You two have nailed it since your book came out! Someone called me the other day 'hyper informed'. I took that as a great comment. You two are twice that! But also it means we are several years ahead of the herd. Which gets you some raised eyebrows at times. Once you see the truth you cannot un see it. For those who do not read, or read history, it means nothing.

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Thank you, Mike! Because we are aware we are ahead of many curves, we always work to assiduously document all the key issues in our columns. ~ Ginger

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It's clearly Lahaina 2.0.

Look at any zoomed video like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lrd2jspHHA

and ask yourself why with such intense fires, how the leaves or needles stay on so many of the trees? Then watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8&t=276s

Also, watch this about the esteemed mayor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxe8HLwv7EQ&list

It will be interesting to see how the woke hollywood elitists deal with the aftermath in the months ahead. Maybe they'll get premium plots in SmartLA 2028 and keep quiet or maybe they'll whine and play the victim ad nauseum. Either way, even smoldering ashes won't clear the elitism and leftist cultism from their eyes.

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We are being attacked from within, and the vast majority have no idea.

Just hope and pray that you don't live somewhere of interest to Our Betters.

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“We are being attacked from within, and the vast majority have no idea.” 🎯 🎯🎯🎯🎯

Yeah, it’s like people want to talk about it but they are so blind as to what is really going on. It’s actually the same people who are in denial of the poison injection. 🐑🐑 At least in my circle. I’m blessed to have an older sister who I can talk to about it. She knows.

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In figuring out who to talk to, ask if they recently got the Covid booster. If they say, "Yes," it's a waste of time. Move on.

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It is actually everyone around me is my point. My in-laws specifically…all boomers, all injected and have that arrogant mentality. When they bring anything up they never want to challenge me. They just shut it down. I know why they shut it down is because of fear. So the damage is already done and I just let it alone.

So my point is everyone around me is in denial and there’s nothing I can do about it🤷‍♂️

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My husband and I are boomers and not injected. His youngest sister and her husband-- also boomers-- are not either. His older sisters are vaxxed and boosted. Oldest sister [a social worker] had a vaxx injured husband; doctor confirmed it. She admitted she would still take the vaxx if her doctor said so. Husband died early last year from cancer. We know it's from the vaxx, but no one else can see that.

For the longest time, the discussion was about smart/stupid in terms of vaxx intake. I think it's about conformity/non-conformity. The handful of people I know who are not injected ARE non-conformists and can think for themselves.

And yes, the shut down is because of fear. Fear of their own death, fear of "killing granny" or fear of losing a job.

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Thanks Shibumi, its always great to know that people like me are not alone. We'll never understand why some walked into the shot chambers and will not hear our appeals. They're a different breed and just cannot be salvaged.

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i'm a boomer too and not jabbed or living in denial. my father was a WWII vet and i grew up hearing about the dangers of the Bilderberg's and the council of foreign relations. One of his teachings was "your money is only as good as the government and the banks are" He was an accountant after the war. Everything he taught is coming true today.

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Not all boomers. Peter and Ginger are not.

But a lot of boomers get all their news from TV. Including many conservatives. My parents automatically dismiss sites like this as "fringe." Years before, Mom rolled her eyes when I tried to show her articles from Mad In America. It's a kind of prejudice that impairs critical thinking. Makes it impossible to reason with people.

And my successful brother whom the family looks up to works for Big Pharma. I was set crazy and crippled by the same, so they have dismissed my concerns. (All my brain and nerve damage has been blamed on the Bipolar. Conveniently for doctors.)

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Be brave. Stand strong. Just wait.

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Well stated.

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We who are awake ARE in the minority - and that's fine with me. I used to consider myself a "common sense" individualist...now I am PROUD to proclaim myself a "critical thinker/conspiracy theorist" and let the truth chips fall where they may!!

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Yes, I’m convinced that in California they want to drive the average homeowner out of their house.

Regardless of fires we have the best climate. I can sit in my backyard all year round. I might have to put the umbrella up in summer ( it’s hot but not humid) or in winter dress warmly but overall it’s lovely and survivable. So “they” want the state!

Apparently if we use solar panels that are in any way subsidized by the government it’s make it easier to get our property, “if need be”. And we are harassed to get them…..

