
Unless otherwise noted specifically-- Ginger Breggin is commenting on behalf of her and Dr. Breggin in the comments section of our substack.

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

"on behalf of HER and Dr. Breggin" I don't know what happened to proper English grammar, even among the educated! Of is a preposition which is ALWAYS followed by an object noun, not a subject noun. Me, Her, Him, etc. NOT I, she, he...

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Thank you, Emma~ Ginger

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

UR so gracious.

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Thank goodness you pointed out that out. Poor grammar is one of the greatest threats facing humanity today. Wait, was that supposed to be "improper" grammar? I guess I'll find out...

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Grammar is the basis of written communication. The destruction of grammar is, in my opinion, one of the ways in which our society is being diminished. We're becoming a nation of unintelligent cud-chewers, unable to articulate a cogent thought. If we can't agree on a mode of written communication, we might as well communicate only via emojis.

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Everyone understood the point being made without your grammatical corrections, so it just makes you look obsessed with trivialities, rather than interested in substantive discussion.

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Jul 20Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you Peter and Ginger! I enjoyed our conversation very much. Love talking to you both :)

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three superb people...Sasha is tremendous! Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger IMO remains among the best if not top stop as to real patriots and lover of nation, all that is good about America. Proud to call them a friend.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Sir, if you want President Donald Trump to get us out of the plandemic / toxic products / medical cartel / DoD bioweapons kill box, the first step is admitting the Covid "vaccine" has killed (by some estimates) about a MILLION Americans and left tens of millions disabled. He needs to admit that hospital protocols killed people and our government paid them to do it. Vance said that nurses who objected to taking the toxic mRNA clot shot should be FIRED (edit: this was apparently said sarcastically). Vance needs to walk that back publicly (edit: maybe, but please clarify the public shouldn't be culled). Let's get to a place of REALITY which is that every section of our society has been VICTIMIZED by our own government for the last 4 years! ON PURPOSE. All those horsemen you mentioned need to be held accountable. The media ignored Trump for the last several years but he gets live TV time now, this is the time to say it LIVE ON TV where it can't be shut down.


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Not that I am Trump or Vance cultist but if we want to be better than the left I need to mention that that tweet that Vance posted in Jan 2022 was sarcastic. "American hospitals are overwhelmed. It's time to take this seriously. As a start, let's fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. That will help." It is really clear that it is meant sarcastically.

"Vance wrote a guest column for The Columbus Dispatch in August 2021 admonishing Ohio State University for its vaccine mandate:

We're all members of The Ohio State University community--either as alumni, students, or parents--and we're outraged that Ohio State will impose a vaccine mandate on its students. This is a mistake, an invasion of medical privacy, and a complete bait-and-switch, and we urge the university to reconsider.

…Some of us have received the vaccine and others haven't; some of us have encouraged friends and relatives in high risk categories to receive it. But the decision to not get vaccinated is often rooted in caution about long-term risks, not a rejection of science or the severity of COVID. That caution must be allowed in a free society, not stamped out through mandates. "


I know, link is from Yahoo, but is it wrong?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Ok, I thought maybe Vance had flip flopped on the issue (I never heard of him before the VP pick). Sarcasm isn't conveyed well through text. =/

Let's see if Vance can clarify to the American people that the deadly mRNA injections need to be pulled from the market immediately. Women are losing their babies, ask Dr. James Thorp about fetal malformations as well ... Truth needs to get through via the media and if it can't, there is a bigger problem.

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Agree, Sludge-- thruth needs to get through via the media, but it isn't and we all do have a bigger problem: what we call the global predators, the "elite," or globalists.

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I am sure the media will attempt to use the truth of the jab to their advantage before the elections. Probably their last big arrow at Trump.

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I agree with you 100%.

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Perhaps it could start with one prominent colossal voice, to start the domino effect. Immediately after, I think there need to be 10 prominent big-name people saying something in a coordinated fashion, just like the media does. Then perhaps 20 more big-name people would be inspired and empowered to make a similar statement, and so on…becoming exponential. One major problem is that “We the People”, fail to plan strategically like the Media and Military Medical Complex. They can quickly neutralize or curtail the influence of one-off truth-tellers, but it would be far more difficult if an avalanche of people spoke blast waves of truth.

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I agree. Someone with a huuuge voice needs to say something on camera publicly where it can’t be ignored.

