James Corbett, Pat Wood, and David Knight would say, "Resistance is local." Meet with likeminded neighbors to plan ways to block what the globalists wish to impose We can't stop them from carrying out their plans and they don't give a rip about our petitions or protests. But we can work together to keep our towns open, our children unmasked and some fragments of our civilization intact.

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And you better believe their programs are now in almost all local governments. I see it here and they all pat themselves on the back that they are members of the do gooders club because they support them. Philanthropy organisations, fake NGOs, fake official sounding councils......all of it fake. Our library now pushing biking, biking, biking. So weird. We live in cold northeast. But would Kennedy ever support the enemy? No. As long as the cabal has been at this since 1963, that family has been fully engaged in taking them down.

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Sep 18
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Interesting but what is the name of that substack? It didn't say True Square. Maybe I missed something.

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What’s to worry about? Here in America we’ve been blessed with a potential “VP Walz”, a true lover of the CCP and Harris plus today the Governor of New York, you know that tiny little manhattan island off the east coast of these

“United States of America”?

Yup the once epicenter of the “Worst Inside 911 Attack” ever inflicted upon us and once known for all things “American” or better still, “the Financial Capital of the World”! Has now been turned into a “3rd world Hell Hole”, where illegal rapist are released from jail without bail, to RAPE / MURDER AGAIN, yup that nice little “degenerated hole in America, thanks to the “BIDEN / HARRIS / OBAMA ADMINISTRATION! Now today Governor Kathleen Hochul, yes she’s the one, well her

“Former Top Aide of NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Charged with Working as a Chinese Government Agent”! No way really? Of course you idiot open your eyes and pay attention! Please, I’m begging all of you to stop ignoring what’s happening to America? PLEASE?

But No big deal though because, America is being invaded by hundreds of thousands of illegal “Chinese Military Age Men” along with all the Venezuelan Hardest Gangsters! And why not add insult to injury and allow say “100,000 FENTANYL DEATHS” thanks to the CCP’s nonstop efforts to flood America with the most potent and deadly drug today?

Oh there’s more, lots more! Governor of Colorado says the “Venezuelan Gang Takeover of Apartment Complex is “all in our imagination”! Really?

But don’t anyone worry now! The Venezuelan brutal gangs, they’re busy in Chicago and Colorado, wrecking apartment buildings and robbing people! A murder here or there is no crime wave or anything serious, you know, it’s all in our “Imagination’s” according to Colorado’s “Useless Idiot” Mayor!

Nothing to worry about! Yes folks a “New World Order” is on the horizon. Or has it already happened? My guess is, it’s already happened and this UN Marxist Dictator United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, feels that

having witnessed the suffering of the most vulnerable people on earth, from refugee camps to war zones, the Secretary-General has centered his efforts on ensuring human dignity for all. YEAH OK PAL!

In a period of unprecedented global challenges, he has drawn on his commitment to the UN Charter to mobilize people and launch action to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, REALLY NOW? SO YOU’RE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE COVID DEATHS? TOP BRASS SORT OF SPEAK!



After all the must achieve THEIR ambitious 21st century reforms to enhance the Organization’s vital efforts to secure peace, YES PEACE FROM ALL THE WARS THEY STARTED AND LETS NOT FORGET ABOUT sustainable development, human rights and humanitarian aid! GOD FORBID, DON’T BE A “USELESS EATER” YOU’RE ENTITLED LIFE!

This is sickening and the WORLD NEEDS TO STEP UP ANS STOP THESE BASTARDS! They are out to ruin HUMANITY! And they have a plan to destroy ALL OF US!

Remember what Barack Hussein Obama said: “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA”?

Guess what, America is being DESTROYED! INVADED BEYOND RECOGNITION AND “WE THE PEOPLE” are being forced to endure this unconstitutional Bullying!

By Marxist Dictators like Obama / Harris / Walz / Hochul / China / etc and many, many others!

Need I say more? Must we lose America to realize something’s wrong?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I USED to love NYC. I USED to! Wouldn't waste a dime on that city anymore.

