I’ve seen exactly what you describe with both my parents who passed during the last 10 years. It was disturbing. We tried to fight it but my parents didn’t give me POA. I did the best I could. I’m praying Trumps changes will affect attitudes regarding life, young & old, in the near future.

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Thank you, Lita. We have POA but it appears to leave little impression. Peter was amazing in advocating for Mom and breaking through the defensive, blind parroting we were hearing from the surrounding staff. And Lita, I am very sorry you went through this with your parents.

~ Ginger

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Ginger: my mum was in the ER for 6 hours not too long ago.

Once she was in Triage for a couple of hours, she was directed onto a gurney behind Curtain #5, after which they completely forgot about her.

I finally went to the bathroom for 2 minutes about 5 hours into this saga. In the interim, someone came into #5 and said something to mum which she didn't understand. (I'm her medical advocate and translator.)

So when that someone came back and apparently repeated thatshe can "go ahead and get dressed and sit in the waiting room" I replied that MY MOTHER HASN'T BEEN SEEN BY A DOCTOR YET!!


So, I then visibly stood at the entrance of Curtain #5 until an ER doctor finally made an appearance.

Mum is 92. In Canada...

Never NEVER allow an elderly loved one to enter the ER, or be admitted to hospital, WITHOUT an advocate.

Also: Never leave their side even if it means sleeping beside them in a chair.

End of rant.

PS: Thank goodness for your husband's firm advocacy Ginger and glad to hear your mum is on the mend!

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Not only the elderly, but ALL sick people in the hospital need advocates. Pregnant women/infants definitely need them too, so they aren't given unwanted shots and are only given healthy food! WestonAPrice.org has a great diet for mothers (and dads) for pre-conception through after delivery: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/diet-for-pregnant-and-nursing-mothers/ If you have the ability and finances to do this, have a midwife and have an in home delivery in a water bath!

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I will always regret leaving my mother in the ER after our 11 hr saga and she was waiting for a bed upstairs. I was exhausted and hungry and went home promising to be back first thing in the morning but because of coofid mandates I wasn’t allowed back until 1pm. When I called in the morning to check in they said her nurse wasn’t there yet to speak to and to call back…? 1O minutes after that the ER dr calls me to tell me my mother went into cardiac arrest and they couldn’t resuscitate her after two attempts. Biggest regret of my life and will have guilt forever even though my partner says “you couldn’t have saved her” :(

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health care elderly in US and Canada is terrible, for the elderly does not exist...but in general, you are treated like meat

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now, I am very curious, why did you bring your mom to the ER. Obviously she was in distress. So what happened after 6 hours? Very odd. I am so sad and sorry your mom was treated so badly.

I was not with my father on this particular day, but dad's breathing was getting labored, and my sister took him to the fancy doctor office at his Ashby Ponds community. Very good doctor by the way, he told Joyce to bring him to the ER,

Sadly, with hind sight, I think the doc should have called for an ambulance.

Joyce drove my daddy to the ER and they waited 6 hours in the waiting room. Very bad very very bad

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we went to walk in clinic in NY recently...after chatting with the doctor, usually you get a PA, he told us he sells used cars on the side.

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Thank you so much for speaking up and upholding truth and life!I wish I can meet both of you someday. You are both so very precious!

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A PA (physician's assistant) is NOT a doctor and has no where near the training in depth, scope, and experience. They should only be assigned with the cogent agreement of the patient, if at all!!!

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I strongly agree with this! In the last couple of years, my health has been dependent on a nurse practitioner. Very disappointed and dissatisfied with this practice. Late 60's and never given a choice....

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So sorry, Brenda. People in their 60's are, in today's world, in the prime of their life. Yet most of us don't have the discretionary money to pay outright for desired or proper care at that time.

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The hospital management & personnel have their ways of getting around legalities & with Big Pharma’s influence on the attitudes toward the lives of certain people one feels very helpless. Sadly wholistic/functional medicine physicians are very expensive. They definitely have more respect for life. Prayer & a relationship with our Heavenly Father is my Hope & Consolation.

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Yes, the holistic and function medicine docs are expensive but WestonAPrice.org is only $40/year for a donation and a wonderful website with great local chapters! Also learn about supplements for very little cost plus the purchasing! Don't take shots ever again, if possible, avoid hospitals and most doctors, and take only good supplements without fillers and in bovine gelatin caps! Also listen to this video: Doctor Reveals Why Medical Professionals Can’t Cure Your Disease; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6qRB43cdcg&pp=ygUNcGF1bCBzYWxhZGlubw%3D%3D

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Anthony Williams the medical medium is also very helpful for chronic illness, getting back your health and maintaining it. His website information, videos, podcasts are all free. You can even borrow his books from the library for those who cannot afford to buy them.

