In 1995, one of my cousins was given Prozac. 3 days layer he committed suicide. His doctor had run some blood tests, but instead of waiting a couple of days for the results, started him on Prozac. The day after he died, his wife came home from a visit out of state to not only find her husband, but also found an urgent message to call the doctor. The lab results showed his thyroid was not functioning. That alone can cause severe depression.
Please, before taking any medication, do your own research. And, after what we saw with covid, you have a far better chance to survive by avoiding most allopathic medicine.
Thank you so much Dr Breggin for telling the truth about psychiatric medications.
Thank you Ginger. I will get the book just to have it on hand. I've suspected for years that all the mass shooters were on SSRIs or had just been taken off. To put anyone on these drugs, without lab work, is unconscionable IMHO. Be blessed
I'm so sorry. There's flouride in those toxic drugs and as I mentioned in my comment, a few minutes ago, flouride takes up the iodine receptors all over the body and calcifies the pineal gland. So, it's likely that the 18.5% flouride that's in Prozac effected his thyroid iodine receptors.
The labwork was done before the prozac was started. He had been on prozac 3 days. It takes longer than that to cause calcification. (though fluoridated water can cause reduced thyroid function but prozac can't be blamed for that - it can be blamed for causing the suicide though)
I was saying that flouride is one cause of calcification of the pineal gland. I wasn't saying that calcification of the pineal gland caused the depression. More relevant is if someone has specific genetics where they can not eliminate neurotransmitters well (such as the COMT or MAO-A genes), then taking something that increases those neurotransmitters can cause depression, worry, etc. So, it could be that without knowing his genetics, since I'd imagine he was on Prozac due to depression, that being on Prozac was overwhelming his system with specific neurotransmitters that then caused severe depression which lead to suicide. Just an educated guess.
Also, bottom line is that very few if anyone should be on these very toxic and dangerous drugs. Very often mineral imbalances along with heavy metal toxicities and other toxicities that are neurotoxic (such as mold) can cause depression. In addition, both epigenetics and genetics play huge rolls in depression and many other "psychological" illnesses. So, without having tested for genetics (to find out how well one is able to eliminate neurotransmitters, hormones, and toxins), mineral imbalances (through hair not blood or even urine), heavy metals (again through hair), and other toxicities like mold, proper testing could not have been done to determine what the root cause of the initial depression was coming from.
As you say, Debra, heavy metals and toxins can cause symptoms that mimic various psychiatric diagnoses (just as LSD can induce hallucinations) but if the source is heavy metals and toxins the diagnosis is poisoning (as should be hallucinations from LSD).
There is no evidence of physical measurable changes in a psychological/psychiatric diagnosis. There have been claims by drug companies of genetic basis for "mental illness" but this has never been proven through studies and the claim is a marketing tool.
It's not that there is a genetic basis for "mental illness" but rather that the specific genes such as COMT and MAO-A and others can result in the inability for one to properly eliminate specific neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and others. For instance, there are people who epigenetically "inherit" (for lack of a better word) too much copper in their body while in the womb. That copper toxicity can be "handed down" from grandmother to mother to child and cause all kinds health issues that people believe to be "mental illness" but is actually too much copper in the brain. This is especially worse for women because estrogen and copper ride together. And, if a woman has a homogeneous COMT gene then their liver might have a harder time getting rid of estrogen causing them to retain copper. The body needs very little copper and when that copper isn't bound to specific proteins then it ends up in the tissues of the body mainly the liver and brain causing havoc. Also, when people have too much copper in their tissues and not bound to proteins, they tend to be deficient in the copper they do need and end up with too much zinc sometimes. Zinc and copper have to be in a certain ratio (8:1- zinc to bound copper) in the body or one has health issues. This goes for all minerals. Thing is heavy metals and other toxins take up the receptors on cells where the minerals need to be so in order to resolve these health issues one needs to detox the toxins and improve their mineral status (from either deficient or excessive). With regards to copper toxicity one can end up with OCD, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer, ADHD, etc.
Many women have experienced depression and suicidal thoughts just because they had the copper IUD placed inside of them and that copper which is an anti-spermicide ends up getting into their tissues including their brain and causing these "mental illnesses". Then, since doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists don't know to look for this, these women end up on SSRIs which don't help but harm. They still have the copper toxicity problem and too often they commit suicide if they don't find a practitioner who understands copper toxicity or how other toxins effect the brain. Mold can also cause depression and suicidal thoughts.
