Recently drs Marik and Kory were de certified because they were outspoken and cared about helping their patients with therapies that would actually work. They were vilified! It’s a terrible shame what these people in authority can try to ruin good doctors’ lives and practices.
Drs Merik and Kory have educated many other doctors about treatments for covid. I try to pass on their wise advise to as many doctors as I can. I am a retired MD and I use ivermectin and zinc for viral illnesses. It works. It has kept me and my family safe from covid. Drs Merik and Kory have saved so many by sharing their wisdom and we are grateful to them and others who are sharing the truth. 🙏❤️
We live in Clarksville, TN, an hour from Nashville and although our town and state has grown in population with people from blue states moving here I can't believe the number of ambulance sirens we hear on a daily basis, 4,5,6 times a day we've counted since the jab roll out. I call them vaccidents, people speaking wrecklessly and the amount of motorcycle accidents have increased. It's to the point that I'll only drive between the hours of 10-3. It's ridiculous how people are driving.
I 'ran into' Dr Tenpenny in a series called 'The Truth About Vaccines'. I was immediately drawn to this fine professional health advocate. Dr Tenpenny explains complicated subjects in such a way that even ordinary people like myself can understand. Then...the CovidCon and whooosh! Sherry Tenpenny was silenced, censored, deplatformed and made invisible.
Despite all of that- 'smart' people remembered her and continued to speak the word 'Tenpenny'. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful conversation and bringing this brilliant, humane woman back into the spotlight. And thank you Dr Tenpenny- you will never be forgotten and you will always be admired.
Get them all arrested, support for Nuremberg 2.0 Global! Free speech on the mRNA jabs 🙏 💃 ❤️ 🇺🇲 🌎 🕺 share with the world be the Reistance & solution at
Recently drs Marik and Kory were de certified because they were outspoken and cared about helping their patients with therapies that would actually work. They were vilified! It’s a terrible shame what these people in authority can try to ruin good doctors’ lives and practices.
Drs Merik and Kory have educated many other doctors about treatments for covid. I try to pass on their wise advise to as many doctors as I can. I am a retired MD and I use ivermectin and zinc for viral illnesses. It works. It has kept me and my family safe from covid. Drs Merik and Kory have saved so many by sharing their wisdom and we are grateful to them and others who are sharing the truth. 🙏❤️
I just they do telemedicine?. And have a small op tbeatre? Just in case?
Are there any laws about going to non certified doctors.? Ill sign anything.?
I'll take either one even if I have to fly there during a heart attack.
I am going to stop swearing..but that's the fourth bloody ambulance Paramediic siren I've heard today...anyone else?
We live in Clarksville, TN, an hour from Nashville and although our town and state has grown in population with people from blue states moving here I can't believe the number of ambulance sirens we hear on a daily basis, 4,5,6 times a day we've counted since the jab roll out. I call them vaccidents, people speaking wrecklessly and the amount of motorcycle accidents have increased. It's to the point that I'll only drive between the hours of 10-3. It's ridiculous how people are driving.
Yes. Agree 100 percent.
I 'ran into' Dr Tenpenny in a series called 'The Truth About Vaccines'. I was immediately drawn to this fine professional health advocate. Dr Tenpenny explains complicated subjects in such a way that even ordinary people like myself can understand. Then...the CovidCon and whooosh! Sherry Tenpenny was silenced, censored, deplatformed and made invisible.
Despite all of that- 'smart' people remembered her and continued to speak the word 'Tenpenny'. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful conversation and bringing this brilliant, humane woman back into the spotlight. And thank you Dr Tenpenny- you will never be forgotten and you will always be admired.
I don't care what anybody says anymore...
This cannot be explained by corruption, greed, or willful ignorance - we are facing, at some level, pure EVIL
Agreed Eccentrik- GRB
Wonder how seizure medications work on the brain biome?
I wonder that too! My FiL has been on seizure medications for years. Then he took 2 Pfizers and is a total dementia case the past three years.
Terrible. Hospital administrators are scary. Doctors are scared.
Get them all arrested, support for Nuremberg 2.0 Global! Free speech on the mRNA jabs 🙏 💃 ❤️ 🇺🇲 🌎 🕺 share with the world be the Reistance & solution at
It's so sad that CA., kids are being subjected to not being allowed in schools if they are not jabbed. What is so wrong with society!?
At 13:30 from the Audio, did you mean Dr. Robert Robert S. Mendelsohn?
Wonderful interview ... Now you need to talk to Dr Pam Popper!