Evil has so undermined and consumed much good in our world.

Many years ago, was curious about the lack of passion and intensity pertaining to accountability and punishment for Pedophilia and Sex Crimes bringing suspicion about those in power to be the guilty creating an overall 'target-rich' environment to benefit evil.

Don't feel in any way assured during the last decade to know the assumption was correct. The more recent exposure of evil in our world since Trump descended on that golden escalator accompanying the release of 'hidden History' has provided transparency which has helped to survive. The enlightenment has provided a path for eradication of cognitive dissonance needed for fighting what Mattias Desmet defined, 'Mass Formation' which is really based in 'anomie' for many hailing from more normal lives based in Jesus, faith, hope and love. While sinners, most people can't begin to fathom deliberate evil as this presentation brings to the fore.

Am never happy to see behind the curtain of what is presented as normal and yet, it's FAR BETTER to know and to stand in unity with others willing to confront and eradicate this horrible and filthy infestation of our culture. Thank-you for your time and efforts to expose and bring together those courageous to meet the demands of this fight.

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In a kill or be killed world, Jesus Christ is the only third option to "Contact Law". That is, You know that he is not only the way, the life and the truth, but understand that you make a contract with the truth and you always honor your contracts. He is the escape clause in international law known as Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus. The divide is between natural "Americans" and U.S. Citizens, or basically those who know and understand God's Royal Law, and those who want to rule by fiat and decree. The covetous are never satisfied with minding their own business, they feel compelled to mind everybody else's business as well, but never with their best interest at heart. My best insurance is to believe him and not worry about saving my life in a world that erroneously thinks he come's "second fiddle" to their demands. There is a reason they are called the seven deadly sins, and the wicked and unrepentant will die like fools, without knowledge.

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While agreeing to what you claim, it’s also not about us saving ourselves especially for those on the far side of 50. We’re leaving our world, a world benefiting us, to our progeny. WHAT are we leaving behind for our children and Grandchildren? We can pray and trust God…Indeed, many of us do. We, if wise also know, ‘God helps those who help themselves.’

Many claiming faith hide behind Jesus or any number of religions (NOT CULTS) when they’re actually of Satan Worshiping or atheism. Some claiming faith in Jesus Christ are cowardly and use God to justify doing NOTHING…And, in that is the danger.

Would prefer to die seeking to clean-up this filth than to force the young to confront and eradicate it.

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I am not trying to blur the lines between right and wrong. And when I was young I was played like Satan is playing on the hearts of the people now, because he knows that every soul that dies without Jesus will be in the lake of fire for eternity with him. For about a space of 5 years as I recall, I was having one battle after another foisted upon me, and my love for my first wife (who I Idolized) was what motivated me to make killing second nature, reflexive instead of responsive.

But many say they "Trust in the Lord", but they are not seeking his counsel when they lean on their own understanding. I really do not know of many surviving seasoned combat veterans who lost their "body counts" because they were pushed by rich men, corporations and rogue governments to the extremes.

I could not save my first wife from the corruption when she turned on me. I could not save my second wife and son from the rogue government of Utah. It is with a broken and contrite spirit that I look to Jesus, because I cannot even save myself, but for his grace. I acknowledge Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, that there is a time to kill and a time to heal, and a time for every purpose under heaven.

But the Lord had humbled me and I am grateful although I had despised his commandment after the flesh. I also had been calloused, ruthless and showed neither mercy or quarter to my enemies. But I have not been punished nearly as badly as I was/am deserving of, knowing our Fathers will, and choosing ignorance. I have suffered many stripes for my stubbornness, because my own understanding led me astray, but seeking unto the counsel of God, still shows me his way, not mine.

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Good comment, Blaze!

And evil is growing exponentially and at some point, if not yet, it will consume us. There are no "buds" to "nip" - it's time for a full scale attack against it wherever and whenever its rears its ugly head in front of our faces! If we ignore that, what we see, we most certainly can't stop what we don't see until it's too late.

