Our national government has betrayed its given role as the defender of America’s citizens and their rights and instead become the greatest adversary of the American people.
My name is Dr. Lewis Coleman. I am a board certified anesthesiologist from California, now retired. I own and have read your book and of course I agree with it in all respects. I ask that you spare a few minutes of your valuable time to review the three essays recently published in most recent issue of “Combat Stress” electronic magazine: /Users/lewiscoleman/Documents/Published Papers/Combat-Stress-Winter-2024-25.pdf
Medicine is now poised at the threshold of the most important theoretical advance in its long history. Recent political circumstances, namely the appointment of Robert Kennedy, Jr. in charge of reforming health care and food quality, suggest that it may now be possible to test, confirm, and introduce the new theory, which will enable physicians to direct their treatments at the cause of disease and revolutionize all aspects of health care.
Time is of the essence, because the opportunity may not last.
Dr. Coleman, I have gotten through about 7 chapters of your book and it is well researched and well annotated. Your references were quite extensive and although I am neither a doctor or scientist, I found it fascinating how you connectivity dispelled medical myths, and bring out the real science of stress. Thank you, I am grateful for those who are trying to "stand in the gap" if you will.
That’s great! Don’t stop! From here on it will get more and more interesting for you. If you read to the end you will know more about medicine than most doctors. One day the book will be remembered as the “Principia” of medicine. I’ll be available if you have questions
Au contraire, I believe it could be quite remunerative, except that doctors would be offering a genuinely valuable service that produced predictable results. For once patients would get what they paid for. I, for one, would vastly prefer such an honest approach to earning a living.
Thank you for your allusion to Sheriff Mack and the work that he and the patriotic sheriffs of America are doing. I just read the constitution of my state (Massachusetts) written by John Adams nearly 245 years ago and it suggests what I thought it would, that is, that my property is my property and not the town's which collects taxes on it. That is, my right to life, liberty and property, should I become negligent on my "property tax", which I am not, is not forfeited and according to the state constitution the town has no right to a claim. I am anxious to get the Supreme Court Decision on his case and take it to my local sheriff.
My question, as a subscriber, pertains to citizen organizations for defense. If there is anyone that doesn’t see the blatant need for citizens to form groups and organize for community defense, they must be living under a rock. Is there an organization that is helping citizens organize for defense purposes?
Although this answer has been in print for centuries now, and most people know it in their hearts if they have ears to hear, but I will offer the following reproof.
"Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Mathew 22:35-40)
"Good maxims are often worshiped with pretended devotion; they are like the gold tipped horns on a whited heifer, adorned and garnished with ribbons until they are mediated; preparatory to being sacrificed" -John Taylor of Caroline- 1824 Tyranny Unmasked
"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help" Psalm (146:3)
".And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6::36). The best defense has always been there for those who believe.
You know, I met Sheriff Mack one time, and shook his hand, but doing a word search in the Constitution, I was unable to find a single occurrence of the words "State's Rights. The tenth amendment refers to "Powers" but not to rights per se.
" The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." -10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution-
The conjunctive "or" would imply that there is a choice between the States or the people, but in reality, the power of the individual is denied by States on a routine basis by the unscrupulous who abuse their social positions with government overreach. The 9th amendment, is also a supposed guarantee of "Rights" but it does not deter hostile corporate takeover.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." -9th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution- When Parental Rights are so easily usurped by accusatory claims, then any pretext can be used to take now and pay later.
You are one of my heros Dr Breggin. I will be forever grateful 💥🌸💥
I purchased your book “Toxic Psychiatry” in 2012 after finding your website.
What psychiatrists told me in March 2011 did not make sense. They labelled me with “Bipolar”.
I asked myself how they could predict my future behaviour.
Dear Dr. Breggin,
My name is Dr. Lewis Coleman. I am a board certified anesthesiologist from California, now retired. I own and have read your book and of course I agree with it in all respects. I ask that you spare a few minutes of your valuable time to review the three essays recently published in most recent issue of “Combat Stress” electronic magazine: /Users/lewiscoleman/Documents/Published Papers/Combat-Stress-Winter-2024-25.pdf
Medicine is now poised at the threshold of the most important theoretical advance in its long history. Recent political circumstances, namely the appointment of Robert Kennedy, Jr. in charge of reforming health care and food quality, suggest that it may now be possible to test, confirm, and introduce the new theory, which will enable physicians to direct their treatments at the cause of disease and revolutionize all aspects of health care.
Time is of the essence, because the opportunity may not last.
Many thanks for your consideration
Lewis Coleman
Dr. Coleman, I have gotten through about 7 chapters of your book and it is well researched and well annotated. Your references were quite extensive and although I am neither a doctor or scientist, I found it fascinating how you connectivity dispelled medical myths, and bring out the real science of stress. Thank you, I am grateful for those who are trying to "stand in the gap" if you will.
Dear Clyde,
That’s great! Don’t stop! From here on it will get more and more interesting for you. If you read to the end you will know more about medicine than most doctors. One day the book will be remembered as the “Principia” of medicine. I’ll be available if you have questions
Prevention and reversal of disease states doesn’t grow the bottom line of the medicine men’s corporations!
This might offer a better link to the Combat Stress magazine: https://www.stress.org/magazines/
Au contraire, I believe it could be quite remunerative, except that doctors would be offering a genuinely valuable service that produced predictable results. For once patients would get what they paid for. I, for one, would vastly prefer such an honest approach to earning a living.
Everyone should buy this book and give to their sheriff.
Thank you for your allusion to Sheriff Mack and the work that he and the patriotic sheriffs of America are doing. I just read the constitution of my state (Massachusetts) written by John Adams nearly 245 years ago and it suggests what I thought it would, that is, that my property is my property and not the town's which collects taxes on it. That is, my right to life, liberty and property, should I become negligent on my "property tax", which I am not, is not forfeited and according to the state constitution the town has no right to a claim. I am anxious to get the Supreme Court Decision on his case and take it to my local sheriff.
My question, as a subscriber, pertains to citizen organizations for defense. If there is anyone that doesn’t see the blatant need for citizens to form groups and organize for community defense, they must be living under a rock. Is there an organization that is helping citizens organize for defense purposes?
There are militias all over... your local gun shop may be able to inform should you choose to join.
Although this answer has been in print for centuries now, and most people know it in their hearts if they have ears to hear, but I will offer the following reproof.
"Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Mathew 22:35-40)
"Good maxims are often worshiped with pretended devotion; they are like the gold tipped horns on a whited heifer, adorned and garnished with ribbons until they are mediated; preparatory to being sacrificed" -John Taylor of Caroline- 1824 Tyranny Unmasked
"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help" Psalm (146:3)
".And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6::36). The best defense has always been there for those who believe.
Thank you, for this information.
You know, I met Sheriff Mack one time, and shook his hand, but doing a word search in the Constitution, I was unable to find a single occurrence of the words "State's Rights. The tenth amendment refers to "Powers" but not to rights per se.
" The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." -10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution-
The conjunctive "or" would imply that there is a choice between the States or the people, but in reality, the power of the individual is denied by States on a routine basis by the unscrupulous who abuse their social positions with government overreach. The 9th amendment, is also a supposed guarantee of "Rights" but it does not deter hostile corporate takeover.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." -9th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution- When Parental Rights are so easily usurped by accusatory claims, then any pretext can be used to take now and pay later.
I wholeheartedly agree. I'm hoping Donald Trump will help to get the country back on track