Unfortunately, copper toxicity is often disregarded as unreal but there have been those that have studied it especially Dr. William Walsh.
Certain genetic SNPs can definitely contribute to some mental conditions. MTHFR is one, primarily A1298C. The entire methylation and detoxification process is compromised. Therefore the ability to make and eliminate specific neurotransmitters can be severely compromised. Unfortunately, the research of today wasn't available back them. NIH has many research papers available now for review.
Yes, it's very sad that there weren't more readily available alternatives back then. Sad thing is, most people don't know about the alternatives now, either. Too many people especially women fail to get proper help with their imbalances, toxins, and so forth and end up worse off due to the medical industrial complex.
Interesting. I wonder if that's the connection between fluorinated SSRI meds used long term and thyroid cancer I read about once but am unable to re find the link.
The use of this medication for COVID never made any sense to me. I was put on Prozac at one point (1997 or early 98) and when I decided to stop taking it 5 years later I crashed and then realized I had lost those years of my life as though someone else was doing things in my body. It may have leveled off the severe depression (from a breakup) initially but it took away all my emotions for all those years and turned me into basically a zombie and I did not realize it until I went cold turkey off it. GPs should not be allowed to prescribe these meds IMO. I was totally unsupervised the entire one told me I was only to use it temporarily or how to get off it or anything else. Horrible medications, to say the least. I want my 5 years back...
Yes. My sister in law was prescribed Prozac in 1998. Even with limited social contact, I could clearly see the flattening of her emotional state. When she complained to her 'doctor' about this, her 'doctor' recommended higher doses. She foolishly complied, and her overall emotional condition continued to decline for over a year. My brother (a believer in allopathic medicine) was actually stupid enough to blame his wife for not properly responding to this poison. She finally quit the 'therapy' as it was severely affecting her job performance. I oversaw the situation with some chagrin, as her decision was based on job performance rather than her own sense of well being.
Multiply this absurd process by tens of millions, and the picture reduces to horror. The Food and Drug Administration has administered little more than death and destruction since first incorporated. > US Food & Drug Administration - Registered as Dun&Bradstreet #138182175. The FDA is a corporate mafia construct... End of story...
Yes! Thanks for this post. Someone I know tried fluvoxamine for the first time when she had COVID. She had a history of a low dose course of Prozac a year prior and had done fine on it. Fluvoxamine was very scary though. It gave her unexpected, unprecedented suicidal thoughts based on strong new feelings of worthlessness. She didn't link them to the drug - they just felt natural, but when encouraged to stop taking further pills, the suicidal thoughts stopped as well. Very scary.
Yep. I unsubscribed from his Substack and unfollowed him on Twitter. I still occasionally see his Tweets that others I follow share, but I take them with a grain of salt...
This well deserved demonization of SSRI's may be happening now because they want to force genetic "therapies" for depression, so they need to exterminate competing drugs to fabricate the need for that nonsense. Vampire gonna vampire.
Like to see his pineal gland after being on some of those SSRI's. They've got flouride in them and flouride calcifies the pineal gland. Not a good thing. Oh... flouride also takes up iodine receptors in the body. Good luck, Steve.
Kirsch likes to debate only when he thinks he can win. So, sadly, he won't debate fluvoxamine. He paid a scientist to produce a study that said what he wanted: that fluvoxamine reduces inflammation in the brain, and is a potential treatment. Scientists are known to do those things. Not unlike musical composers used to dedicate their works to their wealthy patrons, because the patron would benefit from the prestige of the composer. Virtue by association is as fallacious as guilt by association.
Not as much as the cholesterol lowering drugs, because more people have imaginary high levels of lipoproteins in the blood, than imaginary low levels of serotonin in the tiny synapses.
But the most profitable meds of all time have been the covid vaccines, because everyone has too many imaginary ACE2 receptors that... nevermind.
