Very good post. With that said, I respectfully remind readers that Israel was the first country to start mass C-19 vaccine injection upon the populace with disastrous results, and (for as long as possible) withheld by the Ministry of Health.
Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu made a secretive agreement with Pfizer for the C-19 vaccine in exchange for providing the health records of Israeli citizens for 30 years -- without their consent!
"We need to understand that [Israel's agreement with Pfizer] is going to be one of the, I would say, widest medical experiments on humans at the 21st century," says the Israel Democracy Institute's Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a data privacy advocate and a leading voice questioning the Pfizer data deal.
Their are generational effects relevant to the C-19 vaccine.
Unfortunately, there are factions of "Think Global, Act Local" within every country. Agenda 21/30 and the abolition of the family is routinely carried out by public/private partnerships with a vested interest in population reduction, as long as they get to choose who gets "depopulated". Genocide which has six criteria listed in United State Code Annotated TITLE 18, Subsection 1091 is not prosecuted in the United States by those factions that know how to hide behind "Color of Law" and endless rhetoric. My own family was forced into a condition of genocide/democide on January 29th, 2003 by conspiring bureaucrats and upheld by their accomplices in willfully ignorant courts who would never question their integrity, morals or ethical standards. Although Article 4, Section 4 is supposed to protect "States" from invasion, and the 4th amendment is supposed to protect the "right of the people to be secure in their (persons=a corporate term) body's, house property and effects against "Unreasonable searches and seizures" when a collective body of haters are the ones who get to define what is "unreasonable" they, those on the receiving end of their ire are not left any recourse but "Comply or die". The never ending hunger games and the insatiable appetites of those who abuse the poor seem endless.
This is a very well-written comment backed up by experience, and has the ring of truth to it. I was wondering if you could expand on it here, or as a separate post.
During the initial incursion, (Shock and Awe tactics) my wife and I were speechless, that is to say, I did not believe people could be arrested because somebody made an accusation of (in their words suspected "Child Abuse"). My family and I were being kept under a glass ceiling financially. They preferred the term "indigent" But we were being stalked by the Washington County Sheriff's and the DCFS/CPS for a couple of years and they always had "anonymous tips" from an unnamed "neighbor" of our having "no food" among other lame excuses to interlope. The Conspiracy against our rights (in violation of the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution and 18 U.S.C, 241), and the Deprivation of rights under color of law in violation of 18 U.S.C, 242) leading to a condition of Genocide in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1091), and I did not even mention the Tampering with a witness 18 U.S.C. 1215) you know, hostage taking extortion, torture coercive detention for months, being mocked and libeled and slandered. Although all these crimes are clearly defined in the Penal Codes, like 18 U.S.C. 1341 (Frauds and Swindles), they are all in violation of Federal and International law, they are glossed over by "the better sort" of people who could not be persuaded to control themselves. In a rush to judgment, they imprisoned my wife and I for 57 days, the day of their unlawful search and seizure of our 8 1/2 year old son in the Washington Elementary School, Washington, Utah. Being denied due process and equal protection of the law was never factored into their calculations. They knew they could accuse/excuse anybody they wanted and get away with murder in broad daylight because of the psychological effects of "Titles of Nobility" and "Official looking costumes".
Living in Japan, experiencing living on the fringe as a token minority, and with some academic background in philosophy of science, logic, and language ... what you describe sounds par for the course of human behavior at its worst.
Though I don't follow a philosophy of scientific reductionism, I do tend to see humans as social primates, and once our populations exceed Dunbar's number (roughly 200 or so individuals ... which is also about the maximum size of a chimpanzee troop), we necessarily have to rely on many proxies for immediate empathy-driven behavior, ranging from custom, traditions, and ceremonies to habit, law, and algorithms.
That big brain of ours is a double-edged sword, allowing for sophisticated techniques of communication and manipulation. As I've seen as an outsider in Japan ... social currency (titles of nobility) and official-looking costumes (both traditional and modern in Japan) are among the most powerful tools of subliminal coercion here too.
