Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Karen Kingston is a standout hero among others.

I first saw her on Brannon Howse Live in the beginning when my wife and I thought something was wrong with this vaccine campaign. My wife was actually thinking about taking the shot due to pressure at work. After listening to Karen on various shows we knew she was telling the whole truth. Because of Karen and others we decided no shots for us no matter the cost to jobs, friends and family.

I truly believe Karen saved us from death and destruction. I just wish others would have listened to our and her warnings. Unfortunately most did not and suffered the consequences and some with their very lives.

I also want to commend the Breggin’s for all their efforts in educating and informing us along the way. I sincerely thank you for your tireless efforts in trying to save humanity itself.

My the Lord continue to Bless you and your family in all your future efforts.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

'Biotech analyst and med-legal advisor Karen Kingston reveals in her interview with us that mRNA technology is the gateway into using nanotechnology in human beings in nefarious ways."


Sounds like the same path that Astrid Stuckelberger was discussing.

She was implicating the WHO.

Sure seems like this goes up the chain way further than "Pfizer". Seems like such a widespread agenda would require government and Oligarchs and the United States Dept. of Defense/Intelligence Community in conjunction with other NGOs like the Wellcome Trust and Gavi and so forth.

But I'm no expert. Just thinking out loud.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

This is all reminiscent of CS Lewis' woefully under-read, prescient book on the exact takeover of humanity by the technocratic elite, in his book That Hideous Strength.

Critically, all those types in the book are actually dabbling - unknowingly - with demonic forces that they are finally consumed by. Important read if you want a fictional account, done 75 years ago, by "the smartest man at Cambridge," who died same day as JFK. I am not a Democrat, but JFK certainly was no Deep State fasco-Marxist, and his death led to a quantum leap downward under LBJ. I am not anyone's judge, only God is, but if LBJ - a despicable man if there ever was, and pusher of the Gulf of Tonkin lie - did not repent, I would really, REALLY hate to be in his shoes right now. Truth is, all of us are going to be dead a whoooooole lot longer than we are alive. Might behoove people to examine, say, the evidence for the resurrection of Christ

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I know older people who have been multiply injected. They act the same only more tired and dull. Like someone starting psych drugs.

The technocrats grossly exaggerate their knowledge and abilities. Part of it--but only part--is self-deception. Even if they fail to set up their visions that doesn't mean they won't cause a lot of destruction though.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You have my support. In my opinion the Covid pandemic was a test for the control of minds, a precursor for something like"1984" using technology.

When the invasion of Russia foretold the failure of The Third Reich, plans for the future included the concept of pandemics with masking and lockdowns.

The saga of Hidden Truth is for the curious to endure in isolation of occult knowledge, not an easy path but serves for saving the rest.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you Karen, good to know you are fine and well again.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

At 2HSB only I a Private and 2 Corporals tried to expose the anti malarial drug trials. Poor Corporals were Medically discharged in 2 weeks and screwed by the mental health system. Whole hospital just went along to get along, paychecks and an apathy that wasn't normal.

They were handing out the flu vaccines there like candy.

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They steal; they are thefts ■ lazy takers that prey on the young and weak showing themselves strong, because they [k]now they would 'never' have what they do "unless they took someone's assets, energy, time, and life." M

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My understanding is that AI, LGBTQ+, the Climate Agenda, and mRNA injections all fit into a transhumanist exterminatory agenda... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/transhumanism-is-the-extermination

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It seems to be a difficult thing bringing the truth about Malone to the forefront. Dr. Breggin, You make the case so well, time after time. People's eyes need to keep looking at this intruder until they see him for who he is. Looking at Malone through the lens of group dynamics it can be seen that his actions are in the direction of breaking the group apart... just like you say... he is working for the global predators. No one has to "prove Malone has an agreement with the global predators." His personality, his actions (that you regularly list), his lack of useful contributions, his heartlessness, all go to show where he lies.

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I am sorry to say, someone called into the radio station I am listening to to talk about nanotechnology and the jabs, and was dismissed by the CONSERVATIVE host "If you believe that, you will bellieve anything".

Dissapointing to say the least.

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Thank you Karen. I appreciated the information from Peter Breggin concerning the effect that the nonotech has in one brain. I can actually see the results today as people seem more docile and willing to take whatever comes. Now, maybe it is partly because so much evil is continuing! We know God’s Word says in the end times that evil will increase! And it certainly has! Glad I know that He is ultimately in control! Thank you! Audrey

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Despite these incredible truths about the nefariousness of the mRNA vaccines and nanotech, government officials and governors, etc INSIST on the continued promotion of these hideous vaccines and other hideous ways to incorporating these deadly dangers into even non-vaccinated people. This is totally boggling.

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thank you from the bottom of my heart, the two of you are a bundle of the finest souls of humanity in these trying times. There is warmth to your words and intention, kindness and a hopeful outlook for better days ! Thank you

- [ ] Here you will find the result of about 10000 h (around 30 books and other material) countless hours of avoiding traps and controlled oppositions- the results of sober research (with notes) - amongst seemingly wild assumptions, mostly a solid plethora of truly courageous whistleblowers from the truthcore- who are not under the NDAs (like our shiny freedom doctors) or vile blackmail- a few courageous souls, who are simply brave enough, to speak the truth about "Covid", namely that it is in fact: A cyber - physical backbone.

- [ ] https://open.substack.com/pub/telestai/p/approaching-truth?r=10r0gt&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Sorry I'm so late to the party! I wanted to be able to listen to your interview with Karen before coming here.

That was a fantastic interview, and I'm glad that you are back, Karen! You are stronger now--as in what doesn't kill you... You are right to rely on God and call out to Him.

What we once classified as "biology" has certainly morphed into all kinds of things that I had no schooling in--so thanks for breaking things down. AI is here, and it's in a lot of us!

But with God all things are possible. We cannot give up--as some have already said, we were born for this time!

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What a download of pertinent information ! Good grief, Dr. Breggin and Ginger I pray and hope we all have you with us as long as possible. Great, great, great...thank you, so much, can’t say enough accolades about this presentation, just awesome.

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