The idiots at the rescue kennel where our dog came from gave him Prozac to help calm his anxiety. If you're unaware, Prozac has 18.5% flouride in it. Very dangerous. He was not doing well at the kennel because he was basically imprisoned (I think all of us would feel similarly). So these morons opted to drug him with Prozac. The workers …
The idiots at the rescue kennel where our dog came from gave him Prozac to help calm his anxiety. If you're unaware, Prozac has 18.5% flouride in it. Very dangerous. He was not doing well at the kennel because he was basically imprisoned (I think all of us would feel similarly). So these morons opted to drug him with Prozac. The workers at the kennel said that he was more anxious on the Prozac. We were volunteering there before we started fostering him on weekends and we'd get there to find his chest was soaking wet from all the drool he put out due to the anxiety. He wanted out of the caged in outside area so much that he'd bite at it and one time we saw there was blood on his face. When we first started fostering him just on the weekends, his chest would be completely dry even though they forced us to keep giving the Prozac unless we fostered him full time or adopted him. When he was with us he was free to run and do whatever he wanted (as long as he was safe). We told them at the rescue that if we foster him full time, he could not be on Prozac. Luckily, they agreed. We also told them he would be eating real organic/wild whole food not commercial crap from a pet store that was devoid of real nutrients (don't get me started). We finally did adopt him almost 6 years ago.
A few years back we (not through a vet), we got his urine tested and found he had such high levels of flouride (more then they see in humans) in his 60lb beautiful body mostly if not all from that damn Prozac that we are now using Zeolite Powder to try to get out. It's not as easy getting flouride out of a dog's body as it is getting it out of humans just because there are fewer safe, natural options for dogs. Luckily, I did research and learned that zeolite powder binds to flouride and removes it from the body along with thousands of other positively charged toxins (those in the shots probably, too).
Just thought I'd pass along that info because sadly many foolish people are drugging their dogs with this toxic garbage when there are incredible safe natural alternatives or just loving someone and giving them their life can help too.
The idiots at the rescue kennel where our dog came from gave him Prozac to help calm his anxiety. If you're unaware, Prozac has 18.5% flouride in it. Very dangerous. He was not doing well at the kennel because he was basically imprisoned (I think all of us would feel similarly). So these morons opted to drug him with Prozac. The workers at the kennel said that he was more anxious on the Prozac. We were volunteering there before we started fostering him on weekends and we'd get there to find his chest was soaking wet from all the drool he put out due to the anxiety. He wanted out of the caged in outside area so much that he'd bite at it and one time we saw there was blood on his face. When we first started fostering him just on the weekends, his chest would be completely dry even though they forced us to keep giving the Prozac unless we fostered him full time or adopted him. When he was with us he was free to run and do whatever he wanted (as long as he was safe). We told them at the rescue that if we foster him full time, he could not be on Prozac. Luckily, they agreed. We also told them he would be eating real organic/wild whole food not commercial crap from a pet store that was devoid of real nutrients (don't get me started). We finally did adopt him almost 6 years ago.
A few years back we (not through a vet), we got his urine tested and found he had such high levels of flouride (more then they see in humans) in his 60lb beautiful body mostly if not all from that damn Prozac that we are now using Zeolite Powder to try to get out. It's not as easy getting flouride out of a dog's body as it is getting it out of humans just because there are fewer safe, natural options for dogs. Luckily, I did research and learned that zeolite powder binds to flouride and removes it from the body along with thousands of other positively charged toxins (those in the shots probably, too).
Just thought I'd pass along that info because sadly many foolish people are drugging their dogs with this toxic garbage when there are incredible safe natural alternatives or just loving someone and giving them their life can help too.