For those interested in additional information and perspectives see the following writers:

See Heather B’s substack essay:

(100) Attempted Assassination Anomalies - by Heather B (substack.com)

And Elizabeth Nickson’s stack:

(100) Excuse me, Deep State? Is Hunter Thompson Your Game Master? (substack.com)

(100) They Will Kill Him Rather Than Let Him Win (substack.com)

And see Cherie Zaslawsky’s essay:


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Ginger, this is a magnificent crystallization of the choice before us, described with laser-sharp clarity. And I love your theme: Don't let anyone steal our miracle!

Those crying "fake" are undoubtedly NeverTrumpers, always looking for ways to "prove" that "Orange Man Bad."

This was so clearly an assassination attempt, with both motive and opportunity on the side of the Dems/Leftists/Marxist/globalist predators, as you point out.

My newest article addresses this subject as well: https://cheriezaslawsky.substack.com/p/the-lefts-apparent-coup-detat-against

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Thank you Cherie! I've included your article in my pinned comment at the top of this comments thread.

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Thanks so much, Ginger!

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In my mind, there is no question that this was a black op that missed target by inches and that the shooter was an immature young man who iwas identified as being easily controlled and hypnotized to do the bidding of the deep state!

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Shooters with three names is part of the playbook. Always a clue. I have come to believe it's a signature like a serial killer's brag.

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In other words, MK Ultra. "MK-Ultra asset set up by Bush to shoot Reagan speaks out" (part 1) https://open.substack.com/pub/dianabarahona/p/mk-ultra-asset-set-up-by-bush-to

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The Unabomber was a test subject at Harvard for MK Ultra. Lost his mind and he retaliated. Hinkley, Sharan Sharan? and Crooke...all fit the same mold. I was given a personal demonstration of how a professional hypnotist can identify and control susceptible young individuals.

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Insider details how time travel was developed at Montauk - part 1 https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/insider-details-how-time-travel-was

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Hi Ginger and Peter,

A succinct and logical position, put well, as always. While a long way from the USA I understand the global ramifications of your next election and concur that there is no other logical choice. My only hope is more people come to understand that most of this agenda will be implemented at the local level and this is where they can have a real influence regardless of what happens "up top".

The opposite of globalism is localism. All people can have a big impact there.

Best Regards,


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It looks to me like the "assasination attempt" was faked in order to put J.D. Vance and by extension Peter Thiel in the White House.

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I don't see a bit of evidence or documentation to support this concept. You demean a solemn historical tragedy where one person died and three were wounded including an American President. Stop it, please. Also, I am not tolerating promotion of antisemitic commentary on this stack.

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What antisemitic commentary?

I am mortified by this accusation and ask that you please explain.

"It's key to remember that staging events as a form of performance art and using the media to pass them off as real is a perfectly legal thing to do, courtesy of an amendment to America's National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA). This amendment, made in 2013, overturned an anti-propaganda law that had previously prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences.

In effect, it legalised psy-ops.

Commenting on this situation shortly after the so-called 'Boston Bombings', author Naomi Wolf said,

"We have entered an era in which it is not crazy to assess news events to see if they're real or not real… In fact, it's kind of crazy not to.""


How Donald Trump helped put the 'F' in Miri AF


Please enlighten me if that is antisemitic. Also the following

What event triggered World War I?


I definitely do NOT want to be antisemitic


I think, if I remember correctly, I had posted a comment with nothing but a link to Mark Crispin Miller's article on why he's voting for Kennedy, and you deleted that comment. Do you consider that article by MCM antisemitic? If so please explain.

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Precisely. I said in response: Also," I am not tolerating promotion of antisemitic commentary on this stack," and that article uses antisemitic language and promotes antisemitism that is inflamed globally at this time. But don't promote it here.

I am not going to argue this point here. It is off topic; antisemitism is a crude, destructive and tool that inflames hatred of Jews everywhere and is divisive to any genuine resistance. There are 16 million Jews more or less in the world. Find a way to criticize Israeli administration actions and policy without pouring gasoline on the hatred.


You and Tom Tunes are distracting. I won't discuss it further here. ~ Ginger Breggin

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I have nothing to do with Tom Tunes and I don't hate or pour gasoline on hatred. Your accusations are unfounded.

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My read is they weren't calling your post antisemitic. They were criticizing your demeaning this historical event, and announcing that, in addition to disliking this kind of post, they won't tolerate comments that are antisemitism in their substack and so you are warned.

