dr Malone said. Not valid?

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When I click on the link above that you left, I get her biography page with a selection of a lot of articles. So I don't even see a specific article where she is quoting him. and since it is second hand I'll pass on commenting about it--I just cannot quite tell what is being said....

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Try going to RFK Jr Children’s Defense website.

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My personal opinion: we won't know how dangerous avian flu is going to be until the fat chicken sings. Seriously, if it is a mutated gain of function flu that can do human to human transmission released from some lab, it could be a problem. The regular one, I wouldn't worry about. But regardless, do Zelenko's prophylactic protocol: quercetin, zinc, C, D and stock up on meds and be prepared. Then bring me some birdfood. We have adopted a wild turkey and give it food whenever she drops by our land. She has an ugly face only a mother can love, but is cute anyways.

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Dear EG thank you so much. I now see the article. I agree we just don’t know what might’ve been cooked up in these witches brew labs but it is madness and criminal for any mRNA platforms or vaccines to be offered. They are toxic, proven deadly Technology that shouldn’t be used on man, bird or beast.

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Like people who get the flu, birds live through it! The report that cats that drank raw cow’s milk from cows were infected and died with bird flu is laughable! Think of all the kitties worldwide who hunt and eat wild birds who should be dying of bird flu! If raw milk from a cow increases the risk of disease, why did the CDC say that mothers with Covid could nurse their babies? Why aren’t baby calves getting bird flu from mother’s milk?

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Highly educated people have lost their ability for critical thinking. Dr. Nehl’s book offered the best technical explanation I’ve read so far. IMO it’s also group think that replaces critical thinking, especially in the highly educated and credentialed class.

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Hard to categorize any entire group of humans by class, education, race, or other differentiation. But we've seen a lot of compliance, intimidation, and 'just stay in your own lane' dependence upon other 'experts.'

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When you hear the words “trust the science” run! 🤨

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I calculated my risk of dying from the virus and compared it to the known risks at the time of 'vaccines'. I presented my analysis to our head of analytics at a University Affiliated Research Center. He responded that it didn't agree with the WSJ. My background is engineering physics and know how to do math.

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One more thought. Just like there’s honor amongst thieves, there is comfort to be amongst other credentialed liars. It’s an emotional self protection mechanism. The alternative is to live with the reality that you injured or killed patients who relied your professional credentials.

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I think human beings find comfort to be amongst others who agree...it is uncomfortable to go against the general opinion or perspective ~ Ginger

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin


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Thank you for sharing this. May the truth - however horrifying - ripple out into the world. Blessing to Dr. Fukushima and to you both.

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May 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you so much for sharing Dr Fukushima's work and for your transcriptions work.

Thank you so much to Dr Fukushima - a man of great courage and integrity.

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Dear KM-- I appreciate the thanks! I hand transcribed those interviews from the printed translations in the videos. He gave each presentation in his native Japanese and the videos have English subtitles....but I find having the printed word is so useful. ~ Ginger

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May 30Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

That must have taken a long time! But I am deeply grateful! I also far prefer the written word. Thanks again.

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May 28Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I heard a bell. Where do I go for my shot ?

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May 30Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Now that’s funny.

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May 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Another death among my acquaintances so far this year. That’s 2 cancer relapses and one aortic valve dissection in an otherwise fit woman. And I’ve heard numerous stories second hand of young people dying unexpectedly. Horrible.

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May 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Mr. Makis’s Substack lists hundreds & hundreds & so sign of slowing down, now well into 2024… 😩🤬

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Yes, Dr. Makis is doing a tremendous job of keeping us informed through his substack,

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I'm sorry, Irene--it's loss after loss. And no sign it will be letting up! ~ Ginger

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Jun 5Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The Covid-19 vaccines could have long-term negative implications to the human race. Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo in January called for a halt to the shots for this very real possibility. In a Tucker Carlson interview, he said, “The vaccines have DNA in them… and that’s not necessarily a big deal, but it’s a problem with these vaccines because the DNA hangs on with the mRNA and goes into people’s cells. … So, this is a completely different risk analysis than other products that have had DNA. … These vaccines are the antichrist of all products.” https://mammothnation.com/blog/being-unvaccinated-in-a-covid-19-jabbed-world?utm_source=deployer&utm_medium=email&utm_content=&utm_campaign=email_letter&utm_term=

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May 30Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Beautiful article! Wonderful, courageous man! Everyone should know his name:


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Dear Dr. Margaret-- We agree! We wanted to really highlight his work in Japan, which I had barely heard of....he is one of the life savers and very brave people out there. If you can listen today at 5 pm eastern time, to Americaoutloud.news live radio, our Pulse interview for this week will air and it features another hero doctor-- Dr. Charles Hoffe. The interview goes to podcast on Saturday and will be available via my substack over the weekend. ~ Love, Ginger

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We should make a list of REAL HERO doctors who haven’t sold their souls but keep speaking out:)!

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