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Sep 4
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Thank you Peter, I appreciate your insight. I don’t understand what’s happened to, to people?

Think people think for yourself!

Maybe I’m lucky although I believe I’ve been blessed with “a million and one questions” my entire life. I’m not sure what’s happened to the rest of humanity?


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While reading this, the thought occurred that the WHO pandemic treaty was a shiny object intended to divert from this power grab (by what I refer to as "The Globalist-CCP Axis").

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F thr UN and all globalist efforts

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The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. ~ Camus

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Thank you for shedding light on this. I was prompted to write about the UN's role in the LGBTQ+ agenda when researching insurance companies and their coverage of obviously harmful procedures. These companies adhere to UN SDGs by submitting annual ESG (emotional. social. governance) reports. Tucked within are all things sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). I would soon find that in 2020 the UN's Partnership on LGBTIQ+ Equality was established to lead this charge. So insurance companies are being guided already by outside forces.

more here:https://margox.substack.com/p/global-corporations-for-global-causes?r=1kuq0

I look forward to Alex's reporting.

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I thought the W H O was pushing their pandemic treaty to be in charge of declaring worldwide emergencies? Or did they get too much bad press and shift their rules & regs for us to another entity?

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It's the same entity: https://www.un.org/en/academic-impact/who

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Something big before November.

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Gag Me! I keep sending petitions to get us out of the UN and all lettered agencies (or at least the top rung) of each of them.

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And while you ignorant AHs are whining about trump and Kennedy this is what’s coming:


Sorry they stole your party but that’s your problem not ours. Get on board or enjoy your new communist regime.

An upgrade👍👍👍👍👍from the previous BUYDEN REGIME!

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They are also planning to sign global digital IDs into existence: https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future/global-digital-compact

No matter who "wins" the "election" in November, the US will use that to comply - guaranteed.

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This seems like a plan to invade our country after the election "results" come in. Many Americans may be very unhappy with the "results" and try to protest. The UN will then use this "global shock" to enter our country and deal with the unwanted protesters.

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There is only one supreme being to put trust in to make these decisions that involve humankind. Unfortunately much of humanity has tossed him. I haven't. Be saved of die a slave? Read the Book. The ending is clear.

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Right now, the US Congress has before it the incredibly important Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S: 3428). This bill must pass with a super majority if it is to override the inevitable Oval Office veto.

Getting the US totally out of the UN and the UN totally out of the US is essential to fending off the utter destruction of humanity (e.g, "{bio-digital convergence", "internet of bodies", etc.) and human society and rights (e.g., Agenda 2030, Great Reset, One Health, etc.)

It will, in my estimation, require 10 million people demanding the sponsorship and passage of the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 by Members of Congress to make that a reality. And there is, with the UN power expansion now underway, no chance that it will be introduced or passed in the next Congress, so this is not only critically important, but critically time-limited.

To make that possible, the Natural Solutions Foundation has created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge at https://PreventGenocide2030.org. There are 6 quick, simple and easy steps to take there which together comprise the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.

To my mind, the UN, a simple club of Unelected Nobodies, has only the fraudulent jurisdiction and sway accorded to it illegally by the complicit globalist sock puppets installed to bring about its total hegemony. So the only way to deal with it is to leave.

Happily, we have that opportunity now. We probably will never have it again.

I urge everyone in the strongest terms to visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions there, then share it as if your life depended upon it. It does.

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Amazed people to have forgotten Mexico to have been a somewhat silent partner of Nazi Germany allowing their Subs to roam the Gulf of Mexico during WWII...As, they gave aid. Mexico remains pre-disposed to TOTALITARIAN Authority which both Native Americans and Spain as cultures operated with for their most recent histories.

Loved the people of Mexico and held the leadership despicable; repugnant CORRUPTION-BASED Banana Republic Leadership NOW installed in the U.S., too.

There is a reason this man is now the CORRUPT leader willing to institutionalize THE GLOBAL SLAVE MARKET united with the ILLICIT DRUG/WEAPONS TRADE creating their 'Target/Victim-Rich Environment' dreamed of for exploitation around the Globe.

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