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That will NEVER happen unless Trump wins in November. Do you imagine there's ANY chance of ANY justice under the umbrella of the psychopaths in lockstep? The carefully timed call to RFK, that just happened to "leak" - you can't possibly think that's a coincidence. What it says is "I know, and I have not forgotten."

Trump certainly isn't perfect, but I don't see perfect anywhere on the horizon. We know what the left has in store. So there it is.

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Way past time for apology from President warp speed... He could have done that at convention, but instead flaunted his ear patch, after having raped the GOP platform, I might add. I understand he was introduced at convention by the world wrestling reality actor platform from which he crawled out.

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I couldn’t agree more with you Sludge.

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I would add that the US/UK has intelligence operatives crawling throughout China particularly throughout the finance and IT sectors.

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Thank you so much Sasha, Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin! I'm in Canada and would need to have access to the documents you found between Canada and consortium . Would it be possible for you to direct me to the files you have found? You can reach me here. nicole@thecpu.ca thanks

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Please take this as a comment from the heart. I think incredibly highly of all of you. Your interview scared the shit out of me.

While Sasha is indeed brilliant and insightful, for the wonderful Breggin's who have been fighting the forces of evil for decades at extreme risk and incredible personal sacrifice to themselves were surprised by what Sasha said was frightening. If you, with your education, experiences, intelligence, and most importantly your human soul are just learning what Sasha said shows the power of the Deep State Propaganda machine. To think for a moment the Bushes, of 911 coverup and global recasting, have any love for America is unbelievable to me. Whether it was Grandpa Bush funding Hitler to ensure another world war to make a lot of money, turn America into a global empire, and to destroy American independence by creating a global elite governments created and controlled by the Communist (Harry Dexter White and Alger Hiss) via the UN and Breton Woods, to think anything Bush had any love of freedom is very naive.

I am truly glad that you heard and promoted Sasha's message. She just scratched the surface and that's what scared the shit out of me. If people as great as the Breggins are just learning the truth, the job of spreading the message is going to be much harder than I prayed. Love all of you and keep doing what you're doing. You are on the right side of history and of God. Bless you all.

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Absolutely! Sasha said nothing new and only a tiny fraction of reality.

A complete nothing burger of an interview. They didn't even let her speak.

What a joke. They invite a guest and then rumble on and on about their own stuff.


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so, you wanted to hear more from me? thank you. But you are not polite to my hosts.

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One of the most interesting points Sasha made was about the nature (psychological makeup) of these globalist predators and that includes all the politicians and media people that push their agenda. They are white collar sociopaths and psychopaths.

I was able to retire 10 years ago and became totally fascinated by what I will call real history- the groups who financed the psychopaths that created revolutions.

Sasha mentioned how "they" create money out of thin air (fiat currency).

When I investigated what was going on in Russia in the late 1800s through the 1917 workings and thereafter it was very hard for me psychologically, but I had to know how it worked. The incredible horrors foisted upon millions of Russians made me feel real bad.

I was never taught that Lenin, Trotsky, and company received over $60,000,000 : something like $20,000,000 from the Wall Street Warburg group, and another $20,000,000 from the Rockefeller-Morgan-Carnegie, and others group, and millions from the City of London (Rothschilds), and bankers from Germany.

Sasha hit a home run when she said communism was a bunch of rich people controlling the poor. Some 10 years ago I truly realized communism was a cult which never gave a damn about the workers. I always knew about the evils but over the last 10 years I learned too many of the details.

From multiple sources I read that starting in 1829, Clinton Roosevelt in New York City wanted a Manifesto written. I also read from many sources that Karl Marx and Engels plagiarized much of what was in their Communist Manifesto.

Adolph Hitler was also bankrolled by Wall Street and other big financiers.

The horrific French Revolution beginning in 1789 was run by financiers and by Grand Orient Freemasons (there is a huge difference between the average Mason and those who make it to 33rd degree and higher, and over 90% of Masons have no idea what is going on) . It may have been the Rothschild who wanted the starting date to be 1789.

Sasha mentioned satanism. I found that to be the case in all groups. Satanism is often practiced by the "core group" which few know about. Stanley Kubrick touched upon something when he showed the social affair in his movie "Eyes Wide Shut".

All these horror shows are made to look constructive because the media (run by certain secret societies) made the communists look wonderful (using that word "socialism").

When people ask me why so much of the public accepts the lies and the horror I tell them it is this mainstream (legacy) media that pushes the lies. These "journalists" and TV people get paid huge sums of money to lie. They too are sociopaths.