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Oh dear God, seeing all of the connections to include podesta brothers, pizzagate, playboy, and CIA's MK Ultra programs is horrifying and goes way past what anyone could ever have imagined.

Although this work is very confronting in nature it is tremendous in showing what we've been dealing with on a global scale.

I am grateful for Rhonda Miller's research efforts as it has given me some answers (& closure) on the torture against my mum in Australia in 1975, along with one sibling... and the sexual abuse of another male sibling (at age 10) in the same year at the hands of a neighbour.

In the words of Jesus-

"Forgive them Father as they know not what they do."

Forgiveness is key to healing what was stolen, the loss of who was killed, and what was broken.

I thankyou Jesus for the power of forgiveness.


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The saddest part of our secular education is that we were indoctrinated to "have respect of persons" from the first time we entered one of those indoctrination centers. It has become so inured into the public mind that to not believe those "Titles of Nobility" (Which are prohibited by Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, not to mention the original 13th amendment unearthed by Tom Dun and David Dodge) were, but are no longer prohibited.

"But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors." (James 2:9).

The conflicting nature's of The Counsel of Nicea and The Counsel of Trent should have been a heads up when the later insisted on keeping their "Icons" (religious symbols) which of course is as shallow and superficial as racism. Individuals donning costumes and titles of nobility are not always "angels of the light", but appearances of what seems trumps the reality of what is. Ergo, the faithful and true witness usually doesn't live long enough to make it to the "endangered species" list.

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BINGO, Lisa!

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I downloaded and listened to the podcast, and as Sun Tsu described "All war is deception". On the basis of platitudinous circular logic; Does the dog wag the tail, or the tail wag the dog? Are people "gaming" the system, or is the system "gaming" the people? Has eugenics ever been abolished, or just morphed from a river into different little streams? Do the police protect the rights of the natural families, or only the CPS (Communist People Stealers) right to denigrate, humiliate and destroy those families substituting their presumptions as "the facts" while activist police, lawyers, judges "make it so" #1. Cults guard their secrets until their secrets become common knowledge, and then they will kill, steal and destroy those who dare expose their wicked unscrupulous, immoral and unethical agenda. It's not a gamble that attempting to defend yourself and your family in a direct confrontation with State Sponsored Terrorist is suicide, it's a given, that those who would are the presumed "offenders" and those men in costumes "feared for their lives" always works, even as they advance their folly. You ask them direct questions, and they deflect with non answers, after all, keeping up the illusion of "keeping the law" is much more important than actually reading the Constitution, Bill or Rights or even acknowledging the "Declaration of Independence" (Our window dressing "Charters of Freedom".)

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That's the point. There are a tremendous number of avenues that lead to child sex abuse and we need to get in front of them to stop them. Especially disheartening in the fact that WE ALREADY KNOW WHO MANY OF THEM ARE and we've known for decades! SHAME ON US!

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“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” - James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States

It really comes down to who is empowered through the manipulation of the controlling machine. If the volume of your money does not rise to the minimum poverty level, then there are no "laws" that protect the economically disadvantaged. Although I am acquainted with many of those who willfully chose to defraud me, the "Law" won't follow their own mandates on a level playing field, that is why they can literally get away with aborting whole families in broad daylight. The conflicting "Golden Rules" in stark contrast with the compounding of facts and fiction. It's not just government corruption,(which is obvious to any casual observer) but citizen enablers that makes this world at odds with God. The wicked know no shame. Laws that are written but arbitrarily enforced are discriminatory by the simple fact that they are not applied equally to all people. The class/caste system of autocracy will always crush individual autonomy.

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Thank you for exposing these horrific crimes against the innocent...

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Share, share, share this info. I was aware of the CPS involvement years ago when mainstream news was hiding it. I posted on social media and fact checkers were making us not seen. Zuckerberg and all his fact checkers need to be hauled into a court of law ( not a corrupt court) investigating all of their criminal activity and for being accomplices in the harm and deaths of children and adults and receiving dirty money for it. This is a travesty. American people need to hold all our leadership to the fire. No excuses, no delays, nothing in the way.

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