Those in power within science knew from the beginning that the Zelenko Protocols worked and forcibly withheld them from healthcare providers and patients alike.
I bought the products separately so I could get them in gelatin caps and without fillers but same ingredients. I also have tons of vitamin C and take 10 grams/day.
Excellent interview Frank is doing Zev proud. Dr Zelenko as well as Frank were one of the few people at the beginning of the Scamdemic who kept me from succumbing to the psy ops and the relentless efforts of the evil doers to live in fear! I will be forever grateful and will never forget their courage intellect and integrity. I include the Breggin’s in this homage! God Bless
"But in the context of “covid”... You can’t treat early something that doesn’t exist."
Something DID exist in April 2020 and was still causing blood oxygen levels to drop to 79% or 82% in November 2020 in New Jersey/New York where I reside. And this toxin or pathogen behaved as if it were contagious as well. Exactly what it was, I cannot know. But the reduced oxygen levels were MEASURABLE on a pulse oximeter. The dry cough was very REAL. Perhaps "they" did not crop dust over your neighborhood, or release it in your particular neighborhood hospital's ventilation system, or whatever method was used to cause spread.
I must respectfully disagree when you say early treatment doesn't make sense.
Early treatment ALWAYS makes sense -- even if in March 2020 doctors like Zelenko were not exactly sure what it was they are confronting. It makes sense because could have saved thousands of lives of soooo many who died. In the case of the "covid" operation, early treatment would have made the deadly mRNA shots unnecessary. So they lied about HCQ -- just like they lied about EVERYTHING else!
And prior to "covid," the public (here in the US and likely in the UK as well) were always encouraged to seek early treatment for ANY ailment, i.e. "see your doctor, ask your doctor" about ANYTHING.
The only time I can recall they ever banned safe, old, cheap generic drugs for "off-label" use was 2020-2022. And why? They needed to create such INTENSE FEAR of death, so that the people would line up for the dangerous mRNA shots marketed as "vaccines," which was false marketing.
I was fortunate enough to have some HCQ in November 2020 when started having the dry cough, which seemed just like the cough which family members of mine had back in April 2020. After just 1 day on the HCQ, the tell-tale cough was GONE!!! And I felt like a million dollars, full of energy by the next day.
While I would not buy the expensive Wellness Company kit for just a small number of pills, I would however keep a bottle or 2 handy of HCQ, the antibiotic doxycycline, and Ivermectin.
Some of the very BEST DRUGS that pharma ever created have been off-patent for decades, and the cost of a bottle of 100 pills is relatively very cheap. No wonder why pharma and its alphabet agency shills don't want you to use these. They're not big moneymakers.
Unquestionably, if there’s illness, early treatment is right.
What there wasn’t was a widespread new illness. I have heard that NY in USA & northern Italy did experience something new. I don’t doubt your experience of this event.
But there definitely wasn’t a pandemic of public health emergency generally.
The epidemiological evidence speaks clearly against that.
Wasn't new in the sense that we has MERS and SARS before, and possibly other bugs they didn't tell us about, maybe yes. My guess: a modified SARS with lower CFR and higher transmissibility, so it can spread around globally and induce fear, although they may have had to give it an assist with multiple releases. I did have it myself and took care of it with hcq and ivm around 2022. Was doing hcq prophylaxis all all g so it wasn't too bad. Recognized it from fatigue and dry cough. I had a nastier version of something similar in 2003. Otherwise, I never have had flus and take no flu shots. Just bacterial throat infections occasionally, maybe some sniffles. That is all. Only interesting times I had something unusual: 2003, 2018, 2022.
ALERT: This ^impostor profile^ does not have the real Dr. Mike Yeadon's profile photo, so ^this one^ is the same troll that appeared in Sasha L.'s post weeks ago.
"... there definitely wasn’t a pandemic of public health emergency generally. The epidemiological evidence speaks clearly against that."
Hi Dr. Mike
I agree with ^your statement^ that what happened in 2020 did not rise to the level of a "pandemic." That we had a pandemic was another one of their many lies. I am thankful that you and others are exposing their crimes. They so desired to declare a pandemic that they declared one despite not having met the criteria for a pandemic.
I know next to nothing about what occurred in Italy.
I can personally attest that in the NY/NJ area in April 2020 something apparently very contagious did spread, and was still debilitating and still spreading in November/December of 2020.
My healthy 50-year old brother survived the awful, dry, non-productive, hacking cough in March-April 2020 but it took him about a month to recover from this. Whatever bioweapon or toxin or hybrid did spread to 4 other people in the same household in April 2020.
