Eight of those 2 million were of my relatives and another 6 were friends.

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Catherine, Ginger here. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your family and friends. It is astonishing to think back to how many funerals and memorials we used to attend on average compared to now. despite the blackout and suppression of information about deaths in the legacy media, we are all witnessing increased death in our own circles.

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Thank you. Yes, it has been a wild ride and very few were willing to listen to our warnings.

So sad!

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Both of my brothers were murdered by this poison!! Other family and friends have turbo cancer and more

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Dear Elizabeth: I am so sorry to hear you have lost two brothers and that you have other family and friends sick from the vaccines. Thank you for being here and reading our columns. ~ Ginger

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I am sorry to read this. I lost friends as well. Know of some cancer too.

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I lost one of my brothers to this shot, as well, among other relatives.

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The time released lethal injection isn’t done killing yet.

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Dr. Gert vanden Bosche(sp?), a virologist and more, was against any vaccs during a pandemic because it will (&did) produce strong variants! He predicts a great wave of deaths coming. Said nothing about the Prion diseases expected to start peaking! And these sick, eugenicists are still free and made a fortune during this Plandemic!

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Calling a never before tried, experimental non FDA approved, toxic Jabs [from our 30 Billion in fruad fines] Big Pharmas a "vaccine" is the same nonsense/ fraud, as calling boys girls! So just stop it! Words mean things!

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That is very true. I am witnessing it right now.

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Death across all age groups including in the womb.

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In the next few days we will be releasing the interview we just did with Dr. James Thorp through this substack. He is a world class neonatal specialist and courageous physician calling, with us, for an end to the vaccines and for justice for the deceased pregnant women, unborn babies, mothers and newborns who have died.

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It’s sad at the same time women are pushing the concept that abortion is a health care right! Apparently the fetus has no rights! Arizona is becoming ground zero in this fight about whose rights come first!

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Stop vaccinating school children and babies and pregnant women NOW! A lifetime of regret caused by the medical industry greed for profits. Doctors are dangerous, find yourself a homeopath.

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Dr. David Kessler who was the FDA director in the early 1990’s and the last director who worked on behalf of US citizens first stated that he believed only 1% of the ADR’s are reported! Why would a medical professional want to report they caused great harm due to a RX drug or injection they administered? So..2 million may be real! The problem is the lengthen of time between injection and time of death ☠️! With over 1000 different adverse reports by Pfizer research indicates that nailing the number accurately is almost impossible due to the various adverse conditions expressed and how they interact! The push to continue these RNA injections for profit without regard to the great harm created is criminal!

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Hi Thomas-- Dr. Breggin addresses this. See the second graph and the comments below it related to this issue in the article. We have been calling for a ban on the mRNA vaccines and platforms for years and will continue to do so. This technology is deadly at best and needs to be put back in Pandora's box.

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Thanks. I passed your article on to my readers. I don't understand why there is no outrage!

Too confusing for most to understand? Embarrassed to admit they have been scammed?


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Dear Thomas, thanks for passing the column along. I think that there is a constant cognitive dissonance ongoing....one example of which is we don't see the newspapers carrying the deaths as used to be done (remember post 9/11 when the NY Times carried photos/short bios of every person who perished --over 3,000 I believe). We didn't have anything like that is 2020-2021. I hear from a local florist that they are flooded with funeral/memorial arrangement orders and that they hear from the funeral homes that they continually booked way beyond what they used to service until 2021.

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Great article Peter & Ginger. I wish more experts would begin to look at and speak out about the 'motive' behind the jabs, as you did with the last line in your essay, "We are looking at a vast mass murder — murder for profit, power, and grandiose ambitions to control humanity".

Recently I saw Dr. Pierre Kory state unequivocally the jabs were "bioweapons". But he stopped there...We must out the psy-op that lead to a mass fear, driving people to take a bioweapon.....for a depopulation agenda !


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Agreed Scott-- All of us must face the evil and power arrayed against the citizens of the world. we unearthed, documented and exposed the detailed and decades long planning that went into creating the 2020 fear campaign, the declared pandemic and the funneling of citizens to the COVID vaccines that followed. Along with that roadmap of how the COVID plan was executed we ident ified and documented many of the entities -- we call them global predators-- who are responsible for this crisis and the condition of the world today,. See our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. https://breggin.com/We-are-the-Prey

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Thanks Peter & Ginger. Love you guys !! I still remember the last book of Carlos Castenada's, The Active Side of Infinity when you reference the 'predator'....Here is the book quote which is quite relevant to this conversation ! I am of the firm belief there is an inter-dimensional force harvesting energy via human agents on earth. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8705957-we-have-a-predator-that-came-from-the-depths-of

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Agree re interdimensional force harvesting. TPTB egg it on w things like CERN and nano-dust.