Your mention of Thiel, who has business and other associations with Israel, moving into the WH by cheat and stealth of faking an assassination, suggests antisemitism may be an underlying view on your part and that you need to be warned.

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Warned about what?

Is saying Peter Thiel is taking over the White House through his sponsorship of J.D. Vance antisemitic?

Is saying Thiel and his associates doing that by faking an assassination attempt antisemitic?

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Which word didn't you understand?

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you didn't answer my questions

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Mouzer, you sound like one of the actors on Hogan's Heroes, "You vill be QUIET". Thiel is a person, not a Jew, who promotes things he wants. I am a major Trump Supporter and have been since watching the Republican primaries in 2016, voted for him, and he's only grown on me since, and JD Vance is one of the most articulate politicians I've ever heard, and the MSM trying on that whole "weird" Democrat invented and dispensed talking point is literally the most treacly thing I've ever seen coming from the CNN MSNBC crowd, all of whom are mindless unblinking slogan chanters. Having said that I don't agree with much of what Yet Another Tommy has written here, but at no point was he anti-Semitic. Don't be a mindless unblinking slogan chanter, your advocacy for people I too believe in becomes less welcomed.

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This kerfuffle from the two of you over my analysis of another's post is laughable. You assume I have said things I have not and have views I do not.

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What exactly is antisemitic about this comment? I am thoroughly confused.

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Sorry Tom Tunes, I don't do well being "shamed".

I said in response to his posting a link to what is antisimetic substack article: Also," I am not tolerating promotion of antisemitic commentary on this stack," and that article uses antisemitic language and promotes antisemitism that is inflamed globally at this time. But don't promote it here.

I am not going to argue this point here. It is off topic; antisemitism is a crude, destructive tool that inflames hatred of Jews everywhere and is divisive to any genuine resistance. There are 16 million Jews more or less in the world. Find a way to criticize Israeli administration actions and policy without pouring gasoline on the hatred.


You and Tom Tunes are distracting. I won't discuss it further here. ~ Ginger Breggin

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To whom does Trump look like a messianic figure?

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Hardly a Messianic figure to a genuine Christian. Christians, if I may speak for othersas well as myself, believe God moves within our lives and influences our lives, our health, our wellbeing. Christian athletes point to heaven to acknowledge God's influence in their playing well during a game, for example. They do not think they are suddenly 'messianic.' -- Because God moved in our lives and restored to health my 97 year old mother and my 87 year old husband a year ago when they were hospitalized for days -- Peter with pneumonia-- does not mean in any way I believe any member of my family is messianic. Just human beings who have been blessed with God's Grace and brought back to health.

Ginger Breggin

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I am a Trump follower, voted for him in 2016, 2020, 2024 Primary and will vote for him again in November. I'm always amused by the unfounded arrogance of NeverTrumpers who ASSume they know what we think. God did indeed save him from the bullet that whizzed by his ear. If you don't believe in God, that's on you, not on us. God has also saved a messy soul like me, many times😉

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JD Vance was the top runner for VP before the assassination attempt, we knew that. You're pretending that Peter Thiel hasn't been influential in the White House for decades. Apparently you haven't spent much time in DC and aren't familiar with the powerful Federal Government contractors. BTW, the 2012 Smith Mundt Modernization Act isn't about propaganda, attorney Robert Barnes has discussed it many times. It's always amusing when I watch foreigners regurgitate propaganda about our politics and policies. I don't understand why foreigners are so hysterically triggered by Donald Trump and then lie about why he selected JD Vance, as if they're in the inner circles in DC.

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I love "Don't let anyone steal your miracle." Good advice all the time.

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Thanks Heather your stack was great btw. Terrific details that had been bugging me. Thank you♥️

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Another beautiful stack! Wow!🤯

I’m in 🫢 awe!❤️

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Thanks, TexBritta!

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Hi Breggins

Watch 7/21/2024 episode of Darkhorse podcast


entitled: How Many Shooters? John Cullen on the Trump Assassination Attempt. Analysis of bird's-eye-view video indicates Trump's ear was not in the young roof shooter's line-of-sight but instead on Tower shooters line-of-sight. Provocative if true.

Fyi, my comment keeps getting deleted so you probably wont see this even if you read comments.