Then in November of 2020 I got a very similar cough. I refer to it as the "tell-tale dry cough" of the 1st bioweapon that immediately reminded me of what my brother had suffered 6 months earlier in April 2020. (The 2nd bioweapon of course is the experimental injections which are still killing people as I write this.) What my brother and I had made us both want to cough, but no matter how much you try to cough up some phlegm, nothing was expectorated, and thus no relief. I believe this was a new bioweapon, as it was unlike any influenza we'd ever experienced. It just felt very strange and different. At a high enough magnification, I imagine I would be able to see the words "Ralph Baric UNC Chapel Hill" printed on the molecules, LOL.
I still pray every night that the guilty will be exposed, tried, and if found guilt, then executed.
Thank you for all of your efforts, as we slowly move toward that goal of justice.
ALERT: This ^impostor profile^ has zero posts, and does not have the real Dr. Mike Yeadon's profile photo, so ^this one^ is very likely the same troll that appeared in one of Sasha L.'s posts some weeks ago.
To quote Bush the shrub: "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, you can't get fooled again."
Isn’t the issue more whether a pathogen, tampered with by scientists, was able to spread amongst the population. Why did Covid cases rise exponentially once the vaccine rollout occurred? Does the gain of function industry pose zero risk to the world’s population? Should it be allowed to burgeon under the banner of pandemic prevention?
Call it what you like, but people did get sick and some even died without getting treatment at a hospital. You can quibble about “accurate assessment” but people died of something that could have possibly been made in a laboratory or not. Some died of treatment protocols after “accurate assessment.” The issue is, are we as citizens of this country going to continue to allow or fund Gain of Function? Are we going to look to government for healthcare solutions or are we going to demand transparency and accountability? We can’t go back, but we can stop it from happening again.
I remember watching him testify to an Hasidic Medical Committee and Zev calling the COVID injections “ Death Shots “ . He used that term a number of times during his testimony. He never held back. A true warrior of Truth and Human Rights.
I just wondered whether you, Ginger and Peter Breggin, had failed to stock up on preventative/early treatment medications when you recently became sick with Covid (last year), or whether the treatment hadn’t worked for you in preventing pneumonia.
The omicrons can break through hcq prophylaxis, and if treated immediately then you are fine; the trap is if you don't realize that you got it and delay.
I have also used his protocol alongside ivermectin and to date over 60 close friends and family have had amazing results fighting all sorts of stage 3/4 cancers.
Dr. Zelenko led the way. Many many astute professionals followed. Report on how the Amish community rejected the CDC propaganda and did not comply and avoided the great harm that was experienced should be the poster child to shut down the biolabs and the push to inject humanity and alter life itself. I cry for all who have been harmed and will be harmed if we continue down this medical pathway to Perdition!
In Elk Grove Village, ill. A physician delivered about 10,000 new borns in his career and didn’t vaccinate them. Result Little autism. Big Pharma in turn character assassinated him. Modus operandi with the Covid con!
Grateful for Zev and Frank. I pray Frank accepts the fact that his profound knowledge of his religion won't save him. Only belief in Jesus as Messiah will save him. Christ is King.
Just reading his book now What this man went through is incredible He is a hero He has documented proof early in plandemic that his protocols were working and sent letters to Trump and others such as gov cuomo in any and they shut him down at every turn he was attacked!! The whole time he was fighting for his life with terminal cancer! I’m about half way through book I suggest everyone buy it!! The evidence is plan as day they were withholding cheap treatments so they could push the clot shot. How to decapitate the serpent by Zelenko
We thank God for Dr. Zelenko's life and legacy!! May we strive to be faithful and courageous warriors like him!! God bless you guys and thank you for sharing!! 🙏❤️
I bought his zstack and thank God I did!
I bought the products separately so I could get them in gelatin caps and without fillers but same ingredients. I also have tons of vitamin C and take 10 grams/day.
Excellent interview Frank is doing Zev proud. Dr Zelenko as well as Frank were one of the few people at the beginning of the Scamdemic who kept me from succumbing to the psy ops and the relentless efforts of the evil doers to live in fear! I will be forever grateful and will never forget their courage intellect and integrity. I include the Breggin’s in this homage! God Bless
Ditto here
Only fly in the ointment here is that there wasn’t a pandemic or public health emergency.
Early treatment doesn’t make sense.
Not in principle. I’ve no problem with the principle.
But in the context of “covid”, it doesn’t.
You can’t treat early something that doesn’t exist.
"But in the context of “covid”... You can’t treat early something that doesn’t exist."
