“Toxic by Design”: Researcher Explains How Big Pharma Vax Operation Shows Intent to Harm


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If you listen to Alex Jones recent interview on X, you will hear more about a permanent war. realalexjones/status/1747378198558495004/mediaviewer

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They want us weak, sick, sterile, dependent on big pharma, and then ultimately, dead.

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So thrilled you had Katherine Watt on to discuss her research and discoveries of our Pseudo Legal System the Demons have created under our noses even before any of us were born...And, we're now older people.

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I became aware in Dec. 2020 (i.e. pre-vaccine rollout) that FDA knew ahead of time of many-many possible side effects of the "vaccine." Including myocarditis. Pregnancy outcomes. Death. & many more. There is a blockbuster internal FDA presentation made to internal staff on Oct. 22/20 that lists these. I've shared the list endlessly (for what it's worth). You can find the shocking document for yourself here. https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download Look for Slide 16. Remember. This was from months BEFORE the rollout!

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Bottom line! Big Pharma reins supreme over the legislative branch and the medical branch that has the responsibility to protect the citizens of the USA from harm! The Covid con is their crowning achievement and the march to inject all of humanity is not being stopped! Humanity is now lab rats!

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Nancy Pelosi, we need to pass the ObummerCare Bill before we can read it.

Architect of ObummerCare, MIT’s you need to die at age 75 Zeke Emanuel, “Americans are to dumb to understand ObummerCare, so we had to lie about it. (With laughter)”

FauXi, ya’ll are too dumb to understand, I am the science.

After 6+ billion shots of biosynth mod mRNA experimental injections, “Are you kidding me? What they’re saying is that ‘we will inject you first and ask safety questions later.’”

It’s not good enough. An we still don’t know 20% of the ingredients even.

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The shortcut: educate the world about how viruses don't exist and therefore vaccines are unnecessary.

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The book THE MOTH IN THE IRON LUNG explains how the pesticides Paris Green, Lead Arsenate, and DDT were the major causes of poliomyelitis, along with mercury and arsenic -laced "medicines." The vaccine was virtually useless.

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Then there’s the vaccine-autism link, the multiple failed attempts to induce 'viral' illnesses in healthy volunteers by exposing them to sick people, the speculation that the 'Spanish flu' was simply the fact that hundreds of thousands of soldiers in WWI were given up to 20 'shots' each, etc etc. I forget, but Dr Tom Cowan's book 'Contagion' may have been the source for some of this.

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I will get that book today.

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1 Billion have died from mNRA, not finished yet.

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Federal Death Admin is paid for by Pharma so they have to support them even if they all aim to kill us useless eaters and work with the Globalists to do it. All the lettered agencies are the same way and should be disbanded or at least the top level rule makers of each one.

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With much respect, a blunt criticism: if you're not going to prominently display an "originally published on date" for these pieces, the value of your stack to readers diminishes drastically.

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I appreciate the respect. Please note that the original publication date is prominently displayed and linked at the top of the article directly under the author names. Very best-Ginger

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Jan 17, 2024
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Of course, we agree that there is a much bigger hierarchal takeover of the world. We have closely documented the outlines of much of the hierarchy in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. Also our earlier substacks cover this topic frequently.

But we also feel it is important to identify those aspects of the US federal government who have committed treason and become the handmaidens of those who wish to destroy America. Dept of Defense has been hidden in many ways behind the more public agencies of CDC, FDA, NIH. And there is responsibility to go all around. Any one of these agencies, or those who were in these agencies could have blown the whistle, balked at going along with the lockdowns, the death protocols in hospitals, the toxic and deadly COVID injections.

So, yes Ty we totally agree there are globalist influences and oppressions!

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Jan 17, 2024Edited
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It makes perfect sense, actually. I am sorry to hear your son was vaccine injured. All an individual can do is speak the truth. How it will all come together to have an effect is not always clear. They will seem to be invincible until just once second before they fall.

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