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Here we all sit on our fat glutes doing NOTHING with no sign of even Trump and Company willing to do anything to end these manufactured crises escalating chaos for the Nazi Mind-Control they've planned for centuries and perfected in the last one.
It's all SO-O-O peculiar; watching the CRIME and the CRIMINALS in real time. Their smirks are…
© 2025 Ginger Breggin
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Here we all sit on our fat glutes doing NOTHING with no sign of even Trump and Company willing to do anything to end these manufactured crises escalating chaos for the Nazi Mind-Control they've planned for centuries and perfected in the last one.
It's all SO-O-O peculiar; watching the CRIME and the CRIMINALS in real time. Their smirks are knowing in arrogance and most with any finger on the pulse of the population knows EXACTLY who, what, when, where, why and how about everything inclusive of having only COWARDS to count on. The brave aren't cowed...They will not be forced into terror, anxiety, depression.
The global population has LONG passed 'restraint' and 'opposition'...LONG, LONG AGO. People are LONG PAST RESEARCH, READING ENDLESS REPORTS with infernal TALKING; babbling away in the ether wasting time, energy and psychological health.
There comes a time to act...To utterly dismantle the International Crime Syndicate; to fell this diabolical tree perpetrating 'Unrestrained WWIII' before excavating the Roots of Evil regardless of the depths necessary to dig where they encase themselves as for vaults in a grave awaiting zombie resurrection by their Pagan Demons pretending to be our Messiah.
"Did we as a country “tolerate” what we witnessed happening in Maui? Have we “tolerated” the Hurricane Helene and Milton disaster that swept through Southern Appalachia wiping out infrastructure in a quarter of Western North Carolina and the mountain area of Eastern Tennessee (in addition to the lesser degree of damage in Virginia, Georgia, Florida.) Have we ignored the lack of governmental response to the catastrophic damage?"
Yep. The vast majority tolerate it all, as long as most people have somewhere to live, heat/water, credit cards, smart phones and tv. Sad.
Dumb and dumber was more than a movie. It was an explanation OF THE AMERICAN CULTURE.
I'm not so sure Dumb and Dumber fits as IMO Americans are not dumb. Perhaps NUMB and NUMBER would describe better.
So now you have to review Idiocrasy as well. Or do you shirk working?
Do they really tolerate or is it they feel hopeless?
Interesting observation.
A large percentage of the US population is on anti-depressants. Maybe that was the first part of the plan:
Seems like we're in step 2 now. Although I don't think this a Russian plot, I think it's more of a WEF/ globalist plot. For what that's worth.
I've read that figure but it wasnt just anti-depressants but Big Pharma drugs of all sorts........Our poor citizens are in some kind of daze most of their waking hours. I count myself lucky not to be but maybe at one time I might've been. Fortunately some 30 yrs ago I started waking up to the use of some vitamins (B-complex in particular) and some kind of daily exercise, plus being a little more choosy about what I eat........its paid off but its a daily effort.
Trying to escape seed oils and high fructose corn syrup is almost impossible.
Keep in mind there are good "seed oils" just have to discriminate between one's that are hydrogenated, not organic and GMO. I still use "seed oils" but i buy the purest kind from Whole Foods or online because stores dont carry the safer oils anymore....also I think good quality Olive Oil is still safe. Stay away from Canola oil and most of the oils on a supermarket shelf. I've read that canola oil is very similar to plastic in its chemical configuration My chemistry is a little jaded so I might be wrong on the molecular description. Fast food places too use a lot of hydrogenated fats to cook their fries, donuts etc....ALL the things we love to eat LOL
Make sure you take at least Vit E (natural, not synthetic) 2-3 times a week and some selenium. These will help corral the free radicals you might be getting from the processed (for longer shelf life) oils.
Not too hard just don't eat processed foods.
Can u recommend a good B vitamin? 😊
Hence the fake pychiatric labels and pushing of Mental Health initiatives.
Sad but true.