Something DID exist in April 2020 and was still causing blood oxygen levels to drop to 79% or 82% in November 2020 in New Jersey/New York where I reside. And this toxin or pathogen behaved as if it were contagious as well. Exactly what it was, I cannot know. But the reduced oxygen levels were MEASURABLE on a pulse oximeter. The dry cough was very REAL. Perhaps "they" did not crop dust over your neighborhood, or release it in your particular neighborhood hospital's ventilation system, or whatever method was used to cause spread.
I must respectfully disagree when you say early treatment doesn't make sense.
Early treatment ALWAYS makes sense -- even if in March 2020 doctors like Zelenko were not exactly sure what it was they are confronting. It makes sense because could have saved thousands of lives of soooo many who died. In the case of the "covid" operation, early treatment would have made the deadly mRNA shots unnecessary. So they lied about HCQ -- just like they lied about EVERYTHING else!
And prior to "covid," the public (here in the US and likely in the UK as well) were always encouraged to seek early treatment for ANY ailment, i.e. "see your doctor, ask your doctor" about ANYTHING.
The only time I can recall they ever banned safe, old, cheap generic drugs for "off-label" use was 2020-2022. And why? They needed to create such INTENSE FEAR of death, so that the people would line up for the dangerous mRNA shots marketed as "vaccines," which was false marketing.
I was fortunate enough to have some HCQ in November 2020 when started having the dry cough, which seemed just like the cough which family members of mine had back in April 2020. After just 1 day on the HCQ, the tell-tale cough was GONE!!! And I felt like a million dollars, full of energy by the next day.
While I would not buy the expensive Wellness Company kit for just a small number of pills, I would however keep a bottle or 2 handy of HCQ, the antibiotic doxycycline, and Ivermectin.
Some of the very BEST DRUGS that pharma ever created have been off-patent for decades, and the cost of a bottle of 100 pills is relatively very cheap. No wonder why pharma and its alphabet agency shills don't want you to use these. They're not big moneymakers.
Unquestionably, if there’s illness, early treatment is right.
What there wasn’t was a widespread new illness. I have heard that NY in USA & northern Italy did experience something new. I don’t doubt your experience of this event.
But there definitely wasn’t a pandemic of public health emergency generally.
The epidemiological evidence speaks clearly against that.
Wasn't new in the sense that we has MERS and SARS before, and possibly other bugs they didn't tell us about, maybe yes. My guess: a modified SARS with lower CFR and higher transmissibility, so it can spread around globally and induce fear, although they may have had to give it an assist with multiple releases. I did have it myself and took care of it with hcq and ivm around 2022. Was doing hcq prophylaxis all all g so it wasn't too bad. Recognized it from fatigue and dry cough. I had a nastier version of something similar in 2003. Otherwise, I never have had flus and take no flu shots. Just bacterial throat infections occasionally, maybe some sniffles. That is all. Only interesting times I had something unusual: 2003, 2018, 2022.
It’s important to be aware that these acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious.
That means all these so called epidemics and pandemics are lies.
Could the perpetrators have poisoned path of life population?
Whether or not that happened, I don’t know.
ALERT: This ^impostor profile^ does not have the real Dr. Mike Yeadon's profile photo, so ^this one^ is the same troll that appeared in Sasha L.'s post weeks ago.
What about “shedding?” I am a housekeeper and I have been very sick cyclically with upper respiratory illnesses. All my clients are vaxxed!
"... there definitely wasn’t a pandemic of public health emergency generally. The epidemiological evidence speaks clearly against that."
Hi Dr. Mike
I agree with ^your statement^ that what happened in 2020 did not rise to the level of a "pandemic." That we had a pandemic was another one of their many lies. I am thankful that you and others are exposing their crimes. They so desired to declare a pandemic that they declared one despite not having met the criteria for a pandemic.
I know next to nothing about what occurred in Italy.
I can personally attest that in the NY/NJ area in April 2020 something apparently very contagious did spread, and was still debilitating and still spreading in November/December of 2020.
My healthy 50-year old brother survived the awful, dry, non-productive, hacking cough in March-April 2020 but it took him about a month to recover from this. Whatever bioweapon or toxin or hybrid did spread to 4 other people in the same household in April 2020.
Then in November of 2020 I got a very similar cough. I refer to it as the "tell-tale dry cough" of the 1st bioweapon that immediately reminded me of what my brother had suffered 6 months earlier in April 2020. (The 2nd bioweapon of course is the experimental injections which are still killing people as I write this.) What my brother and I had made us both want to cough, but no matter how much you try to cough up some phlegm, nothing was expectorated, and thus no relief. I believe this was a new bioweapon, as it was unlike any influenza we'd ever experienced. It just felt very strange and different. At a high enough magnification, I imagine I would be able to see the words "Ralph Baric UNC Chapel Hill" printed on the molecules, LOL.