Our neighborhood was lovely 30 years ago and now it’s not that safe and those in control don’t seem to care.

We’ve had many break ins on our block alone.

When we put up a new fence a few years back the city appeared out of no where to make sure it was still not too close to the street, but the homeless can erect condos on the river.

My intuition is that the middle class will be living the same life as the poor, in our hive homes eating pap.

But the wealthy will still have their organically and fresh farm food. They don’t even shop but have fresh meat and produce delivered from local farms. I’m sure there will be exclusions for them from having to eat what the rest of us will have to.

The non elite will be living in the Silo…..

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Eventually the technocrats plan on letting the .001% own everything. Meaning a lot of the "wealthy" will also get the stool kicked out from under them. Just a matter of time. Doctors and lawyers are supposed to be replaced by AI.

Think of a building where the first story is destroyed. The upper 39 are left untouched. But it's just a matter of time till they crash into the imprint left from the destroyed first floor.

First they came for the middle class and small business owners. But because I was a white collar essential worker I said nothing.

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PLEASE GO AND WATCH THIS VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0wfTVYG05w

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Where are you located, I assume — in California? (what area of California are you near?) ..

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Anyone but me notice some blue objects unscathed in some of the video footage?

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we did, the daughter and I have sent links back and forth all day

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reminds me of the unscathed passports of the 911 hijackers found in the rubble of the twin towers.

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yes, the new pictures look just like previous 'wildfires' that leave the green leaves on trees, while reducing homes to white ash, and cars with glass and wheels melted away.

I still have hope some of them will awaken from the liberal globalist lies. Nothing like a shocking loss to make one re-examine their path.

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That first video sure makes me suspicious

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The electricity wasn’t cut off just like Maui bc the fires were set intentionally WERE SMARTER TOGETHER fuck these Nazis

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Oops, Arsonist, didn't you mean to say Environmental protection enthusiasts sponsored by the United Nations?

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oh, my mistake Rick--Ginger

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When I heard about the fires, my first thought was smart cities.

Thank you for the well researched article. 😀

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I felt very blessed to have left Los Angeles in 2019, before the riots and lockdowns. Now, I feel ultra grateful not to be living there. I warned friends to get out of Los Angeles, after I left. I had a feeling years ago to leave California, but I stayed because of my children. Finally, it was providence. My daughter and I visited friends in Utah over Mother's Day in 2019 ...and I saw a place I liked and could afford. I plunked a deposit down. I knew our rent in California was becoming unaffordable. We moved in three months later. Everything just fell together...and we have a metal scroll on the wall saying BLESSED!

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I live rural ( 4 acres) near a small town in Ohio. Never in my 70 my years have I ever wanted to live in or near a large city. I feel so bad for these people as my own nephew lives in Burbank, Can't imagine why anyone wants to live in this madness.

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LOOK. Out for those low flying planes

3pt doc from Truthstream media shows what’s happening to ALL of us. They’re tryna find precious minerals like lithium

Maui and Los Angeles are connected to the hurricane Helene in NC

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I've been watching those "trails" since 2010. yes the assault is on going and planned. I still am thankful I am not near a large targeted city. For now I can still raise most of my own food and my chickens serve me a fresh breakfast everyday. I strongly suspect "city dwellers" have no idea what real food taste like.

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That's for sure. Every piece of fruit seems GMOed to me. I have a plum tomato sitting on my counter for 3 weeks !!!! looking exactly as the day I bought it.. Just wondering if it will ever rot.

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PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO AND SEE IT WAS NOT ARSONISTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0wfTVYG05w

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I was watching the US news this evening and I had the same thought .. before “building back better” you need to destroy … I am afraid that on this matter the new admin would be not far off the old one 🤷‍♀️

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Let’s see if FEMA eventually walls off the burned out real estate to help Build Back Better.

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I'm sure Blackrock will buy portions of it for pennies on the dollar.

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Of course…

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They’re still holding out for Maui to stop resisting!

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Disaster Capitalism at its finest. Pacific Palisades is a high-rent district, as well.

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Blackened Rock

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Heck, I thought FEMA was out of money? Where would they get more dollars to help out in LA? or are they just pulling the chains of the recently homeless?

