That is exactly why it happened. We need strong laws that state properties in disaster areas may only be purchased at the pre-disaster price. That would stop the bastards who do these heinous things.
Also, catch as many of the arsonists as possible alive. There is a story here that needs to be brought to light.
Here is How Deep State Handles Substack Subscribers
And what you can do about it
Len Ber, MD
Jan 07, 2025
After months of investigations of my Substack subscribers data, as well as Targeted Justice and Ana Toledo, we discovered how subscribers e-mails have been handled.
Someone is logging into the accounts, and deleting existing subscribers from the list, while replacing them with the “dummy” e-mail accounts.
Because of this, the total number of subscribers remains about the same, but real subscribers stop receiving notifications when new articles are published.
If you are a subscriber, please make sure that your account is active, and you are receiving updates. If you have been unsubscribed, please re-subscribe, and let both Substack and the Substack Newsletters know this has happened.
Prayer is potent! A great deal of information has been revealed in the last couple years. Many have wakened. Those who still think politics is. a team...and they want their side to win at any cost ...are not so happy now. The great wakening is happening. We must trust that our Creator does not want to see his works destroyed, because world leaders are so egocentric and self serving. Our Creator is ALL POWERFUL! I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen many prayers receive answers.. .
It is not only fire that is used to destroy towns and move people on. Using weather modification towns like Lismore in NSW, Australia suffered the worst floods ever 2 in 5 years!, and now people are still homeless. Not able to get flood insurance, many cannot rebuild.
It is disgusting how their "weather warfare" has done that & that our crap sell out government's here have done nothing to help the people. What about the fires? People down on the South Coast I heard were living in tents. I live in Australia and I don't recognise it anymore.
I do to, and yes this beautiful country is being destroyed. Yes weather modification has been going on in Australia for decades. Recently I watched a short doco about farmers and what the renewable energy transition is doing to them. One farmer said he cannot get a good nights sleep anymore because of the noise of the wind turbines. They are doing deals with farmers and they are under contract not to discuss anything with their neighbours. We are also being constantly told everything is "climate change" supposedly from fossil fuels, but fossil fuels are needed to make the renewable energy grid (all from China which we sell the coal to) and Australia is already net zero because of our land mass of tree's. Ancient trees are being cleared to make way for renewable energy grid as well! Wait until they build the fast train, more land will be taken. You have no hope if the Government wants your land.
One thing I don't understand about the wind turbines is that I lived near Blayney & we went & parked underneath the wind generators & we couldn't hear anything until we wound our windows down. There was a lot of disinformation put out about climate change & renewables by the the Heartland committee about a decade ago. Having said that the US government is deliberately waging weather warfare you can see on Dane Withington's site Also you are right that renewables are made with the help of fossil fuels. I wish Nicola Tesla's work had not been "appropriated" by the US government when he died, he had clean energy we could have all used. Government's don't want us here thanks to the Eugenicist's behind the WEF & agenda 2030, unless people wake up to that we are sunk. 😓
The farmers on the doco said they were woken up around 3 am by the sound of the turbines. Yes the UN, WEF, WHO and all the unelected global one world order eugenics mob are out to make our lives miserable, unless we fight. I have seen Dane's website, great work he does.
Yes I wish we all would stand up & say No! As for the farmers there was also a lot of talk going around that many farmers who had the turbines near them but we're not compensated for that because it was not on their land, would complain & talk about noise & visual pollution of them. I don't know the truth there, I just know that they turn very slowly & make little noise. However the Heartland institute or committee, were sure good at putting out disinformation about all that stuff, I read about them in Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything" I wish us all the best of luck in standing up to these Psychopaths who think they have the right to destroy the planet, then try & blame us & get rid of us for it. Take care Koala. 🙂
Your interviews on Brannon Howse Live are always so informative. I really appreciate your insight and perspective on the topics discussed. One will never see these topics discussed on MSM.
Thanks for posting. Looking forward to seeing you on the show again soon.
yes. smart digital beter like lockdwown. onlyshort walks. all long planded now the next plandemic. cant be too soon. 225? just enough to for get. aabit of prep. not a full 'pandemicl pandemic'pandemic. kicking offinchiana again. bit of prepm swine did not work. pigflu not scary so an new one. did it come from a lab.? biowepon?????? wellthis one realy worked. nearlythe whole planet injected. wonderwhy?
Check out this DARPA document (shared by Eccentrik) on using forest fires as weapons of war:
all the same depopultion cult1stbgetgood land. gateshas the farmland already tryandfind oneby oneonline preditts it all
Too bad prison is only for Black People and Trump Supporters, right?