I learned a lot from the Breggins' book and a lot from this podcast especially the major role that DARPA played.

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In Capitalism men exploit men. In Communism it's the other way around.

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In journalism men/women steal good words from men/women. I am doing this now... :)

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So i will be doing to! Reminds me of this: sharing something material divise it, while sharing something immaterial multiply it 😉

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No problem. I hought that this was well known in Eastern Europe.

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lots of good that did them...

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Hooooo damn! That is such a great and simple saying! I WILL use this abusively. Never heard ti! Glad i scrolled down enough for this. Hehe so nice. Love it!😃

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On that note, if or when we the people push this Bill to pass, we will have affectively removed the Financial Trojan Horse HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE by Rep Massie…it is in the first stages. Tremendous support must follow all the way thru to the Presidents desk for his signature. Pass this bill HR8421To counter the favorite totalitarian tool of tyranny (CBDC) via the UnConstitutional Trojan Horse Federal Reserve.

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God help us all surely these people enjoy mass murder it’s in their DNA

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Hello Sues: Idiots and mass murderers are the only archetype left standing after any cease fire... Our specie has been encouraging this reproductive attribute for over 5000 years. Writers, poets, artists, and thinkers are the first to fall... Simple selective breeding...

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And Just Now -

There ‘They’ Go


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Saw this today. Crowdstrike mishap(practice run) reported by Redacted.

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Interesting possibility

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Thanks. I like Redacted but I missed this show. Whitney Webb is one of the best investigators. She is compulsive in getting details straight. Crowdstrike- answers to Blackrock.

Maybe the USA needs to become two countries. Let the Communist Democrats live together. Communists and anarchists always wind up killing each others- happens in every filthy revolution.

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Make sure you look into the role of privately owned Central Banks. It is not coincidental the Russian Communists left open the Warburg’ s (Rothschild’s) bank. As aRothschild is said to have stated “I care not who controls a nation’s political affairs, so long as I control her currency”. Wait until they control everyone’d digital currency. Great post.

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On that note, if or when we the people push this Bill to pass, we will have affectively removed the Financial Trojan Horse HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE by Rep Massie…it is in the first stages. Tremendous support must follow all the way thru to the Presidents desk for his signature. Pass this bill HR8421To counter the favorite totalitarian tool of tyranny (CBDC) via the UnConstitutional Trojan Horse Federal Reserve.

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A better approach would be Revocation of Corporate Charters and seizure of ALL assets against the Bank for International Settlements, Rothschild banking, Barclays banking services, and the International Monetary Fund. The Federal Reserve has been surrogate to these financial trade interests since inception. Representative Massie needs an education in that regard.

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It is critical to understand that all of the aforementioned dictatorships went after the unions., which benefited the Capitalist. It is not coincidental Bonhoeffer's famous quote is paraphrased as " then they came for the trade unionist....."

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On that note, if or when we the people push this Bill to pass, we will have affectively removed the Financial Trojan Horse HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE by Rep Massie…it is in the first stages. Tremendous support must follow all the way thru to the Presidents desk for his signature. Pass this bill HR8421To counter the favorite totalitarian tool of tyranny (CBDC) via the UnConstitutional Trojan Horse Federal Reserve.

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Now you know that it's not China etc. Sasha has tried to explain this to Naomi Wolf, but she keeps talking like it's China that did all of this!

Sasha has also explained how gain of function is mythology, as it does not work.

There's also a huge red herring with the shots where many focus on spike protein, mRNA, etc ignoring the point that the lipid platform of these shots is toxic and has been years before covid!

Like gain of function, these are things to distract from the facts.


Y'all might be interested in something that I found that explains how they keep us numb to reality...


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Yes, let’s not forget that the Chinese did not inject their public with weird mRNA vaccines.

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Here is an explanation of what is really going on in the shots - the spike protein does not exist and is in fact a protein corona that is cytotoxic and sterilizing around nanoparticles. Countless labs find the self assembling tech that is always leading to the expression of these "protein coronas" : http://xochipelli.fr/2022/12/the-necro-corona-of-molecular-spikes-of-graphene-oxide-and-not-the-invisible-coronavirus-induces-a-smog-in-the-human-organism/#07

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The "China" footage was courtesy of the NED.

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

God bless you three for all the work you do!

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Jul 20Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Sasha, you were a student at the Red University in Kiev in the same years as my wife, Larysa Parchevska. She was in Biology/Botany. I met her in 1993 and we were married in Kiev “Zaks” in 1995 and now live in Thousand Oaks, CA. I admire your thinking So Much. I am Barry Morgan.

