Hi Dr. Breggin, thank you for your work. I hope you will have some input on HHS Secretary Kennedy's deep dive into SSRI safety and overuse of same. I consider your work against these

drugs to be the foundation that RFK can use to remove these drugs from circulation but it will mean a huge war with the big pharma people who want to maintain the "status quo" and be allowed to continue poisoning unsuspecting patients and profiting from it.

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A young man that I know wanted to have his father‘s approval and he worked hard at soccer and did not succeed. He acted out in frustration and rather than work through the issues that created the problem the answer was to prescribe SSRI’s to sedate his brain. He is now captive to big Pharma and the medical profession that doesn’t understand what really transpires between father and son and father and daughter and mother and son and mother and daughter. When will we wake up to the needless suffering that we are putting our children through?

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How do I convince the parents that there is away to extract their child of the shackles that now bind him?

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So much talk about SSRIs. A conversation needs to be had big time about anti psychotic medications. These are the worst and a nightmare to come off of. Horrific withdrawals and no type of medical facility to help someone safely taper & detox from them. No safe haven for those who experience psychosis. Psychiatrist just load them up on mind & body numbing

anti psychotics. How can a person get dignified help getting through a psychotic episode without being sedated to death and told to stay on the meds for life?

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We love you guys.

Keep exposing these demonic narcissistic sociopathic murdering raping Psychopaths.

I personally wanna go hunt this sick pieces of whale DunG down like dogs! Oh do I

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‘Pedo Phile’ is an abusive manipulation of language. These predators of innocent children are not “lovers of children”. They are haters of children, envious of their innocent joy and want to steal it from them. And ruin our future. It is as mind boggling the Child grooming sex rings like Disney and Hollywood can openly even exist.

Or at least it was until we all watched global “health care” workers genocide 17+ million including children with biosynthetic mofified RNA injections.

God always wins, Pray or be prey, 🙏🙏🙏.

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Words matter

Truth is always the first casualty in war

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“Those who control language control the people.”~ Phillip K. Dick

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Epstein Clinton and the rest on.psychopath Island

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Please God give the Breggins a voice in the White House now, I pray.

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There’s a lot information and data to be gleaned if you read carefully.

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Kinsey was exposed, as you well know, by our beloved Judith Reisman. How I miss that wonderful woman!

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Peter interviewed Judith in February 2020-- it is in audio here: https://drpeterbregginshow.podbean.com/e/the-dr-peter-breggin-hour-%e2%80%93-021220/

She was a vivacious and brilliant woman and deeply missed. ~ Ginger

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You both are true models of integrity and courage. Thank you.

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I know that for my own experiences, family is not a "close to home issue". I will continue to hold to the promises of God, knowing that what I cannot defeat on my own will be defeated by a righteous and Holy God who cannot be defeated by any amount of sophism's (witchcraft).

"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee" (Isaiah 60::2) When God says it, I believe it, and that settles it. What other "banker" could arise to defeat God's purpose?

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Thank you Breggins for exposing these evil doers! The UN launched a new corporate effort called the Partnership for UN Global LGBTIQ+ Equality. You can read about it here:


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Thank you as always for the wealth of information you share.

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Oh no, PLEASE don't let musk deceive you as well! I will provide a couple of links here for you to view. JUST because someone is doing great things.....doesn't mean they are. And there are more videos.




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These Rx drugs are dangerous for adults but handing them out like candy to children while their brains and bodies are still growing is both dangerous and reckless. There is NO magic pill They cause APATHY and a disconnect from natural occuring thoughts and emotions from being experienced. Prescription medication, although it's LEGAL and ACCEPTABLE by society standards it's NOT normal to be devoid of emotions or feelings that are apart of Life. I've seen antipsychotics cause young males grow breasts, they can be dangerous and life altering to all individuals particularly to a growing Brain! Time will tell, research will prove a correlation between mind altering medicine and the rise in mass shootings! Doesn't take Brain science, Americans are the most medicated and armed population in the WHOLE world, it's a recipe for DISASTER!!

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Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Breggin.

Criminals abound; they surround us, some are even scattered among us.

Discernment is key.

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The Bidens are evil personified

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