Then there’s the vaccine-autism link, the multiple failed attempts to induce 'viral' illnesses in healthy volunteers by exposing them to sick people, the speculation that the 'Spanish flu' was simply the fact that hundreds of thousands of soldiers in WWI were given up to 20 'shots' each, etc etc. I forget, but Dr Tom Cowan's book 'Contagion' may have been the source for some of this.
Then there’s the vaccine-autism link, the multiple failed attempts to induce 'viral' illnesses in healthy volunteers by exposing them to sick people, the speculation that the 'Spanish flu' was simply the fact that hundreds of thousands of soldiers in WWI were given up to 20 'shots' each, etc etc. I forget, but Dr Tom Cowan's book 'Contagion' may have been the source for some of this.
Then there’s the vaccine-autism link, the multiple failed attempts to induce 'viral' illnesses in healthy volunteers by exposing them to sick people, the speculation that the 'Spanish flu' was simply the fact that hundreds of thousands of soldiers in WWI were given up to 20 'shots' each, etc etc. I forget, but Dr Tom Cowan's book 'Contagion' may have been the source for some of this.
I will get that book today.