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thank you, please send my regards to Larysa.

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

May I tell her what year you were “Diploma’d” and what “Faculty” you were in - if I am correct it was “Red U” - now Schevschenko U.

She has several friends from there. I am a relatively ignorant American Biochemist (retired) who may not be saying this right.

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I worked “close to the rock face” in Biopharma Product Dev from 1975 to 2015 and studied Health Care Policy etc at UCSF. You are an exceptional writer & investigator. I wish you well and now have some New reading to do. 🤩

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You speak “Biomedical Technology Regulation” extremely well for a language major. 🧐👏

I presented on “Relationship Between Pharmaceutical Industry and Government in the US” at the Health Ministry building in 1994. I was Very Naive Then. 🤣😂🤣

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I got my MBA at Dartmouth and worked in pharma R&D all my career afterwards. There is nothing special to biomedical technology regulation, but it requires good English reading skills :)

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I was a foreign languages major.

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Speaks to the quality of the Soviet education. Someone degreed in foreign languages gets an MBA with subsequent career in pharma R&D!

I recall, preparing for entrance exams to math department, I used to practice on old math exams to language/non-science Departments because these old exams were quite solid.

Seeing GMAT for the first time, I thought someone was playing a joke on me.

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yes, GMAT is not difficult. The difficulty for me was to do the math assignments in the language that I didn't learn math in.

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Yea, that’s why when I took my diagnostic, I scored only 93 percentile))

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I have always been impressed by your speaking. You don't throw out ridiculously fancy, esoteric words to get your points across. You could fit in perfectly in any conversation we street kids had in Brooklyn, New York in the 50s and 60s because you come across as one of the street guys or girls-so down to earth.

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you. It is intentional. I feel that many experts love the esoteric incomprehensible language as a shield - so that a lay man can't see through their bullshit easily. I speak for the common men and women.

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I am running this on my stack in cue

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Great interview ! the vaccine wars are just beginning. Get your game face on!

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Agreed! We must resist fear and resist any attempts to curtail our freedoms. - Ginger

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Please study this website:


I have been a Targeted Individual for thirty-four years, which is half my enitre life.

Shasha talked about the untold TRILLIONS of dollars allocated to the DoD which are unaccounted for. Some of those TRILLIONS of missing dollars go to hidden torture programs, using directed energy weapons and numerous other kinds of harassment. The conservative estimate is that there are 400,000 victims of this torture in the United States and six million worldwide, but those numbers are almost certainly underestimates, because most targeted individuals never become consciously aware that they are being targeted. My life partner was among that cohort. So are my family members, neighbors, and others who have befriended me. Most seriously targeted individuals commit suicide due to the torture to which they are subjected. I sincerely wish you would investigate this. TargetedJustice.com/

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Correct. Substack has been overwhelmed with 'information' enthusiasts hijacking comments sections and distracting attention from valid topics. Many of these persons have been hired by the usual suspects.

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin


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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Fantastic interview!

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I haven't even listened to it yet but agree wholeheartedly! I know it will be top notch:).

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Jul 23Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

So many clear, profound ideas voiced by Latypova from the sadism of the satanists to the nihilism of Newtonian biology. She also has the gift of wry wit coupled with sincere humanism. I can't stop laughing when she talks about Clown Schwab and Spectrum Gates. This was a most auspicious conversation. It encourages the hope that people will wake up, come together and see humanity's true power and divinity.

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Hiding in plain sight. Great interview. Thank you.

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Fantastic : )

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At its core it is a spiritual battle. We wrestle not against flesh and blood... We are told this. Working, by the grace of God, in tandem with Jesus Christ, and making a continued effort within ourselves to fully adhere to his commandments and teachings, is the only truly viable course for overcoming the Prince of the Air; Lucifer, and his minions. Therefore, put on the whole armor of Christ. It begins with you. (Check out Renovation of the Heart - Putting on the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard

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The 'war' is about civilians being converted into commodities by incorporated legal structures operating as entrenched oligarchy specifies. God's (obviously) do not sanction financial 'arrangements' between States, Nations, and peoples. It's pretty damn simple.

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We have been overwhelmed on all fronts in this global war the cabal is waging against us little people. We are not just losing this war, we are losing it badly. If we don't drastically change our objectives and tactics then we have already lost this war.

