As noted, Lewis - who was part of the Inklings group (JRR Tolkein, Charles Williams, Dorothy Sayers - wrote a trilogy that basically was dealing, very presciently, with the precursors of what we are seeing to today, from the Schwab, Harari, et al cabal, who back then were folks that you have heard of, like HG Wells, Elon Musk's Ca…
As noted, Lewis - who was part of the Inklings group (JRR Tolkein, Charles Williams, Dorothy Sayers - wrote a trilogy that basically was dealing, very presciently, with the precursors of what we are seeing to today, from the Schwab, Harari, et al cabal, who back then were folks that you have heard of, like HG Wells, Elon Musk's Canadian grandfather, Fabian socialist GB Shaw, et al.
If or as your time allows, understanding what these early technocracy types had up their sleeves will provide some background to how we got to where we are today. Patrick Wood at also does a good job.
It is my judgment that, as we have seen from Lewis, Tolkein, and even up through folks like famed journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, or that you probably deal with, like M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Travelled), that this is indeed a spiritual battle, with, as Churchill (with all his flaws, for sure) observed "...But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, *****by the lights of perverted science.***** Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties,...
Perverted science? Churchill, with his Mengeles, Karl Brandts, Aktion T-4 programmes, V2 rocket scientists, Heisenberg and the fact that they really had the jump on us with the atom bomb with their deuterium oxide (which some heroes like you today blew up in a Norwegian fjord)... turns out Churchill and Hitler ain't got nuthin' compared to our battle today!
Perhaps it is, as Frodo told Gandalf: 'I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.' Gandalf: 'So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides that of evil. "
One of those forces besides evil is both you and your husband. May God speed you in your work, Ginger
Dear Blaise, as you can imagine I have had little time to look deeply at the early literature though I am working on a eugenics piece and of course the same group you mention (HG Wells, GB Shaw etc) are big in eugenics.) You are so correct we do not get to choose the time we are born into-- and indeed many may wish for another or a better time, but I have often felt God's hand directing me sometimes in surprising ways and to surprising conclusions. So it has been with this COVID crisis. due to our work, Peter and I have been uniquely poised to face and explore this evil campaign. Thank you so much for your appreciation and encouragement.
Something makes me think you did decide to come in at this time. Of course I can't prove that. 😁 However , it is by observation that your Fierce and Divine Spirit and the deep need to express truth in this world of deception, that catches my attention and inspires my heart. In my opinion, it's the ancient souls that have the balls to come back and set the record straight.😇 Thoughts from another ancient soul. Thanks for being here at this time, busting through the darkness, and serving humanity. Most are incapable. With Much Love and respect. 🫡🙏
As noted, Lewis - who was part of the Inklings group (JRR Tolkein, Charles Williams, Dorothy Sayers - wrote a trilogy that basically was dealing, very presciently, with the precursors of what we are seeing to today, from the Schwab, Harari, et al cabal, who back then were folks that you have heard of, like HG Wells, Elon Musk's Canadian grandfather, Fabian socialist GB Shaw, et al.
If or as your time allows, understanding what these early technocracy types had up their sleeves will provide some background to how we got to where we are today. Patrick Wood at also does a good job.
It is my judgment that, as we have seen from Lewis, Tolkein, and even up through folks like famed journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, or that you probably deal with, like M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Travelled), that this is indeed a spiritual battle, with, as Churchill (with all his flaws, for sure) observed "...But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, *****by the lights of perverted science.***** Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties,...
Perverted science? Churchill, with his Mengeles, Karl Brandts, Aktion T-4 programmes, V2 rocket scientists, Heisenberg and the fact that they really had the jump on us with the atom bomb with their deuterium oxide (which some heroes like you today blew up in a Norwegian fjord)... turns out Churchill and Hitler ain't got nuthin' compared to our battle today!
Perhaps it is, as Frodo told Gandalf: 'I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.' Gandalf: 'So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides that of evil. "
One of those forces besides evil is both you and your husband. May God speed you in your work, Ginger
Dear Blaise, as you can imagine I have had little time to look deeply at the early literature though I am working on a eugenics piece and of course the same group you mention (HG Wells, GB Shaw etc) are big in eugenics.) You are so correct we do not get to choose the time we are born into-- and indeed many may wish for another or a better time, but I have often felt God's hand directing me sometimes in surprising ways and to surprising conclusions. So it has been with this COVID crisis. due to our work, Peter and I have been uniquely poised to face and explore this evil campaign. Thank you so much for your appreciation and encouragement.
Something makes me think you did decide to come in at this time. Of course I can't prove that. 😁 However , it is by observation that your Fierce and Divine Spirit and the deep need to express truth in this world of deception, that catches my attention and inspires my heart. In my opinion, it's the ancient souls that have the balls to come back and set the record straight.😇 Thoughts from another ancient soul. Thanks for being here at this time, busting through the darkness, and serving humanity. Most are incapable. With Much Love and respect. 🫡🙏
My favorite books of the 20th century.
The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Read in 6th grade. Never forgot. Can still recite the opening paragraph of the Hobbit