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Have you googled FEMA camps? If you watch the three part doc series on YT by Truthstream media JC

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Just too many coincidences—exactly the same as we saw in western NC devastation. Much too convenient for those who have big money-making agendas that will let nothing stand in their way!!

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You may be interested in Dane Wigington and his documentary .... The Dimming.

Website: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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THATS how I ended up here! You know brush junkie on yt? Also recommend the three pt doc by truthstream media !!! LETS GO community intelligence !!!

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There are no coincidences. When you know, you know.

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I trust God is going to have a hey-day with them at some point.

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This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.


All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

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Amy I luv ya! Love reading your comments. You are spot on. Again, you read my mind. Keep spreading truth, my friend

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FAUCK these Nazis!!! We must fight back and expose their sick crimes against humanity from Palestine to Maui to Los Angeles to North Carolina !! All land is precious!

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Ya think?

Lahaina Hawaii, Baltimore Bridge Collapse, train derailments, Covid, Ukraine, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Border Invasion, inflation….and that’s for starters.

What do people expect will happen?

When degenerates / inflict deliberate acts of sabotage upon the American people, then call these crimes, natural disasters, which can be traced back, proven who actually committed such atrocities, these same degenerates continue to lie, cheat and steal throughout the entire follow up story / process.

What do people expect will happen?

In order for “Marxist / Socialist /Communist / Stalinist / Maoist / ideological ideologies to implement their ideology, they must be voted into off or lie cheat and steal their way into office! Then they make us believe, make us think we voted them into power.

What do people expect will happen?

With nothing to offer except, word-salad, DEI, CRT, activist and a “Non Compos Mentis” installed puppet figurehead as president, the “Deep-State/Globalist” have run roughshod over and through this American Experiment! Destroying our inner fabric while telling us everything is just fine.

What do people expect will happen?

Biden, is the most politically inept, grifting treasonous criminal,ever to hold political office. He has pillaged the American taxpayers for 48.

A “Pathological Liar” he has sold out America, the people’s country, our country!

What do people expect will happen?

I’ve listed only 20% of the “Iceberg Effect.” There’s 80% of such destructive actions we don’t know about yet. All of which have been committed over the past few years by a “Shadow Government!” Who is in control?

What do people expect will happen?

Like a “Runaway Locomotive”, Denzel Washington nor

Donald J. Trump can stop this out of control locomotive named America the Beautiful. Not so Beautiful over these past few years now is it? Quite frankly, I don’t believe there’s any intention of “fixing” America, but instead “finishing” America off! Starting from day one.

What do people expect will happen?

“We the People” are being lead to slaughter by a Judas Goat, calmly, quietly and proudly!

False prophets do exist! False prophets are very good liars and excellent salesmen! False prophets smile, telling you they love you, but they have one priority which is, they never forget their objective.

America has entered the age of the “False-Prophet’s” as it is written. Beware of the “False Prophet.”

As I ask this one last question:

What do people expect will happen?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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"What do people expect will happen?"

IMHO, people don't expect anything to happen. As long as they have their tv, their smartphone, and their job, they will ignore everything around them. "I"m fine." I've heard that so many times. That's all that matters. Until they are personally and catastrophically impacted, IT DOESN'T MATTER.

Sad how self-centered and blind so many have become.

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I'm afraid you are right Shibumi, although from my POV, if asked to help out, I'd do it. Right now I'm trying to figure out where and who to donate to in the Helene ravaged areas of NC and Tenn. ----Churches Donate 36 (now 62+!) RVs to Hurricane Hellene Victims - Amish Donate $300K and Build 12 Tiny Homes------ artofliberty@substack.com This is a phenomenal report on what IS going on to help those in dire circumstances in the mountain communities when the gov't is totally absent

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Samaritan's Purse is a good option

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There are many people who are trying to help, but it's hard to know how to contribute.

The one thing that we can all do is pray for those who are still coping with these horrific circumstances.

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Cajun Army

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Cajun Army!! I did.

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Thank you for saying this shibumi.

I can’t disagree with you shibumi, people have become so “desensitized” nothing bothers most people anymore.

I hear all the time

“oh well that’s life.”