The idiots at the rescue kennel where our dog came from gave him Prozac to help calm his anxiety. If you're unaware, Prozac has 18.5% flouride in it. Very dangerous. He was not doing well at the kennel because he was basically imprisoned (I think all of us would feel similarly). So these morons opted to drug him with Prozac. The workers at the kennel said that he was more anxious on the Prozac. We were volunteering there before we started fostering him on weekends and we'd get there to find his chest was soaking wet from all the drool he put out due to the anxiety. He wanted out of the caged in outside area so much that he'd bite at it and one time we saw there was blood on his face. When we first started fostering him just on the weekends, his chest would be completely dry even though they forced us to keep giving the Prozac unless we fostered him full time or adopted him. When he was with us he was free to run and do whatever he wanted (as long as he was safe). We told them at the rescue that if we foster him full time, he could not be on Prozac. Luckily, they agreed. We also told them he would be eating real organic/wild whole food not commercial crap from a pet store that was devoid of real nutrients (don't get me started). We finally did adopt him almost 6 years ago.
A few years back we (not through a vet), we got his urine tested and found he had such high levels of flouride (more then they see in humans) in his 60lb beautiful body mostly if not all from that damn Prozac that we are now using Zeolite Powder to try to get out. It's not as easy getting flouride out of a dog's body as it is getting it out of humans just because there are fewer safe, natural options for dogs. Luckily, I did research and learned that zeolite powder binds to flouride and removes it from the body along with thousands of other positively charged toxins (those in the shots probably, too).
Just thought I'd pass along that info because sadly many foolish people are drugging their dogs with this toxic garbage when there are incredible safe natural alternatives or just loving someone and giving them their life can help too.
Thank you, Dr. Breggin. Another shocking example of the use of dangerous psychiatric drugs. I love to share your articles, videos and books on social media and also when I'm writing my legislators. Your expertise and references have been invaluable.
I've been telling Steve Kirsch this for a couple of years now. He seems utterly wed to the idea that Luvox is ok for covid treatment, ever since spending a lot of money on short-term, limited research. My guess is he has no idea how much harm he's been causing by continually and widely promoting fluvoxamine. Probably related to cognitive dissonance. The harms of fluvoxamine far outweigh any benefits. Thank you, Dr. Breggin, for your powerful and important messaging over many years on the critical topic of dangerous psychiatric medications and procedures.
The original reason why fluvoxamine and fluoxetine (Prozac) were on the FLCCC Protocol probably had to do with one study showing that at a mental health hospital in France, none of the patients died of Covid. So it was felt to be protective, although FLCCC did not recommend fluvoxamine for prevention; they did recommend it as a second line agent to be used temporarily.
Zeitgeist Superstar Dr. Pierre Kory pushed Prozac as key part of the FLCCC early treatment protocol for a very long time.
As a Pulmonary Specialist, Kory seemed to pull a Stg. Schultz when it came to ventilating COVID patients in the first part of the Democide, I mean, outbreak, he’s admitted as of late. He just didn’t know better but slowly figured it out after watching numerous people in his care die.
If I have one guide, garden angel in this covid madness and all their hallucinatory narratives it’s you Dr. Breggin, I have been reading and listening and learning and avoiding all their psychotic traps since 30 years back, thank you thank you you warmed my soul
For those interested in Dr. Breggin’s discussion on how to treat depression please see this recent Substack
Very pertinent information , thank you and God bless you both!
In 1995, one of my cousins was given Prozac. 3 days layer he committed suicide. His doctor had run some blood tests, but instead of waiting a couple of days for the results, started him on Prozac. The day after he died, his wife came home from a visit out of state to not only find her husband, but also found an urgent message to call the doctor. The lab results showed his thyroid was not functioning. That alone can cause severe depression.
Please, before taking any medication, do your own research. And, after what we saw with covid, you have a far better chance to survive by avoiding most allopathic medicine.
Thank you so much Dr Breggin for telling the truth about psychiatric medications.
Hi Maggie, It's Ginger. I am so sorry about your cousin's death. ALL the SSRIs have side effects of suicide and suicide ideation.
For those who want more information on the dangerous adverse effects of Luvox, Prozac and other SSRI antidepressants please see Dr. Breggin's book Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal:
Also see Dr. Breggin's free resource on our website on antidepressants:
Thank you Ginger. I will get the book just to have it on hand. I've suspected for years that all the mass shooters were on SSRIs or had just been taken off. To put anyone on these drugs, without lab work, is unconscionable IMHO. Be blessed
Here is the recent column by Dr. Breggin with information about school shooters and SSRI drugs.
