Steve Bannon (War Room) and Dr. Breggin Announce The Hope is Fuel Online Summit
Your life is about to change for the better....
In the past three years, rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide have tripled. Loss of identity and purpose is rampant and a collective fear and sadness has become overwhelming. Morale has reached an all time low no matter where you find yourself in the world.
We need a solution. Answers we can trust.
On Saturday, March 18th, 2023, eight mental health experts are coming together to offer time-tested solutions for anxiety, depression, and despair beyond dangerous drugs, outdated theories, and New Age platitudes.
Peter Breggin, MD will be one of these presenters.
“So you go to a psychiatrist,” Dr. Breggin explained to Steve Bannon, “expecting to meet somebody who knows more about people and lives and suffering than maybe your grandmother or your wife or husband. And he is actually an ignoramus, who has bought into a materialistic religion, that gives them a lot of power and a lot of money. And unfortunately, psychotherapy, social work.—the various aspects of the mental health field are dominated by psychiatry. We need an alternative therapy that ties into the values of the Judeo-Christian traditions and religions and into the Declaration of Independence. I've been thinking a lot about this. I have the honor lately of working with a lot of people in the movement who see me and they come to me and talk to me and they've got good values. That's the basic starting point.”
Learn more at this fascinating online summit, March 18, 2023.
Any talk that includes Dr. Breggin’s wise thoughts about ways to heal distresses of all kinds without psych drugs is well worth anyone’s time!
Excellent spot today!!! Bannon is the GOAT. Looks like he’s got Malone’s number.