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Look, the only way to avoid this, is not to have any insurance coverage. They won't admit you then, no drugs, no dehydration. Find a doctor who will let you pay cash for everything. And who feels the same way we all do about the fraud that managed care, has become. That United Heath Trial, is going to be something to see.

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Discovery will certainly be interesting!

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For almost 70 years the children in America have received "vaccines" containing items, such as, aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, and a slew of other toxic items. They affected the glands in the brain... My son was mentally-damaged from the injections he got back in the 1950s. Many young people hve lost their ability to function well from the vaxes and every drug (legal and illegal). Nobody seemed to know how the body and brain-worked...or were the children of America destroyed deliberately??? I have my suspicions about the 1800 German scientists that were brought to America, after WW11 ended. The pineal gland is thought to be the seat of consciousness, which helps people intuitively do the right thing. I believe it was destroyed by all the poisons in the environment. Many have no sense of what is right and what is wrong? .

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Absolutely possible. Aluminum alone, is a neurotoxin and it is being sprayed upon us regularly. It interferes with blood oxygen, formation of red blood cells and nerve sheathes, and yet, it is just fine to blanket the atmosphere, all green things, all waterways and all human beings. It lowers IQ in young people and causes seizures in older people. WHY?

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It is from chem trails dumped by chemical companies who no longer can dump old stock into rivers, streams or land so they disperse it in the air to get rid of it (saves them money). Deals were made decades ago with Goverments, they even have their own airports and planes. https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/chemtrails-the-sky-is-falling

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Yes vaccinesa are all poison. Anthony Williams the medical medium has a wonderful book called The Brain Saver, check out his website too for lots of free info.

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Thanks for the information...always interested in learning something new.

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Very sorry to hear about this ordeal, mom. Good thing you are a steeled Hoosier with a daughter full of grit. I will be praying for your complete recovery.

My beloved relative went through the same dehydration cycle/ER.

Notice: Families— bring your own hydration to the emergency rooms; ice chips or popsicles to tide your loved one over while you beg for the IVs. Those first hours without hydration are damaging to a nonagenerian. Also (BYOB)blankets for if there is fever and chills. There is a new myth that fevers are worsened if patients are given blankets. 😳😳😳

So—-When blankets are refused by ER staff due to a person’s fever, reference the article : “Give the patient a blanket!”

(I am enroute to visit my beloved relative. Ginger perhaps you could provide the hyperlink. It’s in an Emergency Medicine journal and refutes this current myth that blankets are harmful to patients with fevers/chills. )

Brave New World. This is Humanity Betrayed 2.0; it has not stopped.

Nurses, what is your first ethical responsibility?

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That’s crazy about denying blankets. Why do they treat fever like the enemy? Crazy!!

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I’d like to slap some nurses! Thought you were all the good guys? Now just robots, following orders without a conscience. Shame on all of them!!

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Congrats on keeping your vivacious, and engaging Mother alive. If she is in a rehab facility you also got to watch like a hawk still. I don't trust them. Better rehab at home if you can. But still, congratulations. I hope you have many more days with her.

I'm sorry to say I just don't trust so much in Donald Trump. He seems to have thrown us some crumbs and some really good things. However he is still marching us to a one world digital government with his massive AI spending and surrounding himself with people with stock in pharma. To remove all doubt where Trump really is heading us toward, he is touting his MRNA to solve cancer. That's insane. If anything MRNA will cause more turbo cancer. Trump definitely won't stop the MRNA from being given out like candy. https://rumble.com/v6farg7-ai-goal-to-kill-human-race-karen-kingston.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

There is no way I would trust Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison. Trump might as well called up Fauci again to give us another one of his toxic mess shots. What's the history behind Larry Ellison?

Sorry to be so negative. I wish I had more hope in Trump.

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agree with you on Trump and AI, Dee.

AI is the most dangerous thing and Trump is on board with it 100%. He's partnering with with private-industry billionaires (just looking at Ellison makes me ill) and they don't have the people's interest in mind at all.

Trump has already reversed many bad policies of Biden, such as ending the disastrous green new deal policies and declaring there are only two genders (why on God's earth do we even have to declare that?)

But, he's playing the good cop/bad cop by mixing good things with evil things. It's a clever tactic to make the masses believe in him and pacify them, while he imprisons us with digital ID. This bait and switch will deceive many.

