Jul 16Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

In New Zealand where I reside it's impossible to get a snail through the border without six months of preparatory paperwork. It helps that we're surrounded by an ocean, but immigration policy is very strict. While waiting in an ER for a small procedure a video played advising people that unless they could prove their legal immigration status they would not receive free medical care, which is the purview of citizens and legal residents.

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Your point?

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Borders are essential and should be respected and enforced.

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Jul 16Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

in my area, illegals stand around what used to be a nice shopping center in the middle of the day drinking beer, playing music...

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They are running drugs.

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Thank you both for bringing JJ’s amazingly talented and quite dangerous work he’s been working on.

I’ve watched some of JJ’s work on Clayton Morris’s podcast Redacted. Talk about “invasion”?

It would behoove these United States of America’s “Illegitimate President” and his “illegitimate administration” to simply issue an EBS alert informing Americans they’ve decided to collapse our beloved nation!

This would provide these “Evildoers” better continuity between

“We The People” vs “Their the Enemy”! Possibly saving lives?

Sadly, millions of additional lives have been snuffed out because these “monstrous murders” have initiated and implemented a new weapon, I call a “Forced Invasions”! Invasions yes plural. Yes they’re responsible for two migratory border invasions.

First, unsuspecting people from around the world, poor people seeking the American Dream. Come one Come all! They must traverse a 60 mile dense jungle! Dense and deadly that is.

Woman are being raped, children are being taken and forced into sex trafficking and what could be worse than this, robed & murdered! This is a humanitarian crisis of “Biblical Proportions” initiated by the US Govt and the. United Nations! Yes the posters have our US Flag, along with UNICEF logos.

America, “We the People” are funding our own destruction!

Think about that? And please don’t be so gullible and believe a new Presidential Administration will solve America’s problems! In the contrary. At this point, it’s nearly Impossible without a full blown civil war! Possibly another reason for the two border invasion?

At best a new Presidential Administration will help extend the inevitable, not much more! Most importantly is we can’t allow Joe “come on man” Biden another term! Hell NO!

Even though he’s a puppet and Barack Hussein Obama and Company are

“shadowing to eliminate” and are hellbent on

“Fundamentally Transforming America”!

We must STOP THEM!

The jungle is deadly because as JJ reported, trained soldiers, fully outfitted and equipped to traverse such undeniably, nearly impenetrable terrain are injured. That’s how dangerous and deadly this 60 mile stretch called the “Darian Gap” is!

(How sick, how demonstrably evil the “Obama Ideological” followers are? Knowingly allowing this to happen! Then again In their world, their demented minds;

“The end justifies the means”!

They are on a “hellbent mission”to destroy America! By utilizing their “Idol deity ”known as the “Cloward and ” Pivens” strategy!

The truth is hundreds of thousands of migrants haven’t any clue what they’re walking into! All they know is they’re going to have a chance and be part of this “American Dream”. Sadly, they are so misled and they are headed into an all out civil collapse or worse!

Shhh, don’t tell them that. How sick and pathological?

Second, this migratory invasion is of “Chinese Military Age Men”! Clandestine, well financed and well taken care of! They wouldn’t dare risk their own lives, they’re quite valuable arsenal’s!

They take boat rides to reach the “American Dream” and our US southern borders! This group is heavily concealed, primarily Chinese 18-25 year old men. Militant style men! Absolutely militants! Yes militants! Do I make my point clear? Why?

Because, this is all part of a “Systematic and Controlled Collapse” of America. The 9 or more who really knows, “Spy Balloons” which fly unabated over America, remember we were told they’re lost weather balloons. Yeah right! They were sent to examine America’s mineral laden territory. Locate where the concentration’s of rare earth minerals, etc can be found.

As well as our military infrastructure amongst other important tactical surveillance functions!

Has anyone noticed how much land and how many CCP owned properties have been purchased in America lately? Or, where these properties are located? Or, how much money participating Governors such as Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, a complete “tyrannical nut job”!

And she’s also encouraging a Chinese owned business development, next to one of our Military Bases! And why not allocate say $800 million dollars to this Chinese owned company?Connect the dots America. Can you see how, America is being systematically destroyed?

Now can you understand why and for what reasons, the lunacy of covid lockdowns, forced Injections, mask mandates, stand here signage and curfews were implemented?

