We went up the org chart of global predators and we brought the receipts! -- So much documentation the book cannot be dismissed. Clearly the coordination between virtually every country in the world save 2 or 3, with the draconian and economy destroying lockdowns, shutdowns, maskings, vacccine mandates and forced vaccinations documents deep planning and coordination at more than a national level. WHO and UN are thrilled to take point. Just look at the effects after that happened for 3 years---Any country truly concerned with citizen well being will never comply with WHO or UN again. They are totalitarian entities. https://breggin.com/We-are-the-Prey
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano just said, ......"We must fight with our fist .......The Mystery of Iniquity......." He means now with regard to deepstate and deep church. He means fist [spiritual Warfare].
And got sued along the way.
Did Pfizer organize all those planning sessions and so forth? 🧐
I wonder if you got sued because you didn't lock up on Pfizer or the FDA.
edit to add: I suspect that you got sued because you went up the Org Chart.
We went up the org chart of global predators and we brought the receipts! -- So much documentation the book cannot be dismissed. Clearly the coordination between virtually every country in the world save 2 or 3, with the draconian and economy destroying lockdowns, shutdowns, maskings, vacccine mandates and forced vaccinations documents deep planning and coordination at more than a national level. WHO and UN are thrilled to take point. Just look at the effects after that happened for 3 years---Any country truly concerned with citizen well being will never comply with WHO or UN again. They are totalitarian entities. https://breggin.com/We-are-the-Prey
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano just said, ......"We must fight with our fist .......The Mystery of Iniquity......." He means now with regard to deepstate and deep church. He means fist [spiritual Warfare].