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That is exactly what he is doing. "he's playing the good cop/bad cop by mixing good things with evil things. It's a clever tactic to make the masses believe in him and pacify them, while he imprisons us with digital ID"

Oh wow! He stopped the gender issue. We are supposed to celebrate that? So what? The propaganda machine created a gender issue and now the propaganda machine stopped the gender issue. They of course still want to poison us with more of MRNA toxic shots and march us straight into massive digital control. Why the hell would we celebrate that? I am sick to my stomach. Why are so many Trump people gone back to sleep. Trump is not our savior.

Again sorry to be so negative.

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Dee, you're not negative, you are discerning and you've got your eyes open. While sadly, as you say, so many Trump people have gone back to sleep. Take care!

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So sorry you went through this with your mother. Makes me nervous with my mom in the Bay area multiple-vaxed sibling the nearest relative. my mom didn't take the covid shot but is around that shedding constantly with the rest of the family. Have tried to suggest her moving in with me in the home she owns but she won't do it. Thank you for speaking out.

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Might it be time to read her all the horror stories and INSIST?

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My dad was essentially murdered in March, 2012. He was 92 years old and had a fall that reinjured a back injury he sustained during WW2. His treatment was slow walked and essentially he was denied treatment even though x-rays showed he had a broken back. We did not find out that his back was broken for 6 weeks after the fact. He was in agony the entire time and was eventually hospitalized. Even in the hospital, they would not give him a back brace because whomever was designated to administer it was off for the weekend (such is the state of FREE HEALTHCARE IN CANADA 🇨🇦). After a few days my dad's doctor came in (I was a witness to this conversation) and asked him "MALCOLM, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO DO FOR YOU?". The message was, your old and you are now a burden. It's time to go.

From that point, my dad stopped all further treatment and medication. He died 3 days later. He had been living independently and had even gone golfing the previous summer.

I was so nieve back then, but I did realize this doctor had no desire to help my dad FOR WEEKS while he was in so much pain. He wanted him dead.

I think this has been going on much longer than we understand.

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I am so sorry, and I am shocked at that coldness.

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Yes, it has. My grandmother died prematurely because of hospital care as well. It was so obvious how she’d improve continuously during the week and then worsen on the weekend in an unnatural way. I’m certain a nurse murdered her. Worse yet, my mom allowed them to push the morphine that my grandma didn’t want.

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Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!

The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) plus the elderly 'useless eaters' and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

This horrifying Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.



Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do!

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Agreed. Suchir Balaji, prodigy by 9, was warning people about AI and ChatGPT and Sam Altman. Hopefully, you have heard of the deep/state (seed war....Biblical....). The left has their Prophet, Yuval Noah Hararri, who said, "The God of the Bible, only made organic things. ...WE are going to go far beyond what the God of the Bible did. Right now, the serpent called ai, is swimming along under the water, with his mouth closed. But, given the time and our willingness to submit to ai rewriting everything so it is made in his (satan's) image, then we will have zero chances to save ourselves, if that were possible anyway. People need to look beyond Trump's saving America and get some healthy and wise alarms going off about ai.

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I forgot to say, Suchir was murdered. In the 5 minutes it took for Police to show up, the fix was in. Suicide. His Mother's private autopsy, proved suicide was not possible from that angle behind and above the head. Blew his eyes out. Tucker interview.

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I'm so sorry for the treatment Ginger's mother received, and so glad she had the 2 of you fighting for her. Very much this needs to be taken on. Glad you are doing it.

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Thank you for standing up for the elders. If you would like further support, I suggest visiting the Monday grieving group listed here: https://chbmp.org/support-groups You may be able to speak on their Saturday night x talk too: https://x.com/CHBMPorg.

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A harrowing story with a blessed ending. So happy to hear Ginger's mother is safe at home and recovering. If we have the right tools to fight Medicare "regulations" we can save many more of our loved ones from being murdered by hospital protocols (which are still in place until end of 2029).

I had a similar story with my mom in Oct. 2021. I had watched an interview with Dr. Ardis where he showed the information on the NIH site's that Ivermectin is an approved treatment for covid19 (flu/cold) and his directive to physicians regarding Covid19 treatments that says not to ventilate or use Remdisiver. I saved it and printed it out.

My mother will be 93 in March of 2025. She has no health problems, doesn't take any medication, walks every day, drives a car, and still plays easy golf. She has never taken any flu shot nor the covid vax. Her favorite motto is "I don't doctor".

In mid-October of 2021, (she was 89 then) she was feeling weak and tired and didn't feel like eating. This lasted for 10 days until my sister finally took her to ER. I think they both thought it wasn't serious that's why they didn't tell me or the rest of my family what was going on.

At the ER she waited several hours to be seen. She was put on an IV and was waiting to do tests. The hospital wanted her to do a pcr test (since she wasn't covid-vaxxed) and she said no. Yet, the following day she did because my sister wasn't allowed in her room if she didn't take the test. Of course the result was positive (who knows if she just had a cold or the flu, because there is NO diagnostic test for “Covid”).