All we do is talk about the problems. Talk is cheap. Here is my suggestion. Stop talking about the problems. Start talking about viable solutions with the operative word being 'viable'. I'm in Canada and I do this on my own website and blog. Spoiler alert, here in Canada, no one is actually interested in winning this war.

There is only one way we can win this war and we are not doing it. In fact, not only are we not doing the one and only thing that can win this global war for us, we consciously choose not to do it. In Canada, all we have are fake freedom fighters that have prioritized their petty turf wars, egos and echo chambers over the only course of action that can win this war for us.

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Hi Ian, I am in Canada as well. I am trying to get people to understand what is happening, but no one is interested. They do not engage, stonewall me with silence and avoid me if they can. I know what you are saying, Canadians are a bunch of brainwashed sheep unable or unwilling to use their brains. I grew up in communist regime, came to Canada in the 80s. I realized early where this is going, have been reading since then to understand more about the agenda timeline and goals. Moved from Toronto to the woods in NS, considering going back to Poland, if the war against Russia is over, although it does not look this way. What is your website?

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It's slightly better in the States. But even here in Freedom Country we put too much hope in Washington. A lot of MAGA comes from sheer desperation. Many who secretly dislike Trump see him as our only hope. Easier than admitting our government and all major institutions are hopelessly corrupt and trying to start our own everything in order to break away. Even if we could successfully break away, the stuff we could build would be less comfortable and convenient than the stuff the Kabal owns. Big box stores and chain restaurants offer more variety than Mom & Pop operations. Farmer's markets aren't open 24 hours. Alternate websites will be passed over for Big Tech platforms because "If it's not on Facebook no one will see it."

Frustrating. Sometimes I get so angry at being mocked and told how crazy I am by my conservative, triple boosted family members. They support Trump, "Because we have no other options. We can't handle four more years of Bideonomics." I tell them this is not by accident, the petro dollar is meant to implode, both parties are in on it, and we should prepare. Glazed look or eye rolling. I fear the Trump shots will kill them soon.

Just trying to vote again is easier than trying to become self-sustaining at the local level. But the latter is necessary for surviving what lies ahead. I'm not talking about saving America or making it great again. I'm talking about saving your neighbors and family members and keeping your children alive.

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Yep. We get told to stifle ourselves by those closest to us. Just wait till these clueless goofs lose all their wealth and freak out. WE understand what’s coming. They’ll be jumping off the roofs:/ 🤦‍♀️

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Let's connect. You can reach me through the contact page on my website or by sending email to info@virusfraud.org.

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The key is to figure out what no one is talking about, because those are the issues that really matter. Do you think exposing a global democide in 2020-2022 might have the potential to shatter the world order? Because there is strong evidence it occurred, contained in the official mortality data that NO ONE is talking about or analyzing--at least in the US, Canada, and probably elsewhere around the world (I'll be putting up an article about the Canada data soon). Find the data here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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30.9 million killed between 2020 and 2022:


Here is a list of the top 10 countries by absolute number of excess deaths for the period 2020-2022:

United States (USA)

Excess Mortality: 1,392,962

Russia (RUS)

Excess Mortality: 1,340,131

Brazil (BRA)

Excess Mortality: 843,047

Mexico (MEX)

Excess Mortality: 709,033

Italy (ITA)

Excess Mortality: 303,446

Germany (DEU)

Excess Mortality: 264,713

South Africa (ZAF)

Excess Mortality: 248,980

United Kingdom (GBR)

Excess Mortality: 244,415

Colombia (COL)

Excess Mortality: 190,870

Spain (ESP)

Excess Mortality: 188,935

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Interesting that Rancourt's study looks at 3 possibilities for the cause of the democide--none of which involved an actual democide:

-"Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes" (I.E., mistakes were made).

-"Non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics)" (I.E., mistakes were made, and besides, everyone signed a consent form.)

-"COVID-19 vaccine injection rollouts, including repeated rollouts on the same populations" (I.E., mistakes were made, and besides, everyone signed a consent form)

The US mortality data clearly points on the surface to mass-murder--possibly some kind of chemical weapon or radiation poisoning--NOT "mistakes were made."