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Hi Galina, I do read the comments-- don't always have a moment to reply. I have heard the more shooters concept(s) and the water tower positioning for a sniper is reported by other warfighters/snipers to be an ideal location. So we await details and further examination.

But the KEY here is, there has been a genuine assassination attempt, Trump was hit, and another person killed with 2 more people suffering grievous injuries.

This was no joke. And it was NOT a publicity stunt. Much more likely that the trolls promoting the publicity stunt idea are desperately trying to mitigate the damage done to the Democrat party and vote by this awful, tragic and criminal event. GRB

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I tremendously respect the Breggins but I am very suspicious of the assassination attempt being a ploy to turn Trump into even more of a cult figure with “divine” backing. I won’t ever forget he brought us warp speed. Until a candidate talks about central banking they are not serious about restoring the rule of constitution.

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Warp Speed was a DOD project long in the works and the only honest medical advisor, Dr. Scott Atlas was maneuvered out of the inner circle by corrupt Democrat bureaucrats Fauci & Brix while he and his advisors were fighting an illegitimate impeachment inquiry.

Warp speed had some initial superficial plausibly such that I and many other medical professionals initially bought into it & there are many more whose careers depend upon them going along with, if not still buying the fraud. Are you pissed off enough @ Trump to shoot yourself & the rest of us in the foot or a more vital organ? Think man, think!

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Obviously I would rather take my chances with Trump rather than the alternative which is a guaranteed highway to hell. That doesn’t mean I owe blind allegiance to Trump. Warp speed isn’t the only issue I have with him.

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None of us, I would venture to say, has a blink allegiance to Trump. We just recognize that as you say 'the alternative is a guaranteed highway to hell!" We want off the highway to hell and I for one feel that Trump is the best available choice between the two of them-- Trump v Kamala. Kennedy is a spoiler to Trump's chances. Kennedy is also a climate change extremist who will fold like a deck of cards the first time he is convinced the US has a climate health emergency. The UN and the WHO are gearing up to promote just such emergencies via the WHO. They want to have us living in 15 minute cities, eating bugs and not traveling--among many other t otalitarian restrictions.

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I know the agenda. It remains to be seen if Trump doesn’t deliver us into the arms of billionaires as well. Again love your work. The assassination just didn’t sit right with me and I have learned to trust my intuition. If I have a patsy on the roof then I have a pro elsewhere and the pro doesn’t miss.

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Fair enough, care to elaborate?

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Ginger, you made my day! Thank you.

A big concern I have regarding Trump is, what is he going to do about the national public debt! Today it is $35 trillion. . . from American Institute of Economic Research:

"Two hundred and six days after reaching $34 trillion, America’s debt pile has reached $35 trillion. To put this in perspective, the debt at the end of World War II was about $259 billion, making the current debt more than 135 times that amount. The US has now borrowed amounts larger than the combined GDPs of China, Japan, and Germany."


The country gets weaker, and weaker the bigger the debt, and becomes vulnerable to the global central planners.

Can anybody point me to statements that Trump has made about the debt?

Thank you.


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Congress controls the money. While the POTUS is in office for max 8 years, some in Congress are there for a lifetime. It is up to each of us to show up at the local office of our elected officials and demand that THEY stop stealing our money. My Senator is one of the biggest weapons and drug traffickers - he loves wars because he gets to make money with the MIC that financially support him. Lindsey Graham - weapons & drug dealer extraordinaire.

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There is so much work to be done! Our Senator is Chuck Schumer! Yikes. ~ Ginger

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Thanks, Ginger. I always appreciate your wise words.

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I never thought I'd see the Breggins devolve into hardcore Hero Ball fanboyhood, yet here we are...

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Dear VinnyBee: do you have more than hackneyed verbal insults? How about a reasoned, thoughtout, referenced alternative to our discussion. We provide reason, thoughtfulness and thorough documentations and we get insults back? Genuine documented alternative perspectives I'll take. Better skip the insults. This is not a game it is real life, and we have a real country that we still feel is worth doing everything we can to rescue. GRB

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That's NOT accurate.

He's the only proven NON-TOTALITARIAN of the crowd.


The more the Progressive U.S. and Europe hate Trump;

the more certain it is he's the ONLY logical candidate for President of the United States.

Were people wise and seeking real change BACK TO THE U.S CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC of the past...They would also make certain to place Patriot Conservative majorities in both houses of Congress.