As malleable as maliciously weaponized lawfare can be in the States, it is arguably worse here in Japan than the U.S., buttressed with a stronger cultural norm of mutual surveillance (in the name of 'collective harmony') and fewer explicitly stated protections for individual rights (also in the name of 'collective harmony'). Here, it is taken for granted that decisions are made behind closed doors by those with vested interests. One of the effects of that subliminal ideology is a strong focus on keeping up appearances, even at the expense of more objective realities ... the opposite of my home state's motto, "Esse quam videri" (to be, rather than to seem). One scandal after another in the Japanese corporate nation-state hides behind the strong societal norm of keeping up appearances at all cost.
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were a couple of philosophers that influenced a lot of my earlier thoughts about collective human nature, but did not fit my personality traits. I have only recently reconciled that cognitive dissonance by seeing their world-view of "strong" individuals imposing their wills on others, as an over-compensation for their own shortcomings in social currency and familial success in life.
(sighing again). These 'great' thinkers too, were merely human, all too human.
They managed to bootstrap the "Child Abuse" accusation into 2 Felonies and 4 Misdemeanors apiece for my wife and I, and the court appointed "Public Pretenders" were gaslighting us about how they could bury us in prison for their trumped up charges. The "Kings of the Earth" are still throwing the poor into dungeons without recourse or remorse. I saw that School Principal three years later at a public event, when he walked past me with a gloating smirk on his face. The Saints and Satanist of Utah are indistinguishable until they reveal themselves through their incessant prevarications.
You and your wife have really been through the wringer. I'm so sorry to hear this.
On the other hand, maybe we all have to go through something similarly traumatizing to realize the truth and importance of "the Saints and Satanists are indistinguishable until ..." And even then, most of those who have not been what you've been through will still fail to distinguish.
I've been learning a lot about these pretenders on the Ponerology substack, and it explains a lot about the bad actors here in Japan ... Cluster B personality traits, those genetically predetermined to be high in dark-triad personality traits ... the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and snakes-in-suits psychopaths among us. Add 'gleeful sadism' to the mix and that might describe why there will neve be a heaven-on-earth. But that also raises the question of freedom of choice. Do those dark-triads really have a choice? James Fallon, author of "The Psychopath Inside", argued for a definition of psychopathy as a medical condition still offering a pro-social choice. But medically defined psychopathy is a narrow slice of that broad swath of the worst in humanity.
I hope your story goes viral, and helps wake up those who are capable of seeing the difference between Saints and Satanists, between the empathetic and the users.
It is because I fear God that I no longer contemplate "self" defense. I learned how to kill men with just my hands, and developed a deliberate indifference towards them in my first marriage. The "just doing my job" mentality became child's play. LEO's who snarl "threats of arrest" when I know I haven't violated anybody in over 35 year don't intimidate me as much as their threats are a temptation to cure what ails them. God has humbled me and I learned about the "Dunning/Kruger" effect. I have been reduced beyond recovery by my own doing, and ignoring what I knew to be right. My own understanding can deceive me, but when I no longer participate in the violence at my door, then at least I might hope for mercy from God. I don't expect any from this world because I know there are many "soldiers" who glory in dominating others and had similar training (indoctrination). My wife died almost 10 years after the incursion, and she never got to see her son again. He came back to me 2 days before his 19th birthday and was also indoctrinated into secular/communist beliefs. Trying to "Love my enemies" means I don't kill them for their errant stupidity. God's patience with just me is a testimony of a love he cannot be contained to only those who love him, it has to be shared.
There is so much wrong with this post, I do not know even how to respond, jaw dropping dismay!
Normally I support the Breggins, but here it is just the opposite! I am convinced the government of Israel, ruled by a convicted psychotic criminal, is among the worst of the worst following the diktats of the globalist technocrat predator democidal total slavery agenda - just look what they are doing to the Palestinians!
I will have to agree to disagree on this topic and respect free speech and post my definitive statement.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and also targeting the 'useless eaters' elders, then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The horrifying senators, Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do against the WEF/UN/WHO, etc.
Like you, I was a bit surprised by this particular post. One reason was for the tone of exclusive exceptionalism given to Jews. I occasionally see the same line of reasoning used by authoritarian right-wing Japanese nationalists over here ... as it was used in the past to justify the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" and the eventual destruction of Imperial Japan.
And especially after a few volunteer stints in rural Cambodia, I also respect the many smaller close-to-the-land "ethnic" communities scattered all over the planet, many of which arguably have a longer history, depending on how one defines 'history', 'ethnicity', and so on.