Sadly, what’s happened is not life when a handful of narcissistic sociopath decides if and or when “we live or die!”

Thank you shibumi, you are absolutely correct.

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The alternate version of this, which has been said to me by a liberal Boomer is:

"Change is inevitable, we have to go along with it, we can't fight it."

Yeah, I'm not going to go along with the psychopaths, eat bugs and live in a digital prison, waiting to be killed by the government/Big Pharma.

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You and me both shibumi. I just wrote something on Meryl Nash’s substack page in response to the California fires.

What I learned a couple of years ago was three independent psychological peer reviewed studies explained why people who align with the “leftist” mentality is because they’re 2.5 times more likely to suffer from / have narcissistic personality disorders / mental health disorders / personality disorders, etc. 2.5 times the rate for people who align with the right side. That’s not anything to shrug off. I have always considered myself neither left nor right but “what’s right.” Simply because I never agreed with being labeled. IMO, labeling anyone is wrong. Unfortunately society has accepted this fact and all it does is create problems. Human beings are uniquely capable of understanding between

“Good vs Evil” or

“Right vs Wrong” when someone says to me, as your friend said, change is inevitable. That’s true, change is inevitable. What kind of change is the problem. I would not want to fly into an airport anywhere knowing the air traffic controllers are “blind!” Or meet some kind of “social-construct” which may put my life in jeopardy. D.E.I is NOT about D.E.I…rather it’s being used to “conquer & divide!” These are Marxist agenda, ideologically driven tactics. I don’t think people have any problem understanding changes are inevitable. Of course they are. Thank you shibumi for sharing this. It’s critical we try and understand each other’s mindsets, if possible. I haven’t met anyone that knows everything about everything. Which is exactly why I believe we must always try and understand what someone else is saying and vice versa.


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Dei was actually first created under FEMA. They inflated migrants to work the mines that are popping up. It’s all connected

brush junkie on Yt

Three pt doc by truthstream media

just puts all of it in a bow

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Thank you for this OccupyPeace. We learn something new each day.


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The LCI shows the exact layout they wanted to impose on my small burg of El Sobrante, an unincorporated area NE of San Fran.....the drawing look EXACTLY like the ones in the so-called Downtown El Sobrante Appian Way Redevelopment Plan....this was brought up in about 2001 by our woke Dist. 1 Supervisor who is STILL in office....the citizens fought down the redevelopment plan and it was abandoned and the State shut down redevelopment agencies soon after....but now the wokesters are trying a new tack....rezoning....they "update" the "general plan" to allow the same parcels they wanted to seize by eminent domain back in 2001 and allow the owners to sell and rezone to high density (used to be called "smart growth") housing....note heavy use of the words "collaborate", "vibrant", "liveable", "walkable", "climate emissions", "stakeholders", "vision", "visioning" etc etc ad nauseum....in our case funds for this "vision" for our little burg were provided by Carnegie Endowment for whatever...these NGO's fund the globalist designs all over the world including color revolutions, globalist candidates for public offices, etc

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Excellent reporting , thank you Ginger!

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The real “inconvenient truth” is that many harmful actors are the ones calling the shots, whether it's pushing for forced vaxs, spreading fear about a bird flu outbreak, or using involuntary methods to seize people’s property. Places like Lahaina, North Carolina, and Los Angeles are examples of human-engineered disasters—whether it’s tampering with infrastructure, starting fires, neglecting maintenance, or allowing systems to decay. Policies driven by DEI can create the perfect conditions for storms, fires, and floods, which then become disaster zones. These zones are used as a pretext to condemn areas, displace residents, and seize their properties, unjustly profiting from them or collaborating to build utopian “15-minute cities” with minimal opposition. Without their homes, cars, or belongings, the people affected have little to no leverage to resist a system that is actively working against them.

In Maricopa County, the push for 15-minute cities is already visible in the surge of massive apartment complexes being built. One has to wonder what catastrophe might be orchestrated here under the guise of combating climate change.

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I read your comment and it appears to be a direct blue print of what was done and will happen in Germany too at least for the last 10 years. The mechanisms are common all over the western hemisphere ....