That is exactly why it happened. We need strong laws that state properties in disaster areas may only be purchased at the pre-disaster price. That would stop the bastards who do these heinous things.
Also, catch as many of the arsonists as possible alive. There is a story here that needs to be brought to light.
Here is How Deep State Handles Substack Subscribers
And what you can do about it
Len Ber, MD
Jan 07, 2025
After months of investigations of my Substack subscribers data, as well as Targeted Justice and Ana Toledo, we discovered how subscribers e-mails have been handled.
Someone is logging into the accounts, and deleting existing subscribers from the list, while replacing them with the “dummy” e-mail accounts.
Because of this, the total number of subscribers remains about the same, but real subscribers stop receiving notifications when new articles are published.
If you are a subscriber, please make sure that your account is active, and you are receiving updates. If you have been unsubscribed, please re-subscribe, and let both Substack and the Substack Newsletters know this has happened.
Thank you for standing.
Prayer is potent! A great deal of information has been revealed in the last couple years. Many have wakened. Those who still think politics is. a team...and they want their side to win at any cost ...are not so happy now. The great wakening is happening. We must trust that our Creator does not want to see his works destroyed, because world leaders are so egocentric and self serving. Our Creator is ALL POWERFUL! I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen many prayers receive answers.. .
It is not only fire that is used to destroy towns and move people on. Using weather modification towns like Lismore in NSW, Australia suffered the worst floods ever 2 in 5 years!, and now people are still homeless. Not able to get flood insurance, many cannot rebuild.
Yes it is marked as a future smart city:
It is disgusting how their "weather warfare" has done that & that our crap sell out government's here have done nothing to help the people. What about the fires? People down on the South Coast I heard were living in tents. I live in Australia and I don't recognise it anymore.
I do to, and yes this beautiful country is being destroyed. Yes weather modification has been going on in Australia for decades. Recently I watched a short doco about farmers and what the renewable energy transition is doing to them. One farmer said he cannot get a good nights sleep anymore because of the noise of the wind turbines. They are doing deals with farmers and they are under contract not to discuss anything with their neighbours. We are also being constantly told everything is "climate change" supposedly from fossil fuels, but fossil fuels are needed to make the renewable energy grid (all from China which we sell the coal to) and Australia is already net zero because of our land mass of tree's. Ancient trees are being cleared to make way for renewable energy grid as well! Wait until they build the fast train, more land will be taken. You have no hope if the Government wants your land.
One thing I don't understand about the wind turbines is that I lived near Blayney & we went & parked underneath the wind generators & we couldn't hear anything until we wound our windows down. There was a lot of disinformation put out about climate change & renewables by the the Heartland committee about a decade ago. Having said that the US government is deliberately waging weather warfare you can see on Dane Withington's site Also you are right that renewables are made with the help of fossil fuels. I wish Nicola Tesla's work had not been "appropriated" by the US government when he died, he had clean energy we could have all used. Government's don't want us here thanks to the Eugenicist's behind the WEF & agenda 2030, unless people wake up to that we are sunk. 😓
The farmers on the doco said they were woken up around 3 am by the sound of the turbines. Yes the UN, WEF, WHO and all the unelected global one world order eugenics mob are out to make our lives miserable, unless we fight. I have seen Dane's website, great work he does.
Yes I wish we all would stand up & say No! As for the farmers there was also a lot of talk going around that many farmers who had the turbines near them but we're not compensated for that because it was not on their land, would complain & talk about noise & visual pollution of them. I don't know the truth there, I just know that they turn very slowly & make little noise. However the Heartland institute or committee, were sure good at putting out disinformation about all that stuff, I read about them in Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything" I wish us all the best of luck in standing up to these Psychopaths who think they have the right to destroy the planet, then try & blame us & get rid of us for it. Take care Koala. 🙂
Here is the doco filmed in the communities that are suffering, very genuine:
Got to see the show live.
Great interview as always.
Your interviews on Brannon Howse Live are always so informative. I really appreciate your insight and perspective on the topics discussed. One will never see these topics discussed on MSM.
Thanks for posting. Looking forward to seeing you on the show again soon.
Thank you, Dr. and Mrs. Breggin.
Only if Californians lay down and play dead. Which will not be happening ever.
yes new 'smartdigital citys. think locl down was bad. just a starter
Screw un
you know it smartbuld back smarter digi smarter
yes. smart digital beter like lockdwown. onlyshort walks. all long planded now the next plandemic. cant be too soon. 225? just enough to for get. aabit of prep. not a full 'pandemicl pandemic'pandemic. kicking offinchiana again. bit of prepm swine did not work. pigflu not scary so an new one. did it come from a lab.? biowepon?????? wellthis one realy worked. nearlythe whole planet injected. wonderwhy?