New evidence is overwhelming: Naomi Wolf’s The Pfizer Papers
Book Review by Peter R. Breggin of the Pfizer Papers by Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly
I know more about the inner workings of the drug companies than most “experts” who are looking in from the outside because I’ve been empowered as a medical expert in lawsuits against the pharmaceutical industry to examine their inner secret records concerning various drugs. I thought I knew most of what could be known about how morally and scientifically degraded their operations really are, and I’ve tried to describe it in my books and scientific articles. That was until I read The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity, edited by Dr. Naomi Wolf with Amy Kelly.
The subtitle title is far too modest. It’s not just about Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity; it also sheds light on the massive collusion that hid the truth within the papers, including, as a start, the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), who were in charge of Operation Warp Speed and all things related to the mRNA COVID jabs, as well as the FDA and CDC, which were monitoring and compulsively lying about their high toxicity and deadliness.
Most importantly, while the CDC was denying all deaths, Pfizer, in the first 12-week rollout of the vaccines, received 1,223 reports of vaccine deaths.
I first heard Naomi Wolf speak about the enormous project she had envisioned and was helping to lead. It had to do with analyzing and publishing the newly revealed secrets forced from the drug company Pfizer about the disastrous results of their mRNA Covid vaccines. I had already written that there were more than 2 million deaths in the U.S., while the CDC remained the only agency in the world that continues to claim there were no deaths from the vaccines. As word of the Pfizer papers spread, I saw her on TV and was sometimes interviewed along with her on shows, and my wife Ginger Breggin and I interviewed her on our own radio show. I received an early copy of the Pfizer papers and got to question her and her colleague Amy Kelly about the enormous project. I then included its information in a book by Ginger and I that will be published in 2025.
Despite my specialized knowledge of the corruption within the drug companies, never before had I fully grasped the depth of depravity inside Pfizer. I feel like a writer who must withhold some of the gory details because it will be too much for the ordinary reader. And in some ways that is true. It’s easy to read and to understand this book, but mentally and spiritually digesting it is like trying to eat an unexpected bowl of human evil.
The Pfizer Papers is ultimately about one of the greatest tragedies ever inflicted in the world — which the world is yet to understand. It’s key to the whole COVID disaster, and how the vaccines killed and still are killing, far more people than any plague ever to strike humanity. And it goes beyond that, because mRNA vaccines and related jabs are continuing to be developed and to come out. Without more people understanding the dangers, the disasters will continue unabated.
Every thinking person on Earth should read the Pfizer Papers. Why you?
You will not fully grasp the evil we are facing in our scientific, medical, public health, and political communities until you do.
Despite their lack of rational scientific processes, Pfizer discovered and wrote in their own records how the mRNA vaccines were murdering so many of their victims that it would ultimately murder millions. They knew they were slaughtering infants in utero. They knew they were sterilizing people. They knew the enormous array of physical disabilities being caused.
They knew it all — and so did the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA, along with Pfizer, refused to acknowledge anything or to make public any of their findings — until a judge, in a rare act of courage, forced them out into the open.
This is a landmark book with incisive analysis and commentary by scientists and a great introduction by Naomi Wolf.
The Pfizer Papers expose how the pharmaceutical industry has become so divorced from ethical, legal, or moral guidelines that it has blood all over its hands.
Most importantly, the Pfizer Papers exposes the widespread corruption and lets the whole world understand that we can no longer trust the medical, scientific, public health, or political establishment to do anything but lie to us about their own vested interests.
Primary Author: Peter R. Breggin, MD
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Every culture institutionalizes certain forms of behavior that communicate and encourage certain forms of thinking and acting, thus moulding the character of its citizens. To the degree that the individual is made an object of constant mental manipulation, to the degree that cultural institutions may tend to weaken intellectual and spiritual strength, to the degree that knowledge of the mind is used to tame and condition people instead of educating them, to that degree does the culture itself produce men and women who are predisposed to accept an authoritarian way of life.
That's why I love wearing this Orwell 1984 t-shirt everywhere I go 👇