Unraveling the lies of climate change with Frank Lasee
Until we, as citizens, call a halt to the madness, this will just get worse.
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The citizens of Earth have been lied to by destructive climate activists who are using arguments about climate variability to redirect spending, control the growth of nations, and weaken the free world.
The lies have come thick and fast and are used to cripple the traditional energy industries and force populations into rationing food, water, and, eventually, the very air we breathe.
The Lies of Climate Change
CO2 is bad and must be cut back to “net zero.”
“97% of scientists agree
Solar and wind energy saves money
Polar Bears are dying
Electric vehicle batteries can save the planet
Only international control by the UN can save Earth
Our guest, Frank Lasee, was a Wisconsin state senator during the Scott Walker administration. His district produces multiple forms of electricity, including coal, natural gas, two nuclear plants, biogas, biodigesters, wind towers, and now a solar plant. As a Wisconsin State Senator, Mr. Lasee has learned a lot about energy.
Climate & Energy Lies: Expensive, dangerous & Destructive is a really valuable book to have on hand. This book provides the facts and details needed to rebuff all the climate change propaganda, fear campaigns and the restrictive regulations and mismanagement of money that follows.
We have been told for decades that human impact on climate was going to result in so much weather change that we would eventually create monster storms and nightmare weather conditions never before seen on the planet. This idea has been magnified and driven home with weather disaster movies such as The Day After Tomorrow, Twisters, 2012, and Sharknado. Children’s features of every genre are littered with propaganda about the damage humans are doing to the weather and how badly the damaged weather is going to hurt all humans, as well as all the cute and cuddly creatures walking or swimming on Earth. Millions of children have been traumatized by the idea of creatures like polar bears, whom they are taught to love, being hurt or killed because we drive cars running on gasoline or use natural gas for our heating and cooling needs.
The science concerning the weather has been manipulated and massaged. The legacy media has been in on the lie, telling us that we are all doomed. Over time, the weather has changed. We are old enough to remember when the headlines promised us that we would have a disaster because of our cooling planet; no wait, our warming planet, no wait again, either one or all changes of weather will be a disaster. Frank Lasee tackles the biggest lies in the false climate crisis industry and debunks them in detail.
Having witnessed the mechanisms used in forcing the 2020 COVID pandemic upon the world, we recognize a number of the ploys. Indeed, “climate change” is cited as one of the major risks increasing the probability of a pandemic. The claim is that climate change drives humanity into wild areas, disrupting other species and enabling humans to encounter diseases they have not been exposed to before. As a result, diseases that “jump” from other species to humans or diseases that contemporary humans have not built immunity against can ravage the populations. In short, this is wildly speculative and fanciful. But again, the concept is used to drive the climate change agenda.
What is the Climate Change Agenda?
We are told we must de-industrialize in order to not destroy the planet. In the 1980’s I spent some time studying environmentalism and Deep Ecology and came away with the nightmare vision that according to that field of study, we must all revert to living in tents, hunting and gathering for our food. Oh, and there need to be far fewer of us placing demands upon “Mother Earth.”
The climate change agenda is a lie to force industrialized nations to give hundreds of billions of dollars to developing nations because, you know, equity. At home, the agenda forces the condemnation and ultimate abandonment of traditional energy reserves of oil, natural gas, biomass, and other forms considered “unclean”—producing pollution, CO2, or other residue that is a problem. Alternative forms of so-called clean energy are proposed and implemented at great expense both in money and in energy. The costs and energy required to produce some of the equipment are huge compared to traditional energy costs.
Globalists who want to be Masters of us all are at the forefront of the promotion of the dangers of climate and the so-called solutions. Pressure is brought to bear by the United Nations and World Health Organization, and for many years, US administrations have gone along with the climate change crowd. A mountain of regulations from federal, state, and local municipalities have resulted in binding up businesses and damaging successful farming enterprises, especially family farms that were the backbone of the USA for over two centuries.
Until we, as citizens, call a halt to the madness, this will just get worse. A quick look at Europe and we see how some nations are literally destroying their farming sector through draconian rules and regulations. The backlash has led to tractor protests in some of the most famous cities in Europe including London, Brussels and the Netherlands.
And then there are the culinary changes that humanity is being told to make. The most famous of those is the demand that we incorporate bugs and insects into our diets. Crickets are the first line of offering but mealy worms are on the menu also—they aren’t just for pet birds anymore. The questionable health providing measures and some grave health risks including anaphylactic shock from exposure to the exoskeletons of insects somehow gets overlooked.
Finally, the 15-minute cities and other travel and living restrictions have all been woven into the supposed solution to the manufactured problem of climate change. In addition to not being allowed to travel further than within a defined 15-minute radius in one’s town, we will be vastly restricted in what we can purchase within a year. Some plans have proposed that no more than 3 changes of new clothing may be allowed in one year—which will put many women into shock and would probably single-handedly destroy the Chinese garment industry.
All of the restrictions, new regulations, rules and forbidden purchases and behaviors would be monitored through digital wallets, connected to governments who will have the ability to approve or disapprove purchases depending on the individual’s behavior and compliance.
Any of us who have resisted orders to be vaccinated, and doctors and nurses who protested lockdown and mask restrictions or tried to assist their patients in obtaining proper medications to address the upper respiratory infections they had to fight off in 2020, know how quickly pressures and punishments can be meted out. Digital wallets or passports will tighten the leash of control across the nation.
The great news is that we have a window of opportunity to turn back regulations, throw off the shackles of false climate change damage claims and embrace human ingenuity and industriousness that accompanies greater freedom.
We are in a time where we can thrive in an America First country and encourage every other free nation to do the same, or be plowed under by what we have called the First Destroy America movement.
The US, especially, can become a beacon of light again in the darkness of the Digital gulag that is being constructed around us. We must understand the powers we are up against and demand our federal, state, and local governments deregulate and embrace a free future for America and for all American states.
Frank Lasee’s book: Climate and Energy Lies: Expensive, Dangerous and Destructive, provides the armor one needs to fight the fiction of climate change. Our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, defines and exposes the global network of privileged billionaires, captains of international industries, and heads of states trying to capture the citizens of the world in a global web of control.
Primary author: Ginger Breggin
Published on AmericaOutLoud.news November 30, 2024
American Red States are Under Globalist Attack
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Every large city in America has 15 minute cities within their borders.
They call them, Homeless Encampments.
Here is a great video on how they’ve been manipulating the numbers by zooming in on time periods of relative heat and ignoring the cooler periods around it which would normalize the trends. Summary, it’s climate lies all the way down:
https://old.bitchute.com/video/J6IznHFqEiEm [12:51mins]
"One of the first lessons we learned in grad school was to beware of truncated graphs. Such behavior is typically associated with intentionally trying to "massage" the data. If you torture the data, they WILL confess." -TVMADoc
It’s likely even easier to buy a scientist than it is a politician, and 99.6% of scientists agree that they do not want their funding cut.