Psychiatry has been the enforcer of choice used by strong-arm governments for as long as it has existed. After all, psychiatry is the perfect cover to make targeted individuals do what government wants. If psychiatry is targeting a person it can be considered a private medical matter— not a matter of the State or a police action.
And as a bonus for the authoritarians: Psychiatry diagnoses the targeted person and the diagnosis says it is this person who is sick/wrong/out of step. Nothing to see here—just a sick person. Move right along.
Finally, for the oppressors, as a double bonus: Psychiatry is able to administer powerful drugs and even electroshock that prevent clear thinking, and in fact can cause (from the drugs) a chemical lobotomy and other brain damage, and brain damage in the case of electroshock. See Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Second Edition, by Peter R. Breggin MD. This tactic of drugging or shocking the targeted critic neutralizes that individual.
Dr. Breggin is featured in an eye-opening interview by Sherry Strong of Childrens Health Defense Canada where we learn more about how psychiatry is now targeting COVID critics and resisters.
by Ginger Ross Breggin
Dr. Breggin is interviewed by Sherry Strong, Childrens Health Defense Canada
Our latest book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, on sale in the U.S. at www.WeAreThePrey.com, and for sale at bookstores and online stores worldwide.
Find us at Twitter: @WeAreThePrey @GingerBreggin
Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com
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You Breggins continue to power through. With much admiration and thanks. 📣
As long as there is no consequences ( jail time and/or fines) our government officials will not stop lying. Smith-Mundt Modernization Act signed into law by Obama (traitor) allows them to legally lie to us. Without consequences they are open to doing what the highest bidder desires. It then becomes up to us to higher the lawyer, go to court and fight them on constitutionality, leaving us always a step behind. Amongst all that is going on this law has got to be brought to light and changed!!