I am not trying to blur the lines between right and wrong. And when I was young I was played like Satan is playing on the hearts of the people now, because he knows that every soul that dies without Jesus will be in the lake of fire for eternity with him. For about a space of 5 years as I recall, I was having one battle after another foi…
I am not trying to blur the lines between right and wrong. And when I was young I was played like Satan is playing on the hearts of the people now, because he knows that every soul that dies without Jesus will be in the lake of fire for eternity with him. For about a space of 5 years as I recall, I was having one battle after another foisted upon me, and my love for my first wife (who I Idolized) was what motivated me to make killing second nature, reflexive instead of responsive.
But many say they "Trust in the Lord", but they are not seeking his counsel when they lean on their own understanding. I really do not know of many surviving seasoned combat veterans who lost their "body counts" because they were pushed by rich men, corporations and rogue governments to the extremes.
I could not save my first wife from the corruption when she turned on me. I could not save my second wife and son from the rogue government of Utah. It is with a broken and contrite spirit that I look to Jesus, because I cannot even save myself, but for his grace. I acknowledge Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, that there is a time to kill and a time to heal, and a time for every purpose under heaven.
But the Lord had humbled me and I am grateful although I had despised his commandment after the flesh. I also had been calloused, ruthless and showed neither mercy or quarter to my enemies. But I have not been punished nearly as badly as I was/am deserving of, knowing our Fathers will, and choosing ignorance. I have suffered many stripes for my stubbornness, because my own understanding led me astray, but seeking unto the counsel of God, still shows me his way, not mine.
I am not trying to blur the lines between right and wrong. And when I was young I was played like Satan is playing on the hearts of the people now, because he knows that every soul that dies without Jesus will be in the lake of fire for eternity with him. For about a space of 5 years as I recall, I was having one battle after another foisted upon me, and my love for my first wife (who I Idolized) was what motivated me to make killing second nature, reflexive instead of responsive.
But many say they "Trust in the Lord", but they are not seeking his counsel when they lean on their own understanding. I really do not know of many surviving seasoned combat veterans who lost their "body counts" because they were pushed by rich men, corporations and rogue governments to the extremes.
I could not save my first wife from the corruption when she turned on me. I could not save my second wife and son from the rogue government of Utah. It is with a broken and contrite spirit that I look to Jesus, because I cannot even save myself, but for his grace. I acknowledge Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, that there is a time to kill and a time to heal, and a time for every purpose under heaven.
But the Lord had humbled me and I am grateful although I had despised his commandment after the flesh. I also had been calloused, ruthless and showed neither mercy or quarter to my enemies. But I have not been punished nearly as badly as I was/am deserving of, knowing our Fathers will, and choosing ignorance. I have suffered many stripes for my stubbornness, because my own understanding led me astray, but seeking unto the counsel of God, still shows me his way, not mine.