I still pray every night that the guilty will be exposed, tried, and if found guilt, then executed.
Thank you for all of your efforts, as we slowly move toward that goal of justice.
Whatever happened in NYC, it wasn’t contagious. If it had been contagious, it couldn’t remain in situ.
ALERT: This ^impostor profile^ has zero posts, and does not have the real Dr. Mike Yeadon's profile photo, so ^this one^ is very likely the same troll that appeared in one of Sasha L.'s posts some weeks ago.
To quote Bush the shrub: "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, you can't get fooled again."
Isn’t the issue more whether a pathogen, tampered with by scientists, was able to spread amongst the population. Why did Covid cases rise exponentially once the vaccine rollout occurred? Does the gain of function industry pose zero risk to the world’s population? Should it be allowed to burgeon under the banner of pandemic prevention?
Call it what you like, but people did get sick and some even died without getting treatment at a hospital. You can quibble about “accurate assessment” but people died of something that could have possibly been made in a laboratory or not. Some died of treatment protocols after “accurate assessment.” The issue is, are we as citizens of this country going to continue to allow or fund Gain of Function? Are we going to look to government for healthcare solutions or are we going to demand transparency and accountability? We can’t go back, but we can stop it from happening again.
Wait,what doesn't exist? Covid or the pandemic?
I remember watching him testify to an Hasidic Medical Committee and Zev calling the COVID injections “ Death Shots “ . He used that term a number of times during his testimony. He never held back. A true warrior of Truth and Human Rights.
poison death shots, is what he called them.
He saved our family with his protocol of high dose vitamins d,c zinc and quercetin.
In early 2020
Blood test were positive for SARS 2 in our house in the uk.
His actions will never be forgotten and his stories we spread far and wide
God bless him and his family 🙏
Wonderful tribute to Zev. I was unaware of his brother Frank and so much appreciate all his valuable contributions! Love this post and podcast!
Dear Dr. Aranda-- thank you so much! ~ Ginger
❤️ ❤️
Living in sandwich kent right next to the Pfizer facility is concerning as dr yeadon will be aware of
Even more interesting is the new massive factory on the same site that is for the purpose of growing GMO lettuce 🥬!!!!!!!!
I wonder why a mRNA pharmaceuticals company is investing in lettuce 🥬 🙄
CRISPER technology!😉
It’s been Humanities life long desire…to play God. But I agree, it needs to stop!
I just wondered whether you, Ginger and Peter Breggin, had failed to stock up on preventative/early treatment medications when you recently became sick with Covid (last year), or whether the treatment hadn’t worked for you in preventing pneumonia.
The omicrons can break through hcq prophylaxis, and if treated immediately then you are fine; the trap is if you don't realize that you got it and delay.
God bless him 🙏
I have also used his protocol alongside ivermectin and to date over 60 close friends and family have had amazing results fighting all sorts of stage 3/4 cancers.
Dr. Zelenko led the way. Many many astute professionals followed. Report on how the Amish community rejected the CDC propaganda and did not comply and avoided the great harm that was experienced should be the poster child to shut down the biolabs and the push to inject humanity and alter life itself. I cry for all who have been harmed and will be harmed if we continue down this medical pathway to Perdition!
In Elk Grove Village, ill. A physician delivered about 10,000 new borns in his career and didn’t vaccinate them. Result Little autism. Big Pharma in turn character assassinated him. Modus operandi with the Covid con!
In early 2020 I told am MD about this protocol. He looked at me like I was a simpleton.
Grateful for Zev and Frank. I pray Frank accepts the fact that his profound knowledge of his religion won't save him. Only belief in Jesus as Messiah will save him. Christ is King.
Just reading his book now What this man went through is incredible He is a hero He has documented proof early in plandemic that his protocols were working and sent letters to Trump and others such as gov cuomo in any and they shut him down at every turn he was attacked!! The whole time he was fighting for his life with terminal cancer! I’m about half way through book I suggest everyone buy it!! The evidence is plan as day they were withholding cheap treatments so they could push the clot shot. How to decapitate the serpent by Zelenko
We thank God for Dr. Zelenko's life and legacy!! May we strive to be faithful and courageous warriors like him!! God bless you guys and thank you for sharing!! 🙏❤️
Hear Dr. Zelenko spill the real truth to Dr. Drew in this video from Sep 2020, which has since been deleted (censored) from YouTube:
This is the real what, who, and why.
This population have their heads in
the sand bucket ....