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Perhaps this Abstract would be more informative: >>> COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere >>> Denis G. Rancourt, PhD Marine Baudin, PhD Joseph Hickey, PhD Jérémie Mercier, PhD >>> September 17, 2023 >>>


It's not a vaccine. It's an IQ test...

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I wonder how long until all the jabbed die, what a horrible thought that is. I know of a 12 year old little girl who died because her mom wouldn't listen to me, she jabbed her over a two year period, finally she died.

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Right, wrong or indifferent, this is something I heard a man riding on a bus say about 50 years ago: "He who seeks the truth shall find it."

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Thank you for fighting for all our loved ones that died from their poison Justice must prevail and the Law needs changing They all need to be made liable for all vaccine 💉 induced deaths and injuries

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The off gassing of those who have received these shots is poisoning more and more. I have suffered several times from those off gassing, even suffering a TIA among other ailments. I continue to detox, but along with 5G technology spreading everywhere and the spraying of the skies with toxic chemicals and heavy metals it is a death dealing mess.

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That’s why I take IVM, chew a 2mg piece of nicotine gum, then wear a mask when out. I’m unjabbed, and I don’t want to suffer for the choices of others. Not that they comprehend what they’re doing.

Upon returning home, I immediately put my clothes in the wash, gargle with a strong mouthwash, take a shower and then use a Neti pot to rinse out my nose. I’ll then use some supplement and nutrition based things.

I almost died of a DVT at 21 from the Pill, so you might say I’m motivated. But I have to say, this is a bizarre way to live.

Thank you, Global Psychopaths. But don’t worry, God sees all and waits.

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Different receptors, different effectors: Niacin targets hydroxycarboxyic acid receptor, nicotinate nucleotide pyrophosphorylase and nicotinamide n-methyltransferase whereas nicotine targets acetylcholine receptors and COMT. Different. Use em both, but if you gotta choose, go with nicotine.

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I got into the gum after watching a Dr. Bryan Ardis interview. The jabs’ snake venom element he claims the nictotine blocks was both a logical and lyrical symbol of all that’s wrong on earth.

Quite an experimental period for us non-compliant types, the past few years. As in, if you don’t stumble upon just the right combination of interviews with people who posses secret knowledge and try those things recommended, let alone improv a bit on your own, YOU’LL SURELY DIE.

Well, maybe that was an overstatement. Or maybe not.

Having done and continuing to do all I can, what’s changed? My life’s still a wisp of smoke.

“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.“

James 4:14

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"both a logical and lyrical symbol of all that’s wrong on earth"-what a powerful image!

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Thanks for the tip.

But I have a little stockpile of the gum to finish first.

Survival, 21st century style.


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Thank u very much❤️

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Peter and Ginger,

Thank you for your important work!

We MUST have 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY to have any chance of cleaning up America...to include our shameful corporate run healthcare system!

Without honest elections in America…exactly what kind of country do you think we have?

Want to help America and keep up with real news on the critical ELECTION INTEGRITY front that will give you HOPE?

Click on Lex Greene’s name for excellent archives and especially keep up with his critical information pieces out often...


P.S. Donate to Mike Lindell and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER!

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'One death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic', Joseph Stalin . We need to understand these predators' mind sets - millions of deaths are a good thing if it reduces the load on "mother earth". In their perverted pantheistic minds, they are doing humanity a favor.

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Yes BertPE, in their minds they are saving Gaia. It is a perverted distortion of genuine faith and is a death cult.

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And here they are planning their next move. https://youtu.be/S5A0fhme7ys

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Not only do patients die from groupthink doctors, pimping toxins! Doctors also die from their foolishness, as best expressed in the book, Dead Doctors Don't Lie! [Excerpt] “You will be shocked as it reveals many facts and truths that are 180 degrees opposite from what the medical community has led you to believe. The sad reality is that the physicians who have brainwashed you for years cannot keep you healthy. Nor can they save you. You will learn how to prevent and reverse 412 diseases with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and herbs. You will also learn that only those who take personal responsibility for maintaining and enriching their physical bodies are going to live safe and healthy lives. Your president, governor, mayor, physician, or even your spouse can’t do it for you. In most instances, they can’t even help themselves”!

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Thank You Dr. Breggin and your lovely wife Ginger you two are Gems, we love you for reporting the truth and for keeping us informed. We have your book and refer it to others. xooxxo Happy Mother's to Ginger! I'm not sure if you have kids but we are kinda like your "kids", much love to you both.

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Everyone following the Breggins knows a great deal, but when I try to share information where I'm living, I don't see any receptivity. Are people still as uninformed as they were when they complied with Covid vaccination? Choosing to ignore unpleasant facts, doesn't mean they don't exist. Sadly, the corporations have free rein with an uninformed population.

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