So now the doctor wanted to give her Remdisiver and put her on a ventilator (she was currently on oxygen). I gave my sister the info on NIH that Dr. Ardis talked about and told her to give it to the doctor and tell him we didn't want my mom taking Remdisiver or being put on a ventilator, and that we wanted Ivermectin given to her and that it was an approved NIH treatment for covid.

That night I bought a plane ticket, packed my bag and I got on a flight the next morning to help my sister with the hospital's protocol and to get my mom out of the hospital. Meanwhile, a good doctor told my sister that they didn't have Ivermectin but gave my sister a prescription for it, my sister was able to get the prescription filled and the next day, got my mom out of the hospital as I arrived in LAX and was driving to Vegas to help.

My mom took Ivermectin and Zinc Sulfate and had oxygen for a week. She is completely recovered, walking again, and looking great. If it wasn't for me watching Dr. Ardis, I wouldn't have known about NIH's approval for Ivermectin (although I knew about Ivermectin treatment from Dr. Zev Zelenko).

Please tell everyone to carry the "Medical Directive to Physicians" form with them if they go to the hospital.

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Is that available from a doctor who doesn't push 'things?'

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I don't know, but this good doctor gave my sister a prescription for it. My sister was crying in the hospital hallway and he helped her. She had to go to several pharmacies before she was able to find it. I have a stock pile of Ivermectin (bought in Mexico and in USA through Grant Pharmacy. Which is shipped to them from India and they ship to customer. It takes a month to get it. https://www.grantpharmacy.com

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Peter and Ginger…my dear, wonderful moderators…like you call us, your wonderful audience.

I am 72 years old. I know I have a job to do, as you both know you have a job to do.

I am beginning a project that is full of optimism. It is this: a three part project that includes—an Epic Musical about being a pure, elevated(in Greg Braden’s words) Human. A companion book to help people follow the Pure Human path and a community art project where anyone can participate to help write the content of this artistic work of @writing the new narrative for a new earth”

Won’t you join me?

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Oh my.

Long ago, I guess when mom and dad turned 80 (in the early 2010s) or even sooner, I would drive that horrible beltway from Virginia to Annapolis and go to moms doc appointments and dad was rather simple, I would just look at his bloodwork. Maryland doctors enjoy sharing their patients with their best friends and they all get rich. Mom and dad each had about 5 doctors and on numerous meds for years

My story is long, but I will say, mom had a stroke in 2013. I moved my parents to Virginia for in home rehab (Capitol Home Health Care- they no longer exist but wow they were exceptional)

Then they moved to a fancy expensive neighborhood and lived to 94 (mom and 99.5 dad.

Last thing. If you go to the ER: Go by ambulance. You will not sit in a waiting room for hours.

Yes, We are the children of these loved ones, and even other loved ones that are not our parents. We need to listen and take notes. Gosh, those were the days. My daddy went to Heaven in 2023... seems like yesterday to me, Mom, it seems like she has been gone for so long but it has been 6 years,

My siblings helped very little. I am grateful that God gave me these parents and that I and my husband had the gift of caring for them.

When I moved them to Virginia, I took the initiative, you have to, to get them off the blood thinners and the other non sense garbage pills. When they are 90, one needs to be well hydrated, keep an eye on the kidney function. Looking back, it was a lot to do

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Thank you so much for exposing this. The treatment of the elderly in the US is an abomination. It's openly evil.

Hospitals and nurses are now seemingly bound only to rules and regulations. By choice I suspect. "I might get sued, so I have to follow orders." Where have we heard "I was just following orders" before?

A small, but possibly useful hack in the future. I used to work at a local TV station. After my elderly father was left on a gurney in the hallway for over 9 hours, I gently told them that I worked with the station's investigative reporting unit, and that it would look bad for the hospital if their producer started looking into how this highly rated hospital treated elderly patients. My father did get a room, so it was, in the end, effective.

God bless both of you for being proactive and doing what needed to be done.

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God bless you! Keep an eye like a hawk on your dear mother until she is safely home in your care. 🙏 They play the same dehydration take in Hospice.

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Amazing, Ginger and Peter.

Keep up the fight.

Speeding end of life is so pernicious in our Hospital system.

It appears that Hospital system protocols are now ... (as the elderly person enters the fortress with a treatable emergency) .....

MEET them.

GREET them.



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i suspect medicare pays for the executions of patients. Someone needs to do an audit on that.... and after patients are left to die, against the familys' will and without patient consent are organ harvested.

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