Also see this overview by Dr. Breggin in 2016 in addition to the resources I suggested
very sad story. So sorry Maggie
I'm so sorry. There's flouride in those toxic drugs and as I mentioned in my comment, a few minutes ago, flouride takes up the iodine receptors all over the body and calcifies the pineal gland. So, it's likely that the 18.5% flouride that's in Prozac effected his thyroid iodine receptors.
The labwork was done before the prozac was started. He had been on prozac 3 days. It takes longer than that to cause calcification. (though fluoridated water can cause reduced thyroid function but prozac can't be blamed for that - it can be blamed for causing the suicide though)
I was saying that flouride is one cause of calcification of the pineal gland. I wasn't saying that calcification of the pineal gland caused the depression. More relevant is if someone has specific genetics where they can not eliminate neurotransmitters well (such as the COMT or MAO-A genes), then taking something that increases those neurotransmitters can cause depression, worry, etc. So, it could be that without knowing his genetics, since I'd imagine he was on Prozac due to depression, that being on Prozac was overwhelming his system with specific neurotransmitters that then caused severe depression which lead to suicide. Just an educated guess.
Also, bottom line is that very few if anyone should be on these very toxic and dangerous drugs. Very often mineral imbalances along with heavy metal toxicities and other toxicities that are neurotoxic (such as mold) can cause depression. In addition, both epigenetics and genetics play huge rolls in depression and many other "psychological" illnesses. So, without having tested for genetics (to find out how well one is able to eliminate neurotransmitters, hormones, and toxins), mineral imbalances (through hair not blood or even urine), heavy metals (again through hair), and other toxicities like mold, proper testing could not have been done to determine what the root cause of the initial depression was coming from.
As you say, Debra, heavy metals and toxins can cause symptoms that mimic various psychiatric diagnoses (just as LSD can induce hallucinations) but if the source is heavy metals and toxins the diagnosis is poisoning (as should be hallucinations from LSD).
There is no evidence of physical measurable changes in a psychological/psychiatric diagnosis. There have been claims by drug companies of genetic basis for "mental illness" but this has never been proven through studies and the claim is a marketing tool.
It's not that there is a genetic basis for "mental illness" but rather that the specific genes such as COMT and MAO-A and others can result in the inability for one to properly eliminate specific neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and others. For instance, there are people who epigenetically "inherit" (for lack of a better word) too much copper in their body while in the womb. That copper toxicity can be "handed down" from grandmother to mother to child and cause all kinds health issues that people believe to be "mental illness" but is actually too much copper in the brain. This is especially worse for women because estrogen and copper ride together. And, if a woman has a homogeneous COMT gene then their liver might have a harder time getting rid of estrogen causing them to retain copper. The body needs very little copper and when that copper isn't bound to specific proteins then it ends up in the tissues of the body mainly the liver and brain causing havoc. Also, when people have too much copper in their tissues and not bound to proteins, they tend to be deficient in the copper they do need and end up with too much zinc sometimes. Zinc and copper have to be in a certain ratio (8:1- zinc to bound copper) in the body or one has health issues. This goes for all minerals. Thing is heavy metals and other toxins take up the receptors on cells where the minerals need to be so in order to resolve these health issues one needs to detox the toxins and improve their mineral status (from either deficient or excessive). With regards to copper toxicity one can end up with OCD, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer, ADHD, etc.
Many women have experienced depression and suicidal thoughts just because they had the copper IUD placed inside of them and that copper which is an anti-spermicide ends up getting into their tissues including their brain and causing these "mental illnesses". Then, since doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists don't know to look for this, these women end up on SSRIs which don't help but harm. They still have the copper toxicity problem and too often they commit suicide if they don't find a practitioner who understands copper toxicity or how other toxins effect the brain. Mold can also cause depression and suicidal thoughts.
Unfortunately, copper toxicity is often disregarded as unreal but there have been those that have studied it especially Dr. William Walsh.
Understanding Copper Toxicity:
Certain genetic SNPs can definitely contribute to some mental conditions. MTHFR is one, primarily A1298C. The entire methylation and detoxification process is compromised. Therefore the ability to make and eliminate specific neurotransmitters can be severely compromised. Unfortunately, the research of today wasn't available back them. NIH has many research papers available now for review.
Yes, it's very sad that there weren't more readily available alternatives back then. Sad thing is, most people don't know about the alternatives now, either. Too many people especially women fail to get proper help with their imbalances, toxins, and so forth and end up worse off due to the medical industrial complex.