Although I think I can understand where the Breggins are coming from on this, not once did I see a mention of how this zero-sum game plays out for the open-air-prison of Palestine, and neither did I see any indication that they were aware of how their ideals could be twisted by the realpolitik of sociopathic power mongers to undermine their ideals and even accelerate the globalism they abhor.
Identity politics, either in the modern corporate nation-state or in the pre-industrial past, seems to be an inherently dangerous, double-edged sword, deeply embedded within our collective genetic predisposition for tribalism. As a species, I fear we may yet find ourselves falling on that sword.
Thank you! Greg Reese did an excellent video on this subject. I'll have it up soon. I'm in Rochester. If I remember correctly, you're in Canandaigua or somewhere in the southern tier?
I have never understood this planet. Especially the whole Jewish thing. But it is coming together more and more. Thanks to your knowledgeable followers. And my own observations. Like mass murdering. Like it is holy? Does it take a non believer to say hey, mass murder is wrong. No matter who you are.
I mostly like your analyses and have deep respect for you and your wife, but on this issue you are way off in your analysis. There are over 6MM Palestinians living on the land (Gaza and theWest Bank) that Trump is proposing to “build back better”. It is their land and he is expecting neighboring Arab countries to endorse Israel’s ethnic cleansing and to absorb millions of their kin into their countries? In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the banksters are the globalists and the majority of them are Jews. So you are endorsing global hegemony by international banking Jewry.
If you are standing with Israel - you've been deceived. PLEASE check out Scipio's writings ~ he is an awesome Truth Warrior.
Israel turned over Gaza to the Palestinians...and they destroyed the glass hot houses with food growing in them. Clinics in Israel were destroyed by Palestinians, because doctors treated their women.. .Many Palestinians are not educated; and are totally indoctrinated in their religious beliefs.....kill infidels. How many times in the Koran does it say: kill infidels...Infidels are all those who are not Muslim. Do you know what is going on worldwide in cities where they have immigrated. Muslim men raping sand killing women Do you understand the mentality of vipers.? Mindless snakes that strike without warning.
Islam...every where these people go...they kill infidels (non-muslims)...just like their Koran tells them to do! The mentality of people who lived 900 years ago...who were taught the sun sinks in a muddy pond!
Both Trump and the Florida governor, DeSantis (he was in Israel at the time) swore allegiance to Israel, but who in their right mind would want to live in Israel?
The US is now not posing any more threat to the globalists than a fly circling a bull's ass...
And yes, "the Jews" have been selected to participate in the globalists' game, and just like them, the audience is forced into decisions that they don't care to make. It's not an accident that I don't cover the "Palestinians":
I have never joined a religious group, because in my opinion religion separates people. Every religion thinks ITS the only one.. However, I am totally into the Creator who made all life. I believe in the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. As a reader of 82 years duration, I have read thousands of books, including the Bible...The essence of the 1800 page King James Bible is Matt 22:35-40., which is only about LOVE. . LOVE the Creator who made you and LOVE his Works, which is ALL LIFE. The Master taught this 2000 years ago...He said that on these TWO Commandments...HANG ALL the LAW!..
Until all nations respects the sovereignty of their neighbors and dial down their war machines, I see no resolution to the human tragedies that will continue to unfold. President Trump sees this as a goal. I hope he can achieve it. Expanding the Abraham accord is in the right direction. Too much hatred in too many souls currently.
Very good post. With that said, I respectfully remind readers that Israel was the first country to start mass C-19 vaccine injection upon the populace with disastrous results, and (for as long as possible) withheld by the Ministry of Health.
Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu made a secretive agreement with Pfizer for the C-19 vaccine in exchange for providing the health records of Israeli citizens for 30 years -- without their consent!
"We need to understand that [Israel's agreement with Pfizer] is going to be one of the, I would say, widest medical experiments on humans at the 21st century," says the Israel Democracy Institute's Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a data privacy advocate and a leading voice questioning the Pfizer data deal.
Their are generational effects relevant to the C-19 vaccine.