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Wondering about the massive buildup of apartment communities in my city in FL too...and strangely they are almost immediately populated. Where are all these people coming from I ask?

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Here we all sit on our fat glutes doing NOTHING with no sign of even Trump and Company willing to do anything to end these manufactured crises escalating chaos for the Nazi Mind-Control they've planned for centuries and perfected in the last one.

It's all SO-O-O peculiar; watching the CRIME and the CRIMINALS in real time. Their smirks are knowing in arrogance and most with any finger on the pulse of the population knows EXACTLY who, what, when, where, why and how about everything inclusive of having only COWARDS to count on. The brave aren't cowed...They will not be forced into terror, anxiety, depression.

The global population has LONG passed 'restraint' and 'opposition'...LONG, LONG AGO. People are LONG PAST RESEARCH, READING ENDLESS REPORTS with infernal TALKING; babbling away in the ether wasting time, energy and psychological health.

There comes a time to act...To utterly dismantle the International Crime Syndicate; to fell this diabolical tree perpetrating 'Unrestrained WWIII' before excavating the Roots of Evil regardless of the depths necessary to dig where they encase themselves as for vaults in a grave awaiting zombie resurrection by their Pagan Demons pretending to be our Messiah.

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"Did we as a country “tolerate” what we witnessed happening in Maui? Have we “tolerated” the Hurricane Helene and Milton disaster that swept through Southern Appalachia wiping out infrastructure in a quarter of Western North Carolina and the mountain area of Eastern Tennessee (in addition to the lesser degree of damage in Virginia, Georgia, Florida.) Have we ignored the lack of governmental response to the catastrophic damage?"

Yep. The vast majority tolerate it all, as long as most people have somewhere to live, heat/water, credit cards, smart phones and tv. Sad.

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Dumb and dumber was more than a movie. It was an explanation OF THE AMERICAN CULTURE.

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I'm not so sure Dumb and Dumber fits as IMO Americans are not dumb. Perhaps NUMB and NUMBER would describe better.

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So now you have to review Idiocrasy as well. Or do you shirk working?

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Do they really tolerate or is it they feel hopeless?

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Interesting observation.

A large percentage of the US population is on anti-depressants. Maybe that was the first part of the plan:


Seems like we're in step 2 now. Although I don't think this a Russian plot, I think it's more of a WEF/ globalist plot. For what that's worth.

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I've read that figure but it wasnt just anti-depressants but Big Pharma drugs of all sorts........Our poor citizens are in some kind of daze most of their waking hours. I count myself lucky not to be but maybe at one time I might've been. Fortunately some 30 yrs ago I started waking up to the use of some vitamins (B-complex in particular) and some kind of daily exercise, plus being a little more choosy about what I eat........its paid off but its a daily effort.

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Trying to escape seed oils and high fructose corn syrup is almost impossible.

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Keep in mind there are good "seed oils"....you just have to discriminate between one's that are hydrogenated, not organic and GMO. I still use "seed oils" but i buy the purest kind from Whole Foods or online because stores dont carry the safer oils anymore....also I think good quality Olive Oil is still safe. Stay away from Canola oil and most of the oils on a supermarket shelf. I've read that canola oil is very similar to plastic in its chemical configuration My chemistry is a little jaded so I might be wrong on the molecular description. Fast food places too use a lot of hydrogenated fats to cook their fries, donuts etc....ALL the things we love to eat LOL

Make sure you take at least Vit E (natural, not synthetic) 2-3 times a week and some selenium. These will help corral the free radicals you might be getting from the processed (for longer shelf life) oils.

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Not too hard just don't eat processed foods.

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Can u recommend a good B vitamin? 😊

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Hence the fake pychiatric labels and pushing of Mental Health initiatives.

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Sad but true.

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I would just like to say that Soros and his son do not use their personal funds to pay for anything. All the millions they give to fund such things as riots are funneled through NGO's that use tax payer money. That is also true of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The tax payers of America are funding their own demise.

As are all of the world's tax paying citizens and the fake philanthropists are bestowed with medals.

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There is nothing to do except declare public domain for all of PP. Owners will get penny on the dollar. Auction property to large developers and yes it will probably be based on the 15 minute city.

They will also bail out the banks.

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