Thank you Ginger. I will get the book just to have it on hand. I've suspected for years that all the mass shooters were on SSRIs or had just been taken off. To put anyone on these drugs, without lab work, is unconscionable IMHO. Be blessed
Thank you Ginger. I will get the book just to have it on hand. I've suspected for years that all the mass shooters were on SSRIs or had just been taken off. To put anyone on these drugs, without lab work, is unconscionable IMHO. Be blessed
Thank you Ginger. I will get the book just to have it on hand. I've suspected for years that all the mass shooters were on SSRIs or had just been taken off. To put anyone on these drugs, without lab work, is unconscionable IMHO. Be blessed
Here is the recent column by Dr. Breggin with information about school shooters and SSRI drugs.