The LCI shows the exact layout they wanted to impose on my small burg of El Sobrante, an unincorporated area NE of San Fran.....the drawing look EXACTLY like the ones in the so-called Downtown El Sobrante Appian Way Redevelopment Plan....this was brought up in about 2001 by our woke Dist. 1 Supervisor who is STILL in office....the citize…
The LCI shows the exact layout they wanted to impose on my small burg of El Sobrante, an unincorporated area NE of San Fran.....the drawing look EXACTLY like the ones in the so-called Downtown El Sobrante Appian Way Redevelopment Plan....this was brought up in about 2001 by our woke Dist. 1 Supervisor who is STILL in office....the citizens fought down the redevelopment plan and it was abandoned and the State shut down redevelopment agencies soon after....but now the wokesters are trying a new tack....rezoning....they "update" the "general plan" to allow the same parcels they wanted to seize by eminent domain back in 2001 and allow the owners to sell and rezone to high density (used to be called "smart growth") housing....note heavy use of the words "collaborate", "vibrant", "liveable", "walkable", "climate emissions", "stakeholders", "vision", "visioning" etc etc ad our case funds for this "vision" for our little burg were provided by Carnegie Endowment for whatever...these NGO's fund the globalist designs all over the world including color revolutions, globalist candidates for public offices, etc
The LCI shows the exact layout they wanted to impose on my small burg of El Sobrante, an unincorporated area NE of San Fran.....the drawing look EXACTLY like the ones in the so-called Downtown El Sobrante Appian Way Redevelopment Plan....this was brought up in about 2001 by our woke Dist. 1 Supervisor who is STILL in office....the citizens fought down the redevelopment plan and it was abandoned and the State shut down redevelopment agencies soon after....but now the wokesters are trying a new tack....rezoning....they "update" the "general plan" to allow the same parcels they wanted to seize by eminent domain back in 2001 and allow the owners to sell and rezone to high density (used to be called "smart growth") housing....note heavy use of the words "collaborate", "vibrant", "liveable", "walkable", "climate emissions", "stakeholders", "vision", "visioning" etc etc ad our case funds for this "vision" for our little burg were provided by Carnegie Endowment for whatever...these NGO's fund the globalist designs all over the world including color revolutions, globalist candidates for public offices, etc