More over this is allowing our “Enemy” specifically China to strategically position their forces in and all around America at specific locations, without any resistance! Imagine that? Hmmm? What’s next?

Forced “Bioweapon Injections” weren’t enough, right? Forced border invasions still aren’t enough! No, no, no, their plan is much larger! Much bigger than anyone understands. There’s a rapidly expanding population living and being strategically positioned, all around America.

There’s only one and I mean one reason why. And they ain’t here to make “egg rolls”! This is exactly how nations are taken over! A soft landing sort of speak, takeover! Without writing a book, ask yourself this? Why hasn’t anyone stopped this?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Just from reading this brief summary I gleamed something very important. The illegal immigrant is given "contact with a left wing NGO. " This statement supports Jay Valentine's (Omega Four) warning about how the Democrats are not at all worried about Trump winning in 2024 because they have millions of illegal immigrants already voting and ready to vote through the efforts of hundreds of NGO's. Valentine is the only one with documented proof of this fact and claims to have the fractal technology which would defeat this theft, and yet, the Trump campaign ignores it at the peril of the nation.

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Dear Breggins , This is more like an Award Winning Documentary w/out the video ! By the way ! New Look ! Cool ! Hey ! The Sbstk Partner {Guest} is giving us a Master Class of the current State of an issue that should be at the highest level of U.S.A. Security . He is also confirming what the Darién Gap Observers have being saying all along ! The plot has many tentacles , but the 1st. One could be - robbing USA money by paying all the Corps. that are providing all materials & service for , 2- displacing the Principles that represent True U.S.A. Values ! D Guest has Real Principles & the Experience on how to enforce the Original Statutes of what Any Country’s immigration Laws shall be ! NOT A FREE FOR ALL ! If we give out everything we have , what are we left with ? JESUS our Cross but , No Country to walk on ?! Also I agree w/ him , that the whole thing is also a trap for potentially true contributing loyal to U.S.A. immigrants . Now , if we have common sense , we have to blame the people that are selling the Nation Piece by Piece , we could call them conspirators , sadly that includes thousands of people including many top level republicans with money falling the bottom of their pants !!! 5 Star Podcast Friends ! -elcasto .

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RemovedJul 18
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Hi RG - we wrote our response to the rising antisemitism in an earlier column. See that please. Be careful of what you read from legacy media—reports I see quoted often have no documentation or clearly are attributed to Hamas terrorists controlled outlets. A nation has a right to rescue its hostages and defend its borders. Yes. There are unanswered questions but nothing excuses the rampant antisemitism exploding around the world at this time.

The topic of this column is the US border, human trafficking by The Biden administration, US taxpayer millions of dollars being spent to assist law breaking illegal aliens to live in America, the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans through the import of fentanyl from China, and more.

It is a common tactic That won’t be tolerated here, to divert sincere conversation about a topic by introducing other Especially controversial hot subjects, not part of a particular column.

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deletedJul 16
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Quite familiar with Bernay, thank you.

The topic of this column is the US border. It is a growing disaster, not a manufactured emotional issue.

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deletedJul 16
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what you call 'emotionally charged' are some of the most foundational issues that shape a country, a community, a culture and a legal environment that enhances freedom or shackles liberty. You are trying to change the subject and redirect attention.

Your words give you away:

"connivers" defined as someone who secretly allows something immoral illegal, wrong or harmful to occur and

"zombie voter" used a great deal recently in the legacy media

I see you've been on Substack less than a month. If you are one of the thousands of 'minders' trying to influence the direction of conversations you need to learn the language of the culture into which you are inserting yourself. ~ Ginger Breggin

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Hey Guy , You are bringing all the issues that our politicians should stop BSing us around ! let me share my personal views - open borders is dangerous / problem because so many people treat the environment w/ no respect . / who ever wants to marry same sex couples , that is their prerogative / abortion lives in the conscience of all us who have taken part of one / like alcohol letting under 21 shot guns is dangerous / we've being polluting the earth badly since the industrial revolution & now they are fumigating the skies w/ way much more krap / the gov. cannot order school teachers to tell kids 14teen and younger that they do not know what gender they are / governments overriding a parents choices for their 14teen and younger children's healthcare is a total dictatorial approach , but the vagueness [$$$] in our politicians is what causes all the controversies . -elcasto .

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