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It's clearly Lahaina 2.0.
Look at any zoomed video like this:…
and ask yourself why with such intense fires, how the leaves or needles stay on so many of the trees? Then watch this:…
Also, watch this about the esteemed mayor:…
It will be interesting to see how the woke h…
© 2025 Ginger Breggin
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It's clearly Lahaina 2.0.
Look at any zoomed video like this:
and ask yourself why with such intense fires, how the leaves or needles stay on so many of the trees? Then watch this:
Also, watch this about the esteemed mayor:
It will be interesting to see how the woke hollywood elitists deal with the aftermath in the months ahead. Maybe they'll get premium plots in SmartLA 2028 and keep quiet or maybe they'll whine and play the victim ad nauseum. Either way, even smoldering ashes won't clear the elitism and leftist cultism from their eyes.
We are being attacked from within, and the vast majority have no idea.
Just hope and pray that you don't live somewhere of interest to Our Betters.
“We are being attacked from within, and the vast majority have no idea.” 🎯 🎯🎯🎯🎯
Yeah, it’s like people want to talk about it but they are so blind as to what is really going on. It’s actually the same people who are in denial of the poison injection. 🐑🐑 At least in my circle. I’m blessed to have an older sister who I can talk to about it. She knows.
In figuring out who to talk to, ask if they recently got the Covid booster. If they say, "Yes," it's a waste of time. Move on.
It is actually everyone around me is my point. My in-laws specifically…all boomers, all injected and have that arrogant mentality. When they bring anything up they never want to challenge me. They just shut it down. I know why they shut it down is because of fear. So the damage is already done and I just let it alone.
So my point is everyone around me is in denial and there’s nothing I can do about it🤷♂️
My husband and I are boomers and not injected. His youngest sister and her husband-- also boomers-- are not either. His older sisters are vaxxed and boosted. Oldest sister [a social worker] had a vaxx injured husband; doctor confirmed it. She admitted she would still take the vaxx if her doctor said so. Husband died early last year from cancer. We know it's from the vaxx, but no one else can see that.
For the longest time, the discussion was about smart/stupid in terms of vaxx intake. I think it's about conformity/non-conformity. The handful of people I know who are not injected ARE non-conformists and can think for themselves.
And yes, the shut down is because of fear. Fear of their own death, fear of "killing granny" or fear of losing a job.
Thanks Shibumi, its always great to know that people like me are not alone. We'll never understand why some walked into the shot chambers and will not hear our appeals. They're a different breed and just cannot be salvaged.
I suspect that at some point in the future, the dam will burst when a Trusted Media Person admits the shots are bad with evidence. The deniers will then claim that they always suspected the vaxx, and even though some people have had issues, THEY are fine.
It's their brain protecting them. I've seen it in action. It's actually kind of bizarre.
I've just read on some Telegram post that the vax'd only have about a 3-5 lifespan left before the spike protein in the vaxs starts to do its real damage. Very frightening. Here is the link.
IDK. It seems more likely that instead of "X years left," years will be taken off the end of their lives. If a person was originally expected to live until 76, they may only live to 70. Shortened lifespan.
It also seems to impact the elderly/seniors more than the young, although the young might be sterile. The elderly seem to be dying faster, at least in my corner of the world.
Or 56 with significantly lower mental and physical abilities. That's how psychiatric drugs work.
"This page doesn't exist."
Hi Kent,
The link is not working. Might be taken down.
i'm a boomer too and not jabbed or living in denial. my father was a WWII vet and i grew up hearing about the dangers of the Bilderberg's and the council of foreign relations. One of his teachings was "your money is only as good as the government and the banks are" He was an accountant after the war. Everything he taught is coming true today.
Not all boomers. Peter and Ginger are not.
But a lot of boomers get all their news from TV. Including many conservatives. My parents automatically dismiss sites like this as "fringe." Years before, Mom rolled her eyes when I tried to show her articles from Mad In America. It's a kind of prejudice that impairs critical thinking. Makes it impossible to reason with people.
And my successful brother whom the family looks up to works for Big Pharma. I was set crazy and crippled by the same, so they have dismissed my concerns. (All my brain and nerve damage has been blamed on the Bipolar. Conveniently for doctors.)
My boomer sibling also think I am nuts. their alphabet news cast for sure know more than i di, They just can't see both of my parents were murdered by pharna for profit. I continue to try for self reliance and being prepared for what is coming. I also have no doubt many will show up at my door when they finally get it. Till then? Let them live in LaLa land. Can't save those that choose lies and propaganda over truth.
Be brave. Stand strong. Just wait.
Well stated.
We who are awake ARE in the minority - and that's fine with me. I used to consider myself a "common sense" I am PROUD to proclaim myself a "critical thinker/conspiracy theorist" and let the truth chips fall where they may!!
Amen 🙏
Yes, I’m convinced that in California they want to drive the average homeowner out of their house.
Regardless of fires we have the best climate. I can sit in my backyard all year round. I might have to put the umbrella up in summer ( it’s hot but not humid) or in winter dress warmly but overall it’s lovely and survivable. So “they” want the state!
Apparently if we use solar panels that are in any way subsidized by the government it’s make it easier to get our property, “if need be”. And we are harassed to get them…..
Our neighborhood was lovely 30 years ago and now it’s not that safe and those in control don’t seem to care.
We’ve had many break ins on our block alone.
When we put up a new fence a few years back the city appeared out of no where to make sure it was still not too close to the street, but the homeless can erect condos on the river.
My intuition is that the middle class will be living the same life as the poor, in our hive homes eating pap.
But the wealthy will still have their organically and fresh farm food. They don’t even shop but have fresh meat and produce delivered from local farms. I’m sure there will be exclusions for them from having to eat what the rest of us will have to.
The non elite will be living in the Silo…..
Eventually the technocrats plan on letting the .001% own everything. Meaning a lot of the "wealthy" will also get the stool kicked out from under them. Just a matter of time. Doctors and lawyers are supposed to be replaced by AI.
Think of a building where the first story is destroyed. The upper 39 are left untouched. But it's just a matter of time till they crash into the imprint left from the destroyed first floor.
First they came for the middle class and small business owners. But because I was a white collar essential worker I said nothing.
Where are you located, I assume — in California? (what area of California are you near?) ..
Anyone but me notice some blue objects unscathed in some of the video footage?
we did, the daughter and I have sent links back and forth all day
reminds me of the unscathed passports of the 911 hijackers found in the rubble of the twin towers.
yes, the new pictures look just like previous 'wildfires' that leave the green leaves on trees, while reducing homes to white ash, and cars with glass and wheels melted away.
I still have hope some of them will awaken from the liberal globalist lies. Nothing like a shocking loss to make one re-examine their path.
That first video sure makes me suspicious
The electricity wasn’t cut off just like Maui bc the fires were set intentionally WERE SMARTER TOGETHER fuck these Nazis