I've heard people claim the deaths in the NYC mass casualty event were associated with poverty before, but never seen any persuasive evidence of it. The NYC mass casualty event killed 50k extra people in 25 contiguous counties in the NYC metropolitan area over 8 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal. The location of the excess deaths shows they decreased by county with distance from an apparent epicenter near NY harbor, where deaths were highest. You can see a location diagram here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/9/11/chemical-weapon-kills-50000-in-nyc-no-one-cares

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Rancourt is a democide apologist, sadly. he does some good data analysis. but then explains away his own findings by some liberal trope like sociodemographic nonsense.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko lived in Brooklyn in Kings County, with the second highest % increase (543%) in deaths in April 2020, based on your chart.

What do you think about his repeated insistence that early treatment of symptoms with Ivermectin / HCQ / EGCG / (other Zinc ionophore) + Zinc is what saved all his patients?

Because he learned this information from reading Ralph Baric's published papers?

That Zinc Ionophore + Zinc inhibits viral replication?

That Zinc is the "bullet" and the Zinc ionophore is the "gun?"

If this wasn't really the case, how did he save so many people using this method?

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Brooklyn, and Kings County is a highly populated place. If the 'highest increase in deaths in April 2020' is true-- then Dr. Zelenko is even further confirmed in his heroic work to save lives in his religious community. His protocol enabled him to save every patient who came to him during that time. Here is the first hand account by Dr. Zelenko's brother about that time, when his brother Frank, was working with Zev Zelenko to care for their community: https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/the-lifesaving-zelenko-protocols

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

His second most important heroic contribution was exposing the globalist plan for the incoming herd culling and financial takeover. He would talk about it on every platform that would host him, yet NO ONE on mainstream news would dare repeat this to the public.

The closest he got was being on Dr. Drew (this interview was deleted from YouTube):


And even his interviews with Ann Vandersteel's Rumble channel were deleted:



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I don't think there is any "early treatment" for a chemical weapon attack or radiation poisoning. Look at the characteristics of the deaths in the NYC mass casualty event--it can be used as a kind of litmus test for the viability of claims about cause. Explain how your claims fit the evidence.

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See our book: Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. https://breggin.com/We-are-the-Prey

SOME sort of disease entity was afoot-- and was called COVID-19. Some people died from the lack of treatment for that disease. Dr. Zelenko prevented that outcome of death in his patients through his protocol. Many people who developed the virulent and cases, and pneumonia, and thus ended up in the hospitals were then killed by further lack of treatment, ventilators, remdesivir, withholding of antibiotics/steroids/vitamin D/ and so forth.

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What do you think about Dr. Zelenko's paper referenced from that Dr. Drew Sep 2020 interview?



Results: Of 335 positively PCR-tested COVID-19 patients, 127 were treated with the triple therapy. 104 of 127 met the defined risk stratification criteria and were included in the analysis. In addition, 37 treated and eligible patients who were confirmed by IgG tests were included in the treatment group (total N=141). 208 of the 335 patients did not meet the risk stratification criteria and were not treated. After 4 days (median, IQR 3-6, available for N=66/141) of onset of symptoms, 141 patients (median age 58 years, IQR 40-67; 73% male) got a prescription for the triple therapy for 5 days. Independent public reference data from 377 confirmed COVID-19 patients of the same community were used as untreated control. 4 of 141 treated patients (2.8%) were hospitalized, which was significantly less (p<0.001) compared with 58 of 377 untreated patients (15.4%) (odds ratio 0.16, 95% CI 0.06-0.5). Therefore, the odds of hospitalization of treated patients were 84% less than in the untreated group. One patient (0.7%) died in the treatment group versus 13 patients (3.5%) in the untreated group (odds ratio 0.2, 95% CI 0.03-1.5; p=0.16). There were no cardiac side effects. Conclusions: Risk stratification-based treatment of COVID-19 outpatients as early as possible after symptom onset with the used triple therapy, including the combination of zinc with low dose hydroxychloroquine, was associated with significantly less hospitalizations and 5 times less all-cause deaths.

Dr. Zelenko claimed (along with many others like Dr. McCullough) that early treatments were demonized and banned because the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) depended on no treatments being available.

If Dr. Zelenko's treatment saved lives in the NYC Mass Casualty Event, we should figure out how that could be possible. What were people REALLY sick from there?

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

All that said, the international mortality data is fascinating, and definitely points by the sheer numbers to a democide--intentional mass-murder.

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Agree we are in the middle of a democide-- actually in progress for decades but massively accelerated in 2020 forward. Here is our interview with Dr. Jim Thorp that illuminates the massive increase in infertility, stillbirths, infant deaths and more:


And here is Dr. Breggin's paper on deaths in the US from this COVID operation:


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