Interesting. I wonder if that's the connection between fluorinated SSRI meds used long term and thyroid cancer I read about once but am unable to re find the link.
TY. He was only 41 with 2 children. There just aren't words.
The use of this medication for COVID never made any sense to me. I was put on Prozac at one point (1997 or early 98) and when I decided to stop taking it 5 years later I crashed and then realized I had lost those years of my life as though someone else was doing things in my body. It may have leveled off the severe depression (from a breakup) initially but it took away all my emotions for all those years and turned me into basically a zombie and I did not realize it until I went cold turkey off it. GPs should not be allowed to prescribe these meds IMO. I was totally unsupervised the entire one told me I was only to use it temporarily or how to get off it or anything else. Horrible medications, to say the least. I want my 5 years back...
Yes. My sister in law was prescribed Prozac in 1998. Even with limited social contact, I could clearly see the flattening of her emotional state. When she complained to her 'doctor' about this, her 'doctor' recommended higher doses. She foolishly complied, and her overall emotional condition continued to decline for over a year. My brother (a believer in allopathic medicine) was actually stupid enough to blame his wife for not properly responding to this poison. She finally quit the 'therapy' as it was severely affecting her job performance. I oversaw the situation with some chagrin, as her decision was based on job performance rather than her own sense of well being.
Multiply this absurd process by tens of millions, and the picture reduces to horror. The Food and Drug Administration has administered little more than death and destruction since first incorporated. > US Food & Drug Administration - Registered as Dun&Bradstreet #138182175. The FDA is a corporate mafia construct... End of story...
Yes! Thanks for this post. Someone I know tried fluvoxamine for the first time when she had COVID. She had a history of a low dose course of Prozac a year prior and had done fine on it. Fluvoxamine was very scary though. It gave her unexpected, unprecedented suicidal thoughts based on strong new feelings of worthlessness. She didn't link them to the drug - they just felt natural, but when encouraged to stop taking further pills, the suicidal thoughts stopped as well. Very scary.
would be interesting to see a debate between the Steve Kirsch types who love fluvoxamine and those like yourself
Yes because Kirsch is in the Fluvoxamine camp…SSRI’s are no bueno for nada!
I know. I am completely surprised that he thinks they are good for a virus.
What happened to his brain?
As time goes by I find Kirsch’s ‘messaging’ to be suspect. I barely read his substacks anymore.
Yep. I unsubscribed from his Substack and unfollowed him on Twitter. I still occasionally see his Tweets that others I follow share, but I take them with a grain of salt...
Psychiatric drugs do cause brain damage.
They do…irrevocably changes the brains chemistry!
This well deserved demonization of SSRI's may be happening now because they want to force genetic "therapies" for depression, so they need to exterminate competing drugs to fabricate the need for that nonsense. Vampire gonna vampire.
Like to see his pineal gland after being on some of those SSRI's. They've got flouride in them and flouride calcifies the pineal gland. Not a good thing. Oh... flouride also takes up iodine receptors in the body. Good luck, Steve.
Steve Kirsch is a corporate trained operative. Many believe he's a moron. What's a trainable imbecile? Answer: Steve Kirsch...
Kirsch likes to debate only when he thinks he can win. So, sadly, he won't debate fluvoxamine. He paid a scientist to produce a study that said what he wanted: that fluvoxamine reduces inflammation in the brain, and is a potential treatment. Scientists are known to do those things. Not unlike musical composers used to dedicate their works to their wealthy patrons, because the patron would benefit from the prestige of the composer. Virtue by association is as fallacious as guilt by association.
Doctors are the disease so stay away from them
Put God back into your life He is the Healer
I Hung Myself On Luvox After Only A Couple Doses! Never Take SSRI's Ever!
Dear remote viewer. I’m happy you survived! The SSRI can cause violence, Alatsis, suicide and more even after just a couple of doses.
I'm Glad You Ae Addressing These Dangerous Drugs More Big Pharma Death Machine!
sad. Those ssris are completely crazy meds.
It is like some "scientists" in a drug making lab mixed some sh-t together and said
this might make people feel better because of the "reuptake" thingie
Yeah, let's do it
Very profitable meds, though.
Not as much as the cholesterol lowering drugs, because more people have imaginary high levels of lipoproteins in the blood, than imaginary low levels of serotonin in the tiny synapses.