Unfortunately, there are factions of "Think Global, Act Local" within every country. Agenda 21/30 and the abolition of the family is routinely carried out by public/private partnerships with a vested interest in population reduction, as long as they get to choose who gets "depopulated". Genocide which has six criteria listed in United State Code Annotated TITLE 18, Subsection 1091 is not prosecuted in the United States by those factions that know how to hide behind "Color of Law" and endless rhetoric. My own family was forced into a condition of genocide/democide on January 29th, 2003 by conspiring bureaucrats and upheld by their accomplices in willfully ignorant courts who would never question their integrity, morals or ethical standards. Although Article 4, Section 4 is supposed to protect "States" from invasion, and the 4th amendment is supposed to protect the "right of the people to be secure in their (persons=a corporate term) body's, house property and effects against "Unreasonable searches and seizures" when a collective body of haters are the ones who get to define what is "unreasonable" they, those on the receiving end of their ire are not left any recourse but "Comply or die". The never ending hunger games and the insatiable appetites of those who abuse the poor seem endless.
Hello Clyde.
This is a very well-written comment backed up by experience, and has the ring of truth to it. I was wondering if you could expand on it here, or as a separate post.
Cheers from Japan ... a nice place to visit.
During the initial incursion, (Shock and Awe tactics) my wife and I were speechless, that is to say, I did not believe people could be arrested because somebody made an accusation of (in their words suspected "Child Abuse"). My family and I were being kept under a glass ceiling financially. They preferred the term "indigent" But we were being stalked by the Washington County Sheriff's and the DCFS/CPS for a couple of years and they always had "anonymous tips" from an unnamed "neighbor" of our having "no food" among other lame excuses to interlope. The Conspiracy against our rights (in violation of the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution and 18 U.S.C, 241), and the Deprivation of rights under color of law in violation of 18 U.S.C, 242) leading to a condition of Genocide in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1091), and I did not even mention the Tampering with a witness 18 U.S.C. 1215) you know, hostage taking extortion, torture coercive detention for months, being mocked and libeled and slandered. Although all these crimes are clearly defined in the Penal Codes, like 18 U.S.C. 1341 (Frauds and Swindles), they are all in violation of Federal and International law, they are glossed over by "the better sort" of people who could not be persuaded to control themselves. In a rush to judgment, they imprisoned my wife and I for 57 days, the day of their unlawful search and seizure of our 8 1/2 year old son in the Washington Elementary School, Washington, Utah. Being denied due process and equal protection of the law was never factored into their calculations. They knew they could accuse/excuse anybody they wanted and get away with murder in broad daylight because of the psychological effects of "Titles of Nobility" and "Official looking costumes".
(sigh). I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Living in Japan, experiencing living on the fringe as a token minority, and with some academic background in philosophy of science, logic, and language ... what you describe sounds par for the course of human behavior at its worst.
Though I don't follow a philosophy of scientific reductionism, I do tend to see humans as social primates, and once our populations exceed Dunbar's number (roughly 200 or so individuals ... which is also about the maximum size of a chimpanzee troop), we necessarily have to rely on many proxies for immediate empathy-driven behavior, ranging from custom, traditions, and ceremonies to habit, law, and algorithms.
That big brain of ours is a double-edged sword, allowing for sophisticated techniques of communication and manipulation. As I've seen as an outsider in Japan ... social currency (titles of nobility) and official-looking costumes (both traditional and modern in Japan) are among the most powerful tools of subliminal coercion here too.
As malleable as maliciously weaponized lawfare can be in the States, it is arguably worse here in Japan than the U.S., buttressed with a stronger cultural norm of mutual surveillance (in the name of 'collective harmony') and fewer explicitly stated protections for individual rights (also in the name of 'collective harmony'). Here, it is taken for granted that decisions are made behind closed doors by those with vested interests. One of the effects of that subliminal ideology is a strong focus on keeping up appearances, even at the expense of more objective realities ... the opposite of my home state's motto, "Esse quam videri" (to be, rather than to seem). One scandal after another in the Japanese corporate nation-state hides behind the strong societal norm of keeping up appearances at all cost.
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were a couple of philosophers that influenced a lot of my earlier thoughts about collective human nature, but did not fit my personality traits. I have only recently reconciled that cognitive dissonance by seeing their world-view of "strong" individuals imposing their wills on others, as an over-compensation for their own shortcomings in social currency and familial success in life.