As somebody not a personal 'Fan' of Trump...

Informing of the facts is NOT 'hardcore Hero Ball fanboyhood'.


May wish to really think about that threat to World Peace.

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For America, a US president needs to be elected come November of this year. Citizens will need to select the candidate on the ticket who will protect America as a national entity, protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the freedoms and responsibilities we were given by God and by the Founders. GRB

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Well I agree that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life, but until He returns, we have to make do with mere mortals, and having not been afán of his in 2016, I have become a supporter, and since the assassination attempt by the Deep State and/or the Biden puppet regime, I am now full on MAGA, because I know that the alternative is absolutely of the Devil. I think you are catastrophizing.

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We don't know of how accurate your assessment is. Don't believe the suspicion is catastrophizing in any way. If there's one thing known from working with the Criminally Insane...THERE ARE NO BOUNDARIES FOR EVIL. They find joy in the pain, misery and suffering of others; the more innocent, the better...They literally FEED ON IT.

We face evil equal to and surpassing anything most of us have ever imagined or confronted. There can be no giving any benefit of the doubt to this Organized Criminal Mafia..

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Well, we don’t know how accurate your assessment is either. From my decades of observation and reading and having been on both sides of the political aisle, I feel comfortable with my assessment & believe that we have 4 years of a successful administration to go on, and the comparison of what the other side has done when they got the ball, which is more than we usually have. I will stick with my bet.

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Why thank-you! What a stimulating exchange.

Resoundingly applaud your response.

Wager we're both going to end correct by halves as reality is generally someplace in the middle of extremes, or I HOPE SO.

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Recall your presence in the past...Total TROLL!

Yes, he's a 'Playa'; but, UNLIKE those Uniparty Nazi's. He's an UNPREDICTABLE ONE on the World Stage NOT OBEYING

the Black Nobility Crime Syndicate because if he had;

they would NOT be completely insane as they've been since his victory over Hitlery delaying all the C19 Fun scheduled to being much sooner than it did.

He most certainly did put-out the fires ordered lit by the Nobility to the Uniparty Nazi's of the Bush Family owned OBastard's.

Without Trump's actual LEADERSHIP, this Nation would already be lost and those as you would already be Politically Imprisoned in FEMA Camps they plan to use as Concentration Camps for Patriots.

'God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.' Until 'The People' are willing to step out in Courage of Conviction only attained through faith in Jesus to risk blood, limb and life...United with Praying Reparation, Fasting, Doing Penance and singing Praise COMBINED, Jesus does NOTHING. Until human blood is on the line which requires faith in God; God takes little seriously.

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Totally agree! So sad.. I thought they had more sense.

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Never cease to be amazed at the complete STUPIDITY of this age of people.

Trump's UNPREDICTABILITY and DISOBEDIANCE is exactly what this Nation requires to put-out the Nobility's fires used to thieve God's creation.

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This was a failed assassination attempt; thank God🦅🕊🦅

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Hi Breggins

Watch 7/21/2024 episode of Darkhorse podcast


entitled: How Many Shooters? John Cullen on the Trump Assassination Attempt. Analysis of bird's-eye-view video indicates Trump's ear was not in the young roof shooter's line-of-sight but instead on Tower shooters line-of-sight. Provocative if true.

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Where’s the closeup picture of the wound????

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Catherine Austin Fitts, in a post on Solari .com yesterday, suggests that Trump, as an actor, was part of the theater production of the assassination attempt.

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Obviously, as you can see from our column, we disagree with that opinion.

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How unfortunate. Do you have a link?

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Fitts served under GHW Bush regime. We all know how Trump deposed of that dynasty. So Fitts is a never-Trumper. It's preposterous to claim an event which claimed the lives of two people, injuring 3 people, involving live rounds is theater production. That is why it is categorized under Trump Derangement syndrome, and shouldn't be given any serious consideration. Here is the best objective Youtube video I have seen on the matter:


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The video is available to subscribers only, unfortunately.

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thank you for checking Mary~ Ginger

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Trump derangement syndrome RFK jr. sycophant. She is as dumb as a box of rocks.

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Name calling does not help us discern the truth.

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When people are irrational for no good reason like Catherine fits and accuse Trump of things they cannot know, they deserve ridicule. I’m not in love with the man for my own reasons. He’s still the best president of my life which doesn’t say much for the others dating back to LBJ

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