But the most profitable meds of all time have been the covid vaccines, because everyone has too many imaginary ACE2 receptors that... nevermind.
Well I guess you lived to see another day!
And To Stand Witness To SSRI Dangers!
You are so brave to let us know, thank you and we join Ginger in being grateful that you are still here. Thank God 🙌 🙏!!!
Thank You For Being A Caring Person Dr. Aranda!🤗
🫢 AwE! You are so sweet! All blessings!
The idiots at the rescue kennel where our dog came from gave him Prozac to help calm his anxiety. If you're unaware, Prozac has 18.5% flouride in it. Very dangerous. He was not doing well at the kennel because he was basically imprisoned (I think all of us would feel similarly). So these morons opted to drug him with Prozac. The workers at the kennel said that he was more anxious on the Prozac. We were volunteering there before we started fostering him on weekends and we'd get there to find his chest was soaking wet from all the drool he put out due to the anxiety. He wanted out of the caged in outside area so much that he'd bite at it and one time we saw there was blood on his face. When we first started fostering him just on the weekends, his chest would be completely dry even though they forced us to keep giving the Prozac unless we fostered him full time or adopted him. When he was with us he was free to run and do whatever he wanted (as long as he was safe). We told them at the rescue that if we foster him full time, he could not be on Prozac. Luckily, they agreed. We also told them he would be eating real organic/wild whole food not commercial crap from a pet store that was devoid of real nutrients (don't get me started). We finally did adopt him almost 6 years ago.
A few years back we (not through a vet), we got his urine tested and found he had such high levels of flouride (more then they see in humans) in his 60lb beautiful body mostly if not all from that damn Prozac that we are now using Zeolite Powder to try to get out. It's not as easy getting flouride out of a dog's body as it is getting it out of humans just because there are fewer safe, natural options for dogs. Luckily, I did research and learned that zeolite powder binds to flouride and removes it from the body along with thousands of other positively charged toxins (those in the shots probably, too).
Just thought I'd pass along that info because sadly many foolish people are drugging their dogs with this toxic garbage when there are incredible safe natural alternatives or just loving someone and giving them their life can help too.
Thank you, Dr. Breggin. Another shocking example of the use of dangerous psychiatric drugs. I love to share your articles, videos and books on social media and also when I'm writing my legislators. Your expertise and references have been invaluable.
I’ve never taken Luvox but after taking 1 dose of Prozac I had suicidal thoughts and I’ve never been suicidal! Never took another dose.
Ginger here— I’m glad you listened to your protective instincts and survived
I've been telling Steve Kirsch this for a couple of years now. He seems utterly wed to the idea that Luvox is ok for covid treatment, ever since spending a lot of money on short-term, limited research. My guess is he has no idea how much harm he's been causing by continually and widely promoting fluvoxamine. Probably related to cognitive dissonance. The harms of fluvoxamine far outweigh any benefits. Thank you, Dr. Breggin, for your powerful and important messaging over many years on the critical topic of dangerous psychiatric medications and procedures.
This is the drug Steve Kirsch is touting...
Alex Jones calls these drugs “murder-suicide pills”. I never could quite grasp what benefit there is to this drug, especially for “COVID”.
The original reason why fluvoxamine and fluoxetine (Prozac) were on the FLCCC Protocol probably had to do with one study showing that at a mental health hospital in France, none of the patients died of Covid. So it was felt to be protective, although FLCCC did not recommend fluvoxamine for prevention; they did recommend it as a second line agent to be used temporarily.
Zeitgeist Superstar Dr. Pierre Kory pushed Prozac as key part of the FLCCC early treatment protocol for a very long time.
As a Pulmonary Specialist, Kory seemed to pull a Stg. Schultz when it came to ventilating COVID patients in the first part of the Democide, I mean, outbreak, he’s admitted as of late. He just didn’t know better but slowly figured it out after watching numerous people in his care die.
Et tu, Brute?
This is very helpful. Sharing. Thank you.
If I have one guide, garden angel in this covid madness and all their hallucinatory narratives it’s you Dr. Breggin, I have been reading and listening and learning and avoiding all their psychotic traps since 30 years back, thank you thank you you warmed my soul
Dear Givenroom— and your note warmed ours too. Thank you so much for following Dr. Breggin all these years. I’m glad you found our Substack.