(sighing again). These 'great' thinkers too, were merely human, all too human.
They managed to bootstrap the "Child Abuse" accusation into 2 Felonies and 4 Misdemeanors apiece for my wife and I, and the court appointed "Public Pretenders" were gaslighting us about how they could bury us in prison for their trumped up charges. The "Kings of the Earth" are still throwing the poor into dungeons without recourse or remorse. I saw that School Principal three years later at a public event, when he walked past me with a gloating smirk on his face. The Saints and Satanist of Utah are indistinguishable until they reveal themselves through their incessant prevarications.
You and your wife have really been through the wringer. I'm so sorry to hear this.
On the other hand, maybe we all have to go through something similarly traumatizing to realize the truth and importance of "the Saints and Satanists are indistinguishable until ..." And even then, most of those who have not been what you've been through will still fail to distinguish.
I've been learning a lot about these pretenders on the Ponerology substack, and it explains a lot about the bad actors here in Japan ... Cluster B personality traits, those genetically predetermined to be high in dark-triad personality traits ... the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and snakes-in-suits psychopaths among us. Add 'gleeful sadism' to the mix and that might describe why there will neve be a heaven-on-earth. But that also raises the question of freedom of choice. Do those dark-triads really have a choice? James Fallon, author of "The Psychopath Inside", argued for a definition of psychopathy as a medical condition still offering a pro-social choice. But medically defined psychopathy is a narrow slice of that broad swath of the worst in humanity.
I hope your story goes viral, and helps wake up those who are capable of seeing the difference between Saints and Satanists, between the empathetic and the users.
It is because I fear God that I no longer contemplate "self" defense. I learned how to kill men with just my hands, and developed a deliberate indifference towards them in my first marriage. The "just doing my job" mentality became child's play. LEO's who snarl "threats of arrest" when I know I haven't violated anybody in over 35 year don't intimidate me as much as their threats are a temptation to cure what ails them. God has humbled me and I learned about the "Dunning/Kruger" effect. I have been reduced beyond recovery by my own doing, and ignoring what I knew to be right. My own understanding can deceive me, but when I no longer participate in the violence at my door, then at least I might hope for mercy from God. I don't expect any from this world because I know there are many "soldiers" who glory in dominating others and had similar training (indoctrination). My wife died almost 10 years after the incursion, and she never got to see her son again. He came back to me 2 days before his 19th birthday and was also indoctrinated into secular/communist beliefs. Trying to "Love my enemies" means I don't kill them for their errant stupidity. God's patience with just me is a testimony of a love he cannot be contained to only those who love him, it has to be shared.
Thank you for knowing history and being reasonable.
Democide is going on everywhere. In every country of the world at once.
There is so much wrong with this post, I do not know even how to respond, jaw dropping dismay!
Normally I support the Breggins, but here it is just the opposite! I am convinced the government of Israel, ruled by a convicted psychotic criminal, is among the worst of the worst following the diktats of the globalist technocrat predator democidal total slavery agenda - just look what they are doing to the Palestinians!
I will have to agree to disagree on this topic and respect free speech and post my definitive statement.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and also targeting the 'useless eaters' elders, then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The horrifying senators, Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do against the WEF/UN/WHO, etc.
💯 percent correct & Rima totally agrees with you. What is the go here, don't the Palestinians exist?
Hi again Amy.
Like you, I was a bit surprised by this particular post. One reason was for the tone of exclusive exceptionalism given to Jews. I occasionally see the same line of reasoning used by authoritarian right-wing Japanese nationalists over here ... as it was used in the past to justify the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" and the eventual destruction of Imperial Japan.
And especially after a few volunteer stints in rural Cambodia, I also respect the many smaller close-to-the-land "ethnic" communities scattered all over the planet, many of which arguably have a longer history, depending on how one defines 'history', 'ethnicity', and so on.
Although I think I can understand where the Breggins are coming from on this, not once did I see a mention of how this zero-sum game plays out for the open-air-prison of Palestine, and neither did I see any indication that they were aware of how their ideals could be twisted by the realpolitik of sociopathic power mongers to undermine their ideals and even accelerate the globalism they abhor.
