Thank you, Dr. Breggin--and Gary Null--for all of your courageous work on this issue over the years.

Whenever I hear about another shooting at a school or elsewhere, they still never ask if the perp was on SSRIs--which the Medical Establishment still hand out like candy, right?

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Yes, "handed out like candy," indeed! And the most vulnerable children, like those who are in foster care, are often the most heavily drugged. ~ Ginger

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What a tragedy. There's a kind of frustrating Institutional Willful Blindness about the SSRIs, the unsafe Covid mRNA shots, and other "safe and effective" treatments.

Maybe ossified institutions have become simply incapable of questioning their own actions, on any level.

As we go careening off the cliff.

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Thanks I love Garry Null.

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We do too, Greg, thank you!

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Your welcome.

I shared your publication to my group Surviving the Global Reset on MeWe.

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You are so kind,🤗🤗🤗

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Thank you for sharing. And for your courage. So much of what I heard, it could have been me being interviewed and saying the exact same things. I was lucky and blessed because I realized on my own, a couple years in, that I never really needed the pills to begin with…and I never should have been given them. I got off the anti depressants on my own, one at a time, over a two year period. I got off the sleep medication over a 90 day period. And I’ve been working on getting off the benzo for a year. It’s the absolute worst…the others were easy compared to the benzo. But I’m 1/2 way through my self designed program with the dosage cut by more than 50%. Windows and Waves. Windows and Waves. Eventually it will all be Waves.

Thank you Gary Null for making this documentary. I believe it will save a lot of lives.

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Dear Moody. Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I will share your note with Peter who I know will appreciate your comments. Congratulations on your journey so far and I wish you best wishes as you continue in your recovery. Very best, Ginger.

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Excellent film, shared with friends. i

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Thank you Sharon!

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Dr. Breggin, Thank You for writing the book TOXIC PSYCHIATRY. My aunt suggested I read your book after being prescribed elavil many years ago. I tapered off very soon after reading that text.

That book is a great tie with this video, as is TALKING BACK TO PROZAC. I wish you would do a project/book on the dangers of long term suboxone therapy.

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Now I can tell people Dr Peter Breggin testifies for people in court and judges acquit people on homicide and suicide cases, they accept Dr Breggin's evidence. What is so annoying when people hear of a suicide or homicide they invariably react with - they probably were NOT taking their medication. Due to your amazing works Dr Breggin, I tell them suicide and aggression are on the package inserts of these drugs!!

I can't tell you how excited I was to discover your books, starting with toxic psychiatry

All best and kindest wishes always to you and Ginger

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Thank you guys so much for your faithful labors! As your days, so may your strength be!

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everything seems pathologized these days...

gotta keep those big-pharma pill mills churning!

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Well announced and advocated, Ginger and Peter, thanks.

Gary's newest exposure of the pHarmaceutical and psychiatricK Mafia’s dastardly deeds, I hope gets widely viewed.

Gary's work over the past many decades, along with yours, Thomas Szasz's, and Robert Whitaker's--to name a courageous few--shows the world the horrible harms done by this coercive Cabal and why it should be banned from Humanity for its inhumane, power and profit driven, criminality masquerading as "scientific" medicine.

This quote by Thomas should be on the beginning of Gary's new documentary:

"The less a person knows about the workings of the social institutions in his society, the more he must trust those who wield power in it; and the more he trusts those who wield such power, the more vulnerable he makes himself to becoming their victim."

I hope Gary’s film will lead to fewer victims.

Here is wonderful article on Szsaz which mentions you, Peter, as another light of freedom in the dark psychiatric dungeon.

Practicing Szasz: A Psychologist Reports on Thomas Szasz’s Influence on His Work by John Breeding, 2014


Stay free, then safe.

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As I have said before, but perhaps not in a venue that caught your attention I have been unable to read ANY of your emails for some time due to the fact taht to read them I have to scroll from left to right EVERY SINGLE LINE, which makes the whole thing unreadable. I believe in your work Dr. Breggins, but unless you can change the format of your emails I cannot read anything. PLEASE, type them in a top to bottom scroll fashion. I want very much to read them.

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Dear David, as Dina said (see below) I too have never seen the newsletter email come up in that manner. I think it must be a browser issue. Have you tried a different internet browser, like Google, Firefox, or Edge, or Safari?

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maybe it's the substack being incompatible with your browser? I don't think I've ever seen this in my emails

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No problem m reading these letters and n Substack

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Apr 22
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Thank you, Pirate, and others, for your comments. I am completely unfamiliar with Substack. I am 85 and old fashioned. Perhaps it is time for this old dog to learn new tricks. I'll give it a try.

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i was thinking...i do remember seeing some emails that appeared as you described. I believe they were on my phone email app (program).

If you are reading on your phone, try reading on your computer if you have one and see if that changes anything.

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I wish you and others would address the role of non-native EMF's and the role microwave radiation plays in the physical symptoms now being touted as psychiatric illness. Until I experienced these symptoms myself I had no idea that radiation was producing what is being called anxiety today, but what was previously called radiation sickness pre-Sigmund Freud. I highly recommend everyone read the Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, https://archive.org/details/the-invisible-rainbow-a-history-of-electricity-and-life-b-09-bbh-6-l-8-w/The+Invisible+Rainbow+-+Arthur+Firstenberg+%5Baudiobook+M4B%2C+MP3%5D/MP3/The+Invisible+Rainbow%EA%9E%89+A+History+of+Electricity+and+Life+%5BB09BBH6L8W%5D+-+02+-+Prologue.mp3. Then look into the work of Wilhelm Reich, one of Freud's students who then went on to do laboratory research into what he called Bions and Orgone Energy. Another word for Chi and Prana. The Orgone accumulators he made were blocking out non-native radiation and reflecting back normal chi and prana that we all produce, which is why they worked to heal people. The Amish are mostly healthy because they haven't allowed electricity into their homes, IMO.

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Madness can also be manufactured by nutritional deficiencies and nutritional excesses (poison consumption levels).

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Thank you, Drs. Breggin and Dr. Null.

The horror.

The horror.

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Dr Breggin helped me develop my experiential and anti-med perspective in psychotherapy that I have embraced for three decades. Are we finally starting to break through?

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Dear Breggins:

Does this documentary talk about the idea of herpes viruses as causal agents of major psychiatric labels, such as "Bipolar" and "Schizophrenia"?

If not, do you have a comment on that?

Thank you!

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There has not been evidence of any physiological disease underlying the psychiatric diagnoses— see the Diagnostic and statistical manual

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I noticed they keep searching for that connection, in any way they can.

For example, in patients with AIDS who develop some condition that becomes a psychiatric diagnosis, they do research based on the idea that the "reactivation" of dormant pathogens caused by the demolition of the immune system is what caused the hypothetical brain damage.

Which is a great coverup story, IMO

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For a long time, it was some kind of mysterious cat virus, causing schizophrenia. Peter talks about a lot of these proven hypotheses in his book toxic psychiatry.

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I once met an old lady who lived in a care home, who told everyone she saw that she had a cat inside. She was happy about it. She had been living there for several decades.

On a positive note, some of these people are not distressed all the time. They manage to find a way to have a good time about their way of living, perhaps because they receive a mostly humane treatment.

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