Identity politics, either in the modern corporate nation-state or in the pre-industrial past, seems to be an inherently dangerous, double-edged sword, deeply embedded within our collective genetic predisposition for tribalism. As a species, I fear we may yet find ourselves falling on that sword.
Hi Amy. Thank you for the like. Your post is excellent. See this for more on the "operated puppets" and let me know what you think.
Trump's MRNA Golden Age – Mass Vaccination Genocide 💉☠️
100%! Subscribed to your Bitchute channel.
Thank you! Greg Reese did an excellent video on this subject. I'll have it up soon. I'm in Rochester. If I remember correctly, you're in Canandaigua or somewhere in the southern tier?
Directed Energy Weapons Burning Homes to Ash (Greg Reese)
I should have Greg Reese's video on the Trump/Ellison/Thiel mRNA vaccine mass genocide press conference up next week.
Please share my channel. I could use more contributions at
Oh... Thanks.
I have never understood this planet. Especially the whole Jewish thing. But it is coming together more and more. Thanks to your knowledgeable followers. And my own observations. Like mass murdering. Like it is holy? Does it take a non believer to say hey, mass murder is wrong. No matter who you are.
Peter, see the comments. Wake up brother.
The new Pharaohs looking for slaves are the globalists..
I mostly like your analyses and have deep respect for you and your wife, but on this issue you are way off in your analysis. There are over 6MM Palestinians living on the land (Gaza and theWest Bank) that Trump is proposing to “build back better”. It is their land and he is expecting neighboring Arab countries to endorse Israel’s ethnic cleansing and to absorb millions of their kin into their countries? In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the banksters are the globalists and the majority of them are Jews. So you are endorsing global hegemony by international banking Jewry.
If you are standing with Israel - you've been deceived. PLEASE check out Scipio's writings ~ he is an awesome Truth Warrior.
Globalism as enemy of the Jews…?! Seriously 😳
Peter, Israel is the Bank, the Rothschilds, is Globalism, is the British Empire.
From the river to the sea.
Israelis as far as the eye can see.
GAZA GAZa GAza Gaza gaza ga gone.
Israel turned over Gaza to the Palestinians...and they destroyed the glass hot houses with food growing in them. Clinics in Israel were destroyed by Palestinians, because doctors treated their women.. .Many Palestinians are not educated; and are totally indoctrinated in their religious beliefs.....kill infidels. How many times in the Koran does it say: kill infidels...Infidels are all those who are not Muslim. Do you know what is going on worldwide in cities where they have immigrated. Muslim men raping sand killing women Do you understand the mentality of vipers.? Mindless snakes that strike without warning.
Yes when the Arabs our out of Gaza it will be.
Pleas clarify... ...will be what???
Israelis as far as the eye can see
Have you made your choice?
The one given to the world by Islam.
Islam...every where these people go...they kill infidels (non-muslims)...just like their Koran tells them to do! The mentality of people who lived 900 years ago...who were taught the sun sinks in a muddy pond!
Both Trump and the Florida governor, DeSantis (he was in Israel at the time) swore allegiance to Israel, but who in their right mind would want to live in Israel?
However, this is only a side show...
The US is now not posing any more threat to the globalists than a fly circling a bull's ass...
And yes, "the Jews" have been selected to participate in the globalists' game, and just like them, the audience is forced into decisions that they don't care to make. It's not an accident that I don't cover the "Palestinians":
With the orchestrated "trade wars" between globalist forces, the final stage of the western civilization has begun:
Appalling .
I have never joined a religious group, because in my opinion religion separates people. Every religion thinks ITS the only one.. However, I am totally into the Creator who made all life. I believe in the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. As a reader of 82 years duration, I have read thousands of books, including the Bible...The essence of the 1800 page King James Bible is Matt 22:35-40., which is only about LOVE. . LOVE the Creator who made you and LOVE his Works, which is ALL LIFE. The Master taught this 2000 years ago...He said that on these TWO Commandments...HANG ALL the LAW!..
Until all nations respects the sovereignty of their neighbors and dial down their war machines, I see no resolution to the human tragedies that will continue to unfold. President Trump sees this as a goal. I hope he can achieve it. Expanding the Abraham accord is in the right direction. Too much hatred in too many souls currently.
Thank you and those like you who have stood up against the centuries of lies.
Dooming